Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning

Issue(s) available: 58 – From Volume: 1 Issue: 1, to Volume: 14 Issue: 4


The journal of the University Vocational Awards Council

Cover of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
Volume 14
Volume 13
  • Issue 6 2023
  • Issue 5 2023 New problems, new solutions: role of HESWBL in global challenges
  • Issue 4 2023 Profound Digital Pedagogies: global perspectives
  • Issue 3 2023 Adult and Higher Education in Changing Global Contexts: Innovative Theory and Practices from Asian Countries and Beyond
  • Issue 2 2023
  • Issue 1 2023
Volume 12
Volume 11
Volume 10
  • Issue 5 2020 Transforming the Perception of Apprenticeships in England: Professional Careers in the Public Sector
  • Issue 4 2020 Higher and Degree Apprenticeships: Equality and Diversity Matter
  • Issue 3 2020
  • Issue 2 2020
  • Issue 1 2020
Volume 9
Volume 8
  • Issue 4 2018
  • Issue 3 2018 Work-based and vocational education as catalysts for sustainable development
  • Issue 2 2018
  • Issue 1 2018 Enterprise and entrepreneurship education in HE and work based learning
Volume 7
Volume 6
Volume 5
  • Issue 4 2015 Global perspectives on profound pedagogies
  • Issue 3 2015
  • Issue 2 2015
  • Issue 1 2015 Higher level vocational skills – part 1: contexts and issues arising from higher level vocational skills offered by colleges
Volume 4
  • Issue 3 2014 Enhancing employability through placements in Higher Education
  • Issue 2 2014 The Professional Doctorate
  • Issue 1 2014
Volume 3
  • Issue 3 2013
  • Issue 2 2013 Parttime study the new paradigm for higher education A selection of papers from the 2012 Conference of the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning
  • Issue 1 2013
Volume 2
Volume 1
  • Issue 2 2011
  • Issue 3 2011 The impact of the Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning on the development of workrelated learning in the UK
  • Issue 1 2011



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof Tony Wall