
Sarah Pedersen (Robert Gordon University, UK)

The Politicization of Mumsnet

ISBN: 978-1-83909-471-2, eISBN: 978-1-83909-468-2

Publication date: 15 October 2020


Pedersen, S. (2020), "Prelims", The Politicization of Mumsnet (Society Now), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 2020, 2020 Sarah Pedersen. Published under an exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited.

Half Title Page

The Politicization of Mumsnet

Series Title Page


SocietyNow: short, informed books, explaining why our world is the way it is, now.

The SocietyNow series provides readers with a definitive snapshot of the events, phenomena and issues that are defining our 21st century world. Written leading experts in their fields, and publishing as each subject is being contemplated across the globe, titles in the series offer a thoughtful, concise and rapid response to the major political and economic events and social and cultural trends of our time.

SocietyNow makes the best of academic expertise accessible to a wider audience, to help readers untangle the complexities of each topic and make sense of our world the way it is, now.

Poverty in Britain: Causes, Consequences and Myths

Tracy Shildrick

The Trump Phenomenon: How the Politics of Populism Won in 2016

Peter Kivisto

Becoming Digital: Towards a Post-Internet Society

Vincent Mosco

Understanding Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union

Graham Taylor

Selfies: Why We Love (and Hate) Them

Katrin Tiidenberg

Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online

Crystal Abidin

Corbynism: A Critical Approach

Matt Bolton

The Smart City in a Digital World

Vincent Mosco

Kardashian Kulture: How Celebrities Changed Life in the 21st Century

Ellis Cashmore

Reality Television: The TV Phenomenon that Changed the World

Ruth A. Deller

Drones: The Brilliant, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Andy Miah

Digital Detox: The Politics of Disconnecting

Trine Syvertsen

The Olympic Games: A Critical Approach

Helen Jefferson Lenskyj

Title Page

The Politicization of Mumsnet

Sarah Pedersen

Robert Gordon University, UK

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2020

© 2020 Sarah Pedersen

Published under an exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83909-471-2 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83909-468-2 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83909-470-5 (Epub)


For the wise, witty and wonderful women of Mumsnet

About the Author

Sarah Pedersen is Professor of Communication and Media at Robert Gordon University. She also acts as Gender Equality Champion for the university.

Her research focuses on women's engagement with the media, using both historical and contemporary source material, including Twitter, blogs and of course Mumsnet. Her book The Scottish Suffragettes and the Press was published in 2017 by Palgrave Macmillan. The same year she was awarded funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund to produce an edition of the correspondence of Aberdeen suffragette and journalist Caroline Phillips. This work led to a plaque to Caroline Phillips being unveiled on Union Street in Aberdeen. Her work on the Scottish suffrage campaign has been praised in a motion to the Scottish Parliament and was highly commended by the judges of the British Records Association's annual Harley Prize. She was the Director of the Rise Up Quines! festival in Aberdeen in 2018, a festival celebrating the centenary of the (partial) achievement of the vote for women.


Many thanks to Justine Roberts and Rowan Davies of Mumsnet for their continued support for my research over the years. Many thanks to Robert Gordon University, and in particular to the School of Creative and Cultural Business, for supporting the writing of this book through the award of a research sabbatical. Many thanks as well to so many of my colleagues at the university, but in particular to Fiona Smith, Fiona McKay, Jo Royle, James Morrison, Peter Reid, Audrey Laing, Alison Watson, Natascha Mueller-Hirth, Lyndsey Bloice, Graeme Baxter, Michelle Lawrie, Andrew Pratt, Paul Hagan and David Gray. Many thanks in particular to Simon Burnett, Deborah Lupton, Gareth Thomas and Janet Smithson, with whom I have worked on the subject of Mumsnet over the years.

Many thanks to all at Emerald Publishing, but particularly Jen McCall, Carys Morley and Harriet Notman. Thanks too to Julie Bindel.

This book would not have been written without my reasons to go on Mumsnet in the first place, so many thanks to Thomas and Nikolas. Thanks to Bernard Tranter, my father, for commenting on a draft. Particular thanks to my husband Frederik, for everything really.