
Future Tourism Trends Volume 2

ISBN: 978-1-83753-971-0, eISBN: 978-1-83753-970-3

Publication date: 1 February 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Tanrisever, C., Pamukçu, H. and Sharma, A. (Ed.) Future Tourism Trends Volume 2 (Building the Future of Tourism), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Canan Tanrisever, Hüseyin Pamukçu and Anukrati Sharma. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Future Tourism Trends Volume 2

Series Title Page

Building the Future of Tourism

Series Editor: Anukrati Sharma

The world is entering the Third Millennium in which great changes are expected in all areas of human interest, life and activity. These changes have been brought on by past and present man-made events, which have had both positive and negative consequences. The coming millennium will be marked by significant social, political, demographic and technological changes, and will definitely differ from the last century. The future will bring more leisure time, a higher standard of living and a better quality of life for us all. This series examines recent and the most probable changes and gives a wide range of visionary insights, as well as operational takeaways

Forthcoming Volumes

Meaningful Tourism: Strategies and Futuristic Development

Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Vipin Nadda, and Ajit Kumar Singh

Emerald Handbook of Tourism Economics and Sustainable Development

Ahmed Imran Hunjra and Anukrati Sharma

Value Proposition for Tourism ‘Co-opetition’: Cases and tools

Adriana Fumi Chim Miki and Rui Augusto da Costa

Title Page

Future Tourism Trends Volume 2: Technology Advancement, Trends and Innovations for the Future in Tourism

Edited by

Canan Tanrisever

Kastamonu University, Türkiye

Hüseyin Pamukçu

Afyon Kocatepe University, Türkiye


Anukrati Sharma

University of Kota, India

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Canan Tanrisever, Hüseyin Pamukçu and Anukrati Sharma.

Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83753-971-0 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83753-970-3 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83753-972-7 (Epub)

List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1
Figure 1.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Airline Industry.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1. Data Cleaning and Sampling Process.
Figure 2.2. Frequency Variance of Studies Have Been Published in the Last 10 Years.
Figure 2.3. Countries and Branches of Science Where Works Have Been Published.
Figure 2.4. Focus of Articles.
Figure 2.5. Bee Colony Algorithm.
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1. Reasoned Action Theory.
Figure 4.2. Code System.
Figure 4.3. Code Map of Service Robots Usage Experience.
Figure 4.4. Code Map for Personal Service Delivery of Service Robots.
Figure 4.5. Code Map of the Departments/Fields of Usage of Service Robots.
Figure 4.6. Code Map of the Advantages/Disadvantages of the Usage of Service Robots.
Figure 4.7. Innovations and Differences to be Created by the Usage of Service Robots.
Figure 4.8. The Idea of Giving Orders to Service Robots and the Rights of Robots.
Figure 4.9. Usage of Service Robots in Accommodation Businesses in the Future.
Figure 4.10. Photo/Video Capture Behaviour of Participants.
Figure 4.11. Expressions of Enjoyment/Satisfaction of the Participants.
Figure 4.12. Curiosity/Interest Behaviour of Participants.
Chapter 9
Figure 9.1. Bringing Sustainability to Rural Tourism Through e-bikes.
Chapter 11
Figure 11.1. Publications by Year (2006–2023).
Figure 11.2. Publications by Authors.
Figure 11.3. Publications by Journals.
Figure 11.4. Publications by Countries.
Figure 11.5. Authors by Citations.
Figure 11.6. Authors by Citations From 2010 to 2023.
Figure 11.7. Journals by Citations.
Figure 11.8. Institutions by Citations.
Figure 11.9. Keywords Analysis.
Chapter 12
Figure 12.1. Alizarin Used Packaging.
Chapter 14
Figure 14.1. Childfree Manifesto.

Chapter 2
Table 2.1. Food Supply Chain and IoT.
Table 2.2. Smart and Sustainable Agriculture and Internet of Things (IoT).
Table 2.3. Waste Management and Internet of Things (IoT).
Chapter 5
Table 5.1. Comparison of 3D Food Printing Technologies.
Table 5.2. Findings Regarding the Demographic Characteristics of the Participants.
Table 5.3. Factor Loading, Mean and Standard Deviation of the Scale Statements.
Table 5.4. Examining 3D-Printed Food Attitude in Terms of Gender.
Table 5.5. Research of 3D-Printed Food Handling in Terms of Prior Knowledge of 3D-Printed Foods.
Table 5.6. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Test for Differences Between 3D-Printed Food Attitude and Age.
Table 5.7. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Test for Differences Between 3D-Printed Food Attitude and Class.
Chapter 9
Table 9.1. Factors That Enhance Smart Mobilities.
Chapter 11
Table 11.1. Publications by Citations.
Chapter 14
Table 14.1. Types of Professional Aunt With No Kids (PANKS).
Table 14.2. Principles of Professional Aunt With No Kids (PANKs).
Table 14.3. Engagement Guide for Professional Aunt With No (PANKs).

List of Contributors

Shruti Arora University of Kota, India
Cagdas Aydin Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Monika Barnwal K.R. Mangalam University, India
Gurkan Caliskan Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Serkan Çalışkan Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Özge Çaylak Dönmez Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Shilpi Chakravarty Manipal University Jaipur, India
Emel Çirişoğlu Istanbul Gelisim University, Türkiye
Debendra Nath Dash MGNCRE, MOE, GOI, India
Tevfik Demirciftci Colorado Mesa University Davis School of Business, USA
Cheryl Venan Dias Srinivassa Sinai Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, India
Seden Doğan Ondokuz Mayis University, Türkiye
Akif Gökçe Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Türkiye
Demet Güner Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Imosongla Jamir REVA University, India
Vijay Kumar Jamia Millia Islamia, India
Sarp Tahsin Kumlu Kocaeli University, Türkiye
Lenard Bunda Mhango Srinivassa Sinai Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, India
İlayda Zeynep Niyet University of South Florida, USA
Emrah Özkul Kocaeli University, Türkiye
Emre Samancıoğlu Kocaeli University, Türkiye
Burhan Sevim Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Anukrati Sharma University of Kota, India
Mehmet Umur Erciyes University, Türkiye
Emrah Yasarsoy Kastamonu University, Türkiye
Gökhan Yılmaz Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Türkiye
Nisan Yozukmaz Pamukkale University, Türkiye


In today's world, where the world is becoming a global village, and we are observing this more clearly with the Covid-19 epidemic, it is inevitable that tourism trends will differ. As the world entered a rapid digitalisation process with the epidemic, environmental concerns also came to the fore. Today's ‘new tourists’ are more seasoned travellers looking for untested vacation experiences. One of the main features of the new tourist is the need to get away from the monotony of daily life and achieve self-realisation in different ways. The tendency of ‘self-actualisation’ coincided with a period when technology was intense, causing a renewal in tourism as in every field. External environmental conditions heavily influence the international tourism market. The rise in the level of welfare in developed countries, the increase in leisure time, the experience of people in travel and the change in their socio-demographic structures have led to the emergence of new tourism trends in the travel market. The socio-demographic structure, in which changes such as the increase in the active youth population, the late marriage age, the increase in the number of families with multiple incomes, the increase in the number of families without children and the number of adults living alone are observed, causes significant changes in the demand for travel and leisure time. The resulting tourist types and needs reveal more specific travel types and activities. The active tourism concept has replaced the passive tourism concept. In this book, we tried to reveal future tourism trends by considering the current trends. In this context, Vol 1 is Tourism in Changing World and Vol 2 is Technology Advancement, Trends and Innovations for the Future in Tourism. We wish you a pleasant school.

Dr Canan Tanrisever

Dr Hüseyin Pamukçu

Dr Anurkrati Sharma

Part 1 Artificial Intelligence in Tourism
Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism
Part 2 Internet of Things (IoT)
Chapter 2 Internet of Things (IoT)-Focused Developments in the Food and Beverage Industry
Chapter 3 Internet of Things (IoT) in the Tourism Industry
Part 3 Robots, Chatbots and Automation
Chapter 4 Utilisation of Service Robots in Accommodation Businesses From the Perspective of the Technology Acceptance Model
Part 4 The New E-Tourism Models
Chapter 5 Perceptions of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Students Towards 3D Foods
Chapter 6 E-Tourism's Trends and Their Effects on Indian Tourism Industry
Part 5 Reality Technologies
Chapter 7 Reality Technologies (AR, VR, MR, XR) in Tourism
Part 6 Virtual Reality: New Experiences
Chapter 8 Virtual Tourism Influencers Promote New Triggers for Smart Travel
Chapter 9 An Assessment of Impacts and Challenges of Smart Mobilities in Tourism Destinations
Part 7 Voice Control and Voice Searching: More Trusted Tool in the Future
Chapter 10 Voice Control and Voice Searching
Part 8 New Techs in Gastronomy
Chapter 11 Service Robots in the Gastronomy Industry
Chapter 12 New Techs and Trends in Gastronomy
Part 9 Solo Travellers
Chapter 13 The Bold and the Beautiful: A Literature Review on Solo Female Travellers
Part 10 PANKS and PUNKS (Professional Aunts/Uncles With No Kids)
Chapter 14 PANKS and PUNKS (Professional Aunts/Uncles With No Kids)
Part 11 Sustainable Tourism
Chapter 15 Transmedia Storytelling and Creating a Regional Identity for Sustainable Tourism About Rajasthan – A Review
Part 12 Women Travellers: A Base for Gender Equality
Chapter 16 Women Solo Travellers: A Base for Gender Equality