Transformative Leadership and Sustainable Innovation in Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Cover of Transformative Leadership and Sustainable Innovation in Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives


Table of contents

(17 chapters)

This chapter highlights the key areas for the leadership and innovation research agenda in 2035. This agenda will direct researchers’ focus to the core transversal skills that individuals must have amidst the shift toward a greener and digitalized economy. Such skills include leadership, management, creativity, communication, and adaptability. The role of macro governmental policies and micro organizational policies is of great significance to ensure the implementation (if any) of these changes and of core to the research agenda. This chapter will also guide researchers to the challenges at the higher education level that need to be addressed to ensure the balance between the skills and knowledge acquired by workers through education and the needs of businesses in order to increase productivity and innovation.


This chapter explores the role and impact of adaptive thinking and transformational leadership in developing and leading an enabling culture that aligns with a school’s vision and mission. This chapter will also probe the varying dimensions that enable or inhibit a school culture and the tools needed to shape and maintain it including the challenges posed in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In this chapter, examples of adaptive challenges, data-driven instructions, and effective use of technology, will be referred to as one dimension of a culture that shows alignment or lack of it with the school’s vision and mission, the role and impact of transformative adaptive leadership on school’s overall culture, especially in the UAE, and MENA region. Finally, this chapter will examine the impact of adaptive and distributed leadership in leading a cultural change.


Digital transformation is becoming a necessity for all organizations all over the world. The importance of digital transformation is not only applicable to the private sector but also extends to the public sector. Kuwait boasts the Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA), a pivotal entity entrusted with the mission of spearheading investment promotion across diverse sectors. More importantly, the focus has been recently on investing in digital transformation technologies where their statistics show that 33% of their investment are in emerging technologies. However, the success of KDIPA was not a mere chance or coincidence where it is really attributed to the transformative leadership that it has. It started to invest in projects that develop the talents and skills of Kuwaitis to create sustainable development and bring innovative technologies to the state of Kuwait. This chapter provides an overview of digital transformation and the role of KDIPA and its transformative leadership in attaining the strategic development goals for a new Kuwait Vision of 2035.


Technology-enhanced learning (TEL), particularly in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM), revolutionizes educational approaches by fostering active, transformative learning and expediting the learning process. TEL employs various tools like online courses, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, virtual reality (VR), simulations, makerspaces, visual learning, and project-based learning, all contributing to accelerated learning in STEAM. A notable TEL innovation is the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI chatbots, exemplified by the release of GPT-3 in December 2022. These tools utilize extensive parameters to generate natural language and perform tasks such as classification and prediction, thereby offering personalized and collaborative learning experiences essential for STEAM education. The generative pre-training transformer (GPT), a leading model in natural language processing (NLP), excels in generating human-like text and handling complex tasks like translation, summarization, and question answering. This chapter explores TEL environments that support transformative learning in STEAM, focusing on AI models. It reviews research on TEL’s impact on STEAM education, discussing the constructionism theory and emphasizing TEL’s role in creating engaging, student-centered learning experiences. However, challenges like technology access, instructor training, infrastructure, internet connectivity, and hardware resources are crucial. Additionally, the rise of AI brings ethical concerns regarding privacy, security, and potential biases in AI algorithms. Despite these hurdles, TEL’s potential to enhance STEAM learning experiences and accelerate the educational process is significant. By effectively implementing TEL strategies and leveraging LLMs and AI tools, educators can substantially improve learning outcomes in STEAM education.


Metaverse means a world in which virtual and reality interact and co-evolve, and social, economic, and cultural activities are carried out in it immersively. In this scenario, it goes beyond just combining the physical and virtual worlds – there is a continuity between them, creating an ecosystem that merges the two universes (physical and virtual). This scenario is considered an innovative educational environment that enhances technologies related to the metaverse, which results in the fusion of resources and elements from the real with the virtual. Thus, the goal of this chapter is to map what an innovative digital learning environment with the metaverse looks like. In order to address these issues, a comprehensive and integrative review was conducted in the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. (1) What is the metaverse? and (2) How can metaverse be used to create a cutting-edge digital learning environment? Results show that the metaverse may be integrated with problem-based learning, gamification, and maker culture approaches to create an even more creative and successful learning environment. This chapter will give an illustration of how a creative digital learning environment may be created utilizing the metaverse.


Mentoring has been shown to positively affect student engagement, confidence, leadership, and skills. It is through the development of relationships, knowledge sharing, increased engagement, and a sense of belonging that mentors gain confidence and build leadership skills. However, little is known about the types of leadership, practices, and behaviors that mentors develop when undertaking the mentorship role. The purpose of this study is to examine the development of exemplary leadership practices that the mentoring role nurtures in undergraduate female student mentors. In particular, this study adopted the Kouzes and Posner (2002) transformational and servant leadership practices model to collect data from undergraduate female mentors (n = 94) and mentees (n =142). Results demonstrated significant correlations among all Student Leadership Practices Inventory Scale (S-LPI) subscales – Inspite a shared vision, Model the way, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, and Encourage the heart – and provided evidence for the association of the mentoring role with the development of transformational and servant practices. However, among the five transformational leadership practices, Inspire a shared vision was not correlated with the mentoring role. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that curriculum developers of undergraduate programs create curricula containing an array of peer teaching/mentoring experiences based on clear roles and job descriptions for mentors. Further research is recommended to explore the impact of mentoring programs with a wider sample of students from diverse backgrounds.


University education in Nigeria has been in existence for over seven decades. The expansion and development are astronomical considering the number when the first university college was established. Currently, over 198 universities are spread across the length and breadth of the country. In spite of the expansion and development in this sector over time, the mode in which Nigerian scholars and researchers conduct research is often titled toward quantitative methods, thereby abandoning qualitative and mixed methods paradigms. Effort is geared toward establishing the reasons for the overrepresentation of quantitative paradigms in research space and the future of qualitative and mixed methods paradigms in Nigerian universities. A qualitative method was adopted in this study. In line with the approach, the interpretive paradigm is used to understand and make sense from the participants’ responses on the phenomenon. Narrative analysis is used to analyze the data. Findings indicated that old scholars and researchers are novices in qualitative and mixed methods research, that quantitative methods are scientific and the findings can be submitted to generalization, hence its overrepresentation. However, foreign-trained scholars and researchers are extending the future of these research approaches in Nigerian universities through the transfer of knowledge and skills.


Scholars working in the field of the economics of education have long documented how investment in girls’ education delivers the greatest return in terms of societal wellbeing (see, e.g., Dollar & Gatti, 1999; Forbes, 2000; Klasen, 2002). Unfortunately, mainstream economists have quite a narrow interpretation of wellbeing, the rate of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) usually serves as the main barometer. The problem here is that higher rates of economic growth do not necessarily imply improved outcomes in terms of gender equality. Getting girls in school certainly represents progress. There are 129 million girls around the world who are not in school (UNICEF, 2022), and there are numerous obstacles to overcome if this problem is to be seriously addressed. The good news is that far more attention is being devoted to girls’ education and the empowerment of women today than in the past, as countless NGOs and charities have sprung up in recent years that focus on these issues. A key question, however, is whether it is sufficient just to get girls to attend school. Less attention seems to be paid to what they actually do when they get there. Admittedly, some education is better than none at all, but what if girls attended schools where the measure of success was less focussed on exam results, getting a good job, and growing GDP? In this chapter, we present the case for school education that aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Green School for Girls (GS4G) – a pilot programme – seeks to implement a curriculum and pedagogy that will produce strong, independently minded, entrepreneurial young women, capable of earning a good living for themselves and their families in a fashion that is in harmony with the interests of the community and the natural environment.


For education systems to meet the demands of the knowledge economy and prepare their students to be adequately skilled for a more diversified economy in the Arabian Gulf, bold and innovative initiatives must be taken in order to ensure that these skills contribute towards a sustainable knowledge economy. Gulf states have been preparing for a transition towards, what the World Bank calls ‘a knowledge economy’ (World Bank, 2013) where economies will be run by the skills and knowledge capital of their workforce with technology and its advancement playing a central role. Many governments have identified the education sector as a site in which such ambitions can be met and have therefore introduced models of education where English is the medium of instruction. The rationale behind such a decision is based on multiple reasons, mainly because English is considered by some as the language of science and discovery (see Crystal, 2003).

In all discussions surrounding the overhaul of education systems and the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) namely, goal number four (quality education), the notion of the language through which students learn is a neglected area of inquiry. English is increasingly becoming the language of instruction at the university and progressively at the school level too. This means that young students lose out on adequately learning their mother tongue. The chapter argues that only through forward, bold, and novel decisions to teach students in both Arabic and English can there be a guarantee of a more sustainable knowledge economy across the Gulf.


Blockchain is an innovative and emerging technology that allows the structuring of open data in a secure and decentralized manner. This technology, coupled with artificial intelligence (AI), is a driver of digital transformation that permeates all sectors of the economy. In this context, it becomes relevant to understand the applicability of AI and blockchain in education, more specifically their use in higher education. Thus, the following problem arises: how can blockchain technology and AI be applied to higher education? To answer this problem, the following objective was set: to map by means of a scoping review how AI and blockchain can be applied in education as a technology for higher education. To this end, a bibliometric search was conducted in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases, adopting the PRiSM methodology for scoping review. The results showed that blockchain and AI can be used in higher education through a smart contract that serves to motivate teamwork and student involvement in activities performed in the school context and also to increase machine reliability by establishing a chain of information. It is also concluded that these technologies will help form a generation ready to work in a more collaborative way, adopting attitudes of sustainability in its local and global context for solving complex problems of everyday life in the 21st century.


Higher education institutions like Effat University play a critical role in realizing the ambitious goals of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which emphasizes adaptability, agility, and sustainability in the educational sector. With the higher education landscape undergoing rapid transformation globally, institutions are compelled to rethink curricula and align more closely with the changing needs of students, industry, and the government. Effat University, situated at the confluence of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), shows adaptability, agility, and sustainability in the higher education sector. At the heart of Effat’s mission lies the IQRA core values, anchoring its academic and administrative endeavors and fostering graduates who are holistic, ethically grounded, and attuned to global challenges. This book chapter investigates Effat University’s distinctive approach, fortified by innovative initiatives, transformative leadership, expansive research activities, and the unwavering IQRA principles, as it positions itself to further the goals of Vision 2030 and the SDGs. Effat’s research, diverse in its scope and impact, ranges from cutting-edge technological advancements to interdisciplinary collaborations that address both local and global challenges.

Using a mixed-method approach and drawing from internal data and insights from the university’s archives the chapter underscores Effat University’s commitment to innovation, interdisciplinary education, research excellence, international collaborations, and sustainable practices, all harmonized by the guiding IQRA values. These concerted efforts resonate deeply with Vision 2030 and the SDGs, setting the stage for sustained academic excellence and solid foundation for future academic and societal progress.


With the progress of the education system, many technological inventions have been found to develop the learning and teaching process. Several factors contributed to the advancement of education, from computer-based materials to web-based programs and technical tools. All these have revolutionized the whole education system and changed it from a monotonous and traditional teacher-centered approach to a motivating and interactive learner-based approach. Recently, digital technology has been implemented in many educational processes to increase teacher–learner interaction. The main feature characterizing digital learning is the active engagement that transforms learners from passive attendants to active participants in the learning process. From this perspective, teachers and learners are considered educational technologists. The purpose of this chapter is to shift the role of creativity and critical thinking from teachers to learners and show how the latter could create authentic writing by employing technology that is used and needed in the workplace. In doing so, learners become ready for their career life, and they learn to be more creative and collaborative individuals.


As institutions acknowledge the importance of adopting digital transformation, the higher education setting is realising a prompt and transformative change internationally. This chapter explores the effect of digitalisation in the sphere of higher education, whilst underlining its significance for Kuwait. By adopting digital transformation, higher education institutions in Kuwait can facilitate robust sustainable development and adopt a culture of bold innovation. The objective of Kuwait Vision 2035 is to make use of digital transformation as an approach to enhance the overall quality of education. This may include incorporating advanced teaching methods, a modified curriculum, and innovative evaluation methods supported by technology. Digital tools can enhance the learning experience and provide students with a more interactive and engaging education. By capitalising on digital infrastructure, aiding teachers, and encouraging partnerships, Kuwait aims to prepare students with useful digital skills, advance innovation and stimulate progress in a knowledge-based economy. Likewise, by means of extensive and lifelong learning, Kuwait intends to be at the forefront of digital education by making a sizeable contribution to economic prosperity and sustainable development.


In this chapter, we present an introductory and definitive discussion of transformative leadership as a holistic and bold approach for the next generation of higher education. We integrate this concept with the idea of sustainable innovation. The chapter is divided into four sections, each addressing essential aspects of transformative leadership in higher education. In Section 1, we introduce a high-level integrated approach to transformative leadership in higher education institutions. We define and discuss the diverse pillars that form the foundation of this leadership style. In Section 2, we propose a contextual framework for transformative leadership as a value space. This framework provides guidelines and principles for crafting a transformative leadership strategy, and we offer indicative actions and initiatives for its deployment in higher education. To support the documentation of the transformative leadership strategy, Section 3 outlines simple designs for tools and instruments, including the transformative leadership scorecard and the systematic overview of the portfolio of transformative educational programs. We also emphasize the significance of social impact, research, innovation, and sustainability aspects within the strategy. In Section 4, we summarize the key takeaways from this chapter. Our contribution is manifold, as this chapter can serve as a valuable reference for administrators seeking to design and execute transformative leadership in universities and colleges. Additionally, it offers guiding principles for researchers interested in making further contributions in this domain.


This chapter examines how innovation and research are essential to the advancement of science, the economy, and society. We examine the current status of scientific research in Saudi Arabia, highlighting issues like financial limitations and a lack of skilled researchers. We emphasize how important it is to develop the next generation of scientists in order to transform existing practices and improve the state of scientific research in the country.

Proficiency in research and innovation is crucial for expanding the frontiers of knowledge, empowering scientists to tackle intricate problems, and advancing scientific rigor. These abilities also support the use of evidence in decision-making, enabling researchers to provide empirical data that inform practices and policies in a variety of industries. Sustained growth requires the formation of future leaders, who promote knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary collaboration.

Despite Saudi Arabia’s significant spending on science, problems still exist. Addressing governance deficiencies is demonstrated by the establishment of the Research, Development, and Innovation Authority in 2021. The nation has grown in the world’s scientific rankings, drawing eminent specialists and fostering cross-border cooperation. Still, there is room for improvement, especially when it comes to fostering a culture of research, improving financing sources, and encouraging international collaboration. It is imperative that these problems are resolved in order to avoid stagnation, guarantee ongoing innovation, and take advantage of chances for society’s progress.

The chapter ends with a call to action that highlights how quickly improvements must be made. Failing to do so runs the risk of stifling the advancement of science, preventing the creation of new technologies, and prolonging complicated issues. To lower risks, seize opportunities, and ensure that research and innovation continue to advance for the good of society, immediate action is necessary.


Saudi Arabia’s government’s dedication to modernizing and improving the country’s educational system has resulted in profound changes to the country’s educational environment. A key component of societal development, economic prosperity, and preparing the next generation for a changing environment is education. This chapter charts the historical development, emphasizing significant events and difficulties encountered at every educational level. The chapter describes the significant increase starting in the 1950s, focusing on worldwide standards while upholding moral principles, from its origins in Islamic studies to King Abdulaziz Al-Saud’s creation of a formal education system. Significant progress persisted into the 2000s, especially in the area of women’s education. This chapter also discusses the implication of Vision 2030 in Education and Research skills and provides significant insights for the elevation of the quality and the impact of education toward resilient social inclusive economic development in Saudi Arabia.

Cover of Transformative Leadership and Sustainable Innovation in Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Publication date
Book series
Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited