Journal of Knowledge Management: Volume 1 Issue 4


Table of contents

Knowledge Management: An Emerging Discipline with a Long History

William Ives, Ben Torrey, Cindy Gordon

This paper places Knowledge Management in an historical perspective, frames some of the key questions and challenges which must be addressed as it rides the waves of management…


CEOs Visualizing Knowledge Management

Victor Newman

An opportunity exists to develop useful and authentic Knowledge Management strategies for competitive advantage through facilitating organizational decision‐makers within their…


Managing Knowledge‐based Value Systems

Javier Carrillo

The process of differentiating KM both as a business practice and a discipline is in a reflexive situation: it is happening amidst a major transformation of established criteria…


Rethinking Knowledge Work: Creating Value through Idiosyncratic Knowledge

William D. Guns, Liisa Välikangas

This paper adopts a way of looking at knowledge work that is inherently personal and more intimate: How we know depends on who we are. SRI’s Values and Lifestyles™ research offers…


The Human Organization

Joy Palmer

The Human Organization is a response to the network morphology. As networks supersede hierarchy as the predominant form of organization, fluid processes and flexible teams need to…


Aligning an Organization for Learning‐ The Six Principles of Effective Learning

Daryl Morey, Tim Frangioso

There is growing agreement that one of the primary drivers, if not the key driver of long‐term organizational effectiveness, is the ability of an organization to learn…


The Chief Knowledge Officer’s Role: Challenges and Competencies

Bob Guns

A survey has investigated the challenges and competencies needed by Chief Knowledge Officers, as well as the next stage in the development curve of CKOs. The primary role of the…


Intellectual Capital Management Strategy: The Foundation of Successful New Business Generation

Jack A. Nickerson, Brian S. Silverman

This paper describes a process that integrates business, technology and intellectual capital strategy to identify and exploit business opportunities. It then discusses how…

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  • Professor Manlio Del Giudice