
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Regenerative Tourism and Green Destinations

ISBN: 978-1-83753-747-1, eISBN: 978-1-83753-746-4

Publication date: 9 July 2024

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(2024), "Index", Alnoor, A., Bayram, G.E., XinYing, C. and Shah, S.H.A. (Ed.) The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Regenerative Tourism and Green Destinations (New Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Management), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 397-406.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Alhamzah Alnoor, Gül Erkol Bayram, Chew XinYing and Syed Haider Ali Shah. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Adaptive cycle of tourism system
, 44

Adventure tourism
, 88

Agricultural tourism
, 377–378

, 36

, 377–378

, 377–378

, 72, 79–80

Algorithmic bias
, 310

Aloft Hotel in Portland
, 239

Alternative tourism
, 52

, 72

AMP Robotics
, 239

, 249

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 2, 4–5, 73, 86, 102, 106–107, 116, 130–132, 135, 167, 223–224, 247–248, 262, 304–305

effect of AI on Chinese tourism industry
, 121–124

AI-based personalized recommendations for eco-friendly activities and experiences
, 307–308

AI-driven customer experience in green destinations
, 307

AI-driven waste reduction and recycling strategies
, 306–307

AI-powered transportation optimization to reduce carbon emissions
, 307

AI-powered virtual assistants to assist travelers in making sustainable choices
, 308

AI-related case studies and best practices
, 311

, 2, 136–137

applications in sustainable tourism
, 306–308

challenges, opportunities, and future trends
, 177–179

, 76–77

and ChatGPT
, 109–110

European hospitality industry
, 106–109

in international tourism industry
, 120–121

service bots and virtual and augmented reality to enhance virtual booking
, 263

smart destinations and AI for rebuilding tourism
, 119–120

and smart destinations in tourism of Hong Kong
, 124–126

smart hospitality
, 105–106

in sustainable tourism development
, 263

sustainable tourism development through
, 264–266

in sustainable tourism in China
, 90–91

tools and technologies
, 170

in tourism
, 102, 105, 248–249

in tourism industry
, 135–136

virtual marketplaces
, 78

virtual tourism with AI-powered tour guides
, 77–78

virtual tours
, 78–79

Artificial intelligence Singapore Groups (AISG)
, 124

Artificial neural networks
, 117–118

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
, 124

Augmented reality (AR)
, 7–8, 72–73, 105–106, 137–138, 173, 175–177, 240–241, 250, 274, 276

destination marketing and
, 276–279

, 274

Automated aerial mapping techniques
, 228–229

Automatic translation
, 123

, 210

Basic needs approach (BNA)
, 389

Beautiful China’ campaign
, 89–90

Beijing’s Shangri-La Hotel
, 122

Big Data
, 106–107, 228–229, 249

Bio-based resource consumption
, 6

, 106–107

, 74

Black Sheep Inn, Ecuador
, 151–152

, 73–74, 173

Blogger marketing
, 250

, 238–239

Brundtland Commission
, 378

Bruntland Report
, 52–53

, 251

Capacity building
, 158

Cape Town Declaration
, 57, 321

Capitals, access and availability of
, 44–45

Car-sharing systems
, 242

Carbon footprint
, 228–229

, 86, 106–107, 137–138

, 109–110


AI in sustainable tourism in China
, 90–91

sustainable tourism in
, 88, 90, 153–154

tourism in
, 87–88

urban regeneration in
, 153

China Green Hotel Alliance
, 121–123

China Green Hotel Standard
, 150

China National Tourism Administration
, 91–92, 121, 123

Chinese government
, 155

, 156

Chinese hospitality industry
, 91–92, 116

Chinese tourism industry, effect of AI on
, 121–124

Circular economy
, 253–254

City-Zen project
, 227–228

Climate change
, 61–62

, 62

Climate crises
, 331–332

Cloud computing
, 105–106

Co-occurrence analysis
, 254–257

Collaboration and participation of stakeholders
, 23

Collaborative analysis
, 295–296

Community Based Tourism (CBT)
, 169

Community engagement
, 209–210

Community-led conservation initiatives
, 36

Complementary AI
, 263

Computer vision
, 172

Conscious travel
, 12–13

, 44, 304–305

AI and data analytics for
, 308–309

assessing environmental impact and guiding
, 309

and wildlife protection
, 178

Consumer-based destination green brand equity
, 223–224

using AI in destinations
, 228–229

green practices and AI in development of
, 229–230

green practices in destinations
, 226–228

literature review
, 224–226

Contactless technologies
, 250

Content analysis
, 254

Costa Rican Vacations
, 241


, 11–12, 60

, 73, 102, 116, 304–305, 362

and rebuilding tourism
, 118–119

Creative destinations
, 319, 347, 350

Creative tourism (CT)
, 8–9, 237–238, 317–318, 347–348

current trends and applications of robots in
, 240–241

current trends and applications of SSTs in
, 242–243

sustainable development and
, 318–320

, 360

concept in tourism
, 360–362

management in tourism
, 363–364

pandemic and impacts on tourism
, 362–363

Cross-interpretative analysis
, 190

Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace
, 122–123

, 91

Cultural commodification
, 34–35

Cultural diversity
, 56, 333

Cultural interaction
, 140–141

Cultural preservation
, 36, 158

Cultural restoration
, 150–151

Cultural tourism
, 372

Customer relationship management (CRM)
, 103, 107, 132, 135

Customer service
, 173, 177

Data analytics
, 86, 172

Data privacy and security
, 309–310

Data-driven decision making
, 178

, 62

Decision support systems (DSSs)
, 254

Decision-making processes
, 168

Deep Blue
, 86–87

Deep learning
, 228–229

, 223–224, 304–305, 333–334, 351, 360

using AI in
, 228–229

, 360

green practices in
, 226–228

, 6, 286–287

, 276–279

, 226

Didi Chuxing
, 90–91

Digital assets
, 73–74

Digital technologies
, 279

Digital tourism ecosystem
, 119–120

Digital transformation process
, 2, 102, 250

Digitalization in tourism as emerging front
, 249–250

big data and analytics
, 249

contactless technologies
, 250

mobile applications
, 249

online travel agencies
, 249

social media and blogger marketing
, 250

virtual reality and augmented reality
, 250

, 360–362

, 167

Earth Summit
, 52–53

, 210–211, 321

, 227–228

, 1–4, 11–12, 88–89, 153–154, 208, 215–216

Eco-tourism destinations (see Green tourism destinations)

Eco-tourism Development Plan
, 155

, 208

Ecological restoration projects
, 36

Ecosystem health
, 48

Ecosystem Restoration
, 62, 175

, 210

of stakeholders
, 335–337

, 334

, 95–96

, 335

Environment, Economy and Equality (3E)
, 378

Environmental awareness
, 6

Environmental conservation
, 209

Environmental degradation
, 158

Environmental ecology
, 350

Environmental impact
, 173

Environmental responsibility
, 55–56

Environmental responsible behaviour
, 351

Environmental restoration
, 150–151

Environmentally responsible tourism
, 88–89

Essential mindset shift/change in perspective
, 21–22

, 74

Ethical Traveller
, 321

Ethnic tourism
, 154

European hospitality industry
, 106–109

European tourism industry
, 102

European Union
, 321

Expedia Group
, 124

Experiential richness
, 56, 333

, 44

, 102

Facilitative AI
, 263

Finca Luna Nueva Lodge in Costa Rica
, 151

, 167

Food waste reduction
, 96

Forbidden City
, 87–88

, 73

Fourth Industrial Revolution
, 130–131

, 239

, 371–372

, 371–372, 377–378

Generative AI
, 263

Geographical indication system
, 374–375

Geotourism Program of National Geographic
, 321

Global distribution systems (GDSs)
, 72

Global Family Travels
, 170

Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)
, 41, 394

, 334

Great Wall of China
, 87–88

Green brand equity
, 223–224

Green Credit programme
, 155

Green destination management
, 333–335

opportunities and threats in
, 335–337

in Türkiye
, 337–338

Green destinations
, 3, 7, 208, 211, 248–249, 304

AI in tourism
, 248–249

, 226

digitalization in tourism as emerging front
, 249–250

foundation standards
, 333

, 225

literature review
, 250–251

, 226

, 252

monitoring and protecting natural resources and wildlife in
, 308–309

policy recommendations
, 258–259

research methodology
, 252

research questions
, 252

, 253–258

sustainable tourism destinations
, 248

tourist’s expectations
, 211–213

tourist’s motivation for visiting
, 213–216

in Türkiye case
, 332–333

Green economy
, 188–189

Green Globe
, 210–211

Green Globe and Sustainable Travel International’s STEP Program
, 321

Green Hotel Certification Program
, 89–90, 153–156

Green ideas for tourism project
, 333

Green places
, 252

Green practices
, 188–189, 223–224, 229–230

in destinations
, 226–228

Green restaurants
, 377

Green tourism
, 3–4, 52, 54, 56, 250–251

definition and characteristics of green tourism destinations
, 55–56

, 247–248

and post-pandemic era
, 58–62

, 58–59

standards for businesses
, 333

in Türkiye case
, 332–333

Green Vacations
, 241

Greenhouse gas effect (GHG effect)
, 54

, 34–35

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 91–92

, 239

Hainan Island Rainforest National Park
, 153–154

Henn na Hotel in Japan
, 86

Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai
, 122

Hilton Worldwide
, 96

, 241–242

, 117–118, 130–131

Hospitality 5.0
, 118–119

Hospitality industry
, 104

in China
, 4–5

, 108–109

Human expertise
, 103

Human-centred artificial intelligence
, 86–87

Image recognition
, 123

, 62

Indian tourism
, 392–394

Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
, 72, 119–120

Information exchange centre (IEC)
, 117–118

Information processing
, 123

Infrastructure development
, 158

Insight era
, 171

, 102

InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)
, 90–91

InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland
, 122

International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT)
, 57

International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO)
, 389

International Institute of Communications (IIC)
, 124

, 279

Internet of Services (IoS)
, 141–143

Internet of Things (IoT)
, 106–107, 118–119, 141, 143, 172, 175, 253–254

Internet-based technologies
, 279

, 241–242

Job displacement
, 310

Judgemental sampling technique
, 190

Just Ahead
, 241–242

Kerala declaration
, 56–57

Kinki Nippon Tourist
, 239

Language translation
, 177

Large enterprises (LEs)
, 103–104, 132, 135

, 23–24, 298

, 210–211

, 150

Light pollution
, 227

Living system thinking
, 22

Local communities
, 209–210

Local economic vitality
, 56, 332–333

Location attractiveness
, 387

Long Run
, 151–152

, 79–80

Machine learning (ML)
, 76–77, 87, 105–106, 132, 135, 172

Market linkages
, 297

McKinsey Global
, 132–135

Medical tourism
, 88

, 73

, 72–73

COVID-19 impact on
, 73–74

new technologies
, 79–80

opportunities for tourism
, 76–79

on tourists’ behaviour and experience
, 75–76

virtual world of possibilities
, 74–75

MGM Resorts International
, 96

Ministry of Culture and Tourism
, 155

Mobile applications
, 249

Mobile commerce
, 72–73

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
, 96

Monitoring and evaluation of regenerative tourism
, 296

Naked Castle in Moganshan
, 150–151

National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone
, 155

National Sustainable Tourism Standards
, 153–154, 156

National Tourism Administration
, 150

Natural landscape tourist resources (see Natural tourism—resources)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)
, 76–77, 132, 135, 172, 177

Natural Resource Conservation
, 174

Natural tourism
, 88

, 130–132

Nature-based solutions
, 168

Nature-based tourism
, 248

Near-field communication (NFC)
, 141–143

New technologies
, 79–80

, 227

Nonfungible tokens (NFTs)
, 73–74

Online travel agencies
, 249

Optimisation algorithms
, 172–173

Organic farming
, 375–377

Organic products
, 375–377

Organizational learning
, 360

Our Common Future
, 52–53

Over-reliance on technology
, 310

, 34

, 392–394

, 44

Pandemic and impacts on tourism
, 362–363

Perceived quality of green destinations
, 226

Personal assistants
, 87

Personalised experiences
, 176

Personalised Sustainability Recommendations
, 174

Personalised sustainable experiences
, 178

Personalized recommendations
, 96

Physical infrastructure
, 335

Place-based model
, 22–23

Policy and planning
, 289–292

Policy and regulation
, 158

Post-pandemic, RT and
, 13–14

, 298

Predictive analytics
, 177

Principle-based approach
, 290–291

Property management systems (PMS)
, 103, 108–109, 132, 135

Qualitative data analysis technique
, 252

Rebuilding tourism

COVID-19 and
, 118–119

smart destinations and AI for
, 119–120

Recommender systems
, 172

, 12–13

Regenerative bioeconomy
, 188

Regenerative Development Framework
, 43

Regenerative leaders (RLs)
, 23–24

Regenerative tourism (RT)
, 1–3, 8, 11–12, 35–36, 149–151, 153, 156–157, 168, 188–189, 286, 304, 317–318, 379, 381

achieving enduring positive impacts
, 19

AI and regenerative tourism in China
, 158–159

background of regeneration and tourism
, 12–13

, 46, 48, 157–158

, 17–18

core concepts and objectives
, 40–41

core values, principles and objectives of
, 39–40

defining concept
, 14–15

, 159–160

governmental support for
, 155

heal, restore and flourish
, 19–20

, 45–46

linkages between actors
, 296–297

, 43–46

, 19–20

, 46–48

paradigm and principles
, 20–24

, 293

policy and planning
, 289–292

and post-pandemic
, 13–14

, 41, 43, 289

sustainability to
, 16–19

sustainable destination
, 288–289

sustainable development and
, 323–326

, 20

Regenerative Tourism Movement
, 5, 168

AI in
, 170–175

AI-driven solutions
, 175–177

benefits of AI in
, 173–175

global initiatives and organisations
, 169–170

, 168–170

Regenerative travel
, 166

, 44

Renewable energy
, 36

, 34

, 44

Research design
, 391

, 296

Responsible destination
, 350–354

Responsible tourism (RT)(see also Sustainable tourism)
, 8–9, 39, 51–52, 56, 58, 237–238, 247–248, 317–318, 344

current trends and applications of robots in
, 238–240

current trends and applications of SSTs in
, 241–242

definition and principles
, 57–58

and post-pandemic era
, 58–62

, 58–59

prominent concepts in
, 322

sustainable development and
, 320–323

Responsible tourists
, 352

Responsible Travel
, 241

, 34

ReT (see Regenerative tourism (RT))

Revenue management systems (RMS)
, 103, 132, 135

, 36

Rio Declaration
, 52–53

, 73

, 130–131, 237

, 103

, 87

Robotized intelligence
, 87

Robots, AI, and Service Automation (RAISA)
, 106–107

, 2, 176, 238–240

, 72

, 242

Self-service bike-sharing
, 242

Self-Service technologies (SSTs)
, 104, 132, 135, 237

current trends and applications
, 241–243

, 229

Service delivery
, 103

Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel
, 122

Shinkansen system
, 140–141

Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries
, 153–154

Singapore’s AI-Powered Smart Nation Initiative
, 311

Single Stream Recyclers facility
, 239–240

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 155

Smart city’ concept
, 117, 121, 167

Smart destinations
, 4–5, 116–118, 279–280

AI and smart destinations in tourism of Hong Kong
, 124–126

and AI for rebuilding tourism
, 119–120

AI in international tourism industry
, 120–121

effect of AI on Chinese tourism industry
, 121–124

COVID-19 and rebuilding tourism
, 118–119

, 177–178

Smart ecosystem
, 117–118

Smart Energy Management
, 174, 311

for hotels and accommodation
, 306

Smart healthcare
, 167

Smart hospitality
, 105–106

Smart hotels
, 176

Smart manufacturing
, 167

Smart technologies
, 6

Smart tourism
, 117, 167, 189

, 121

Smart transportation
, 96, 177

, 72–73

Social media
, 102, 250

, 360

Social structure and culture
, 334

Social sustainability
, 153

Social upheaval
, 34

Speech recognition
, 123

, 333–335

, 335–337

engagement and communication
, 178

in Türkiye
, 337–338

Sun lust
, 214

, 9, 37–38, 52, 54, 116, 149–150, 186, 304, 371–373, 386

awareness and education
, 308

Chinese hospitality industry in
, 92–94

to regenerative tourism
, 16–19

Sustainability Tour
, 169

Sustainable destination
, 286–287

, 294–295

formulation of policy
, 292–298

paradigm shift
, 287–288

regenerative tourism
, 288–289

Sustainable development
, 52–53, 89, 263, 314, 386

and creative tourism
, 318–320

and regenerative tourism
, 323–326

and responsible tourism
, 320–323

Sustainable economy
, 335

Sustainable expansion of tourist industry
, 86

AI in sustainable tourism in China
, 90–91

, 94

Chinese hospitality industry
, 91–92, 94

steps to tackle challenges
, 95–96

sustainable tourism in China
, 88–90

tourism in China
, 87–88

Sustainable farming
, 36

Sustainable future in tourism
, 267–268

Sustainable gastronomy

agrotourism and agrogastronomy
, 377–378

geographical indication system
, 374–375

green restaurants
, 377

, 374–378

organic products and organic farming
, 375–377

and tourism
, 373–374

Sustainable infrastructure
, 36

Sustainable mobility solutions
, 178

Sustainable regeneration
, 38

Sustainable resource management using AI algorithms
, 307

Sustainable Restaurant Association
, 377

Sustainable solutions
, 17

Sustainable tourism
, 1–2, 4, 34, 37, 39, 51–53, 118–119, 149–150, 156–157, 166, 186–187, 247–248, 304–305, 320, 350–351, 371–372, 386, 388

access to data
, 310

through AI
, 264–266

AI and data analytics for conservation efforts
, 308–309

AI applications in
, 306–308

AI-powered tools and technologies
, 172–173

AI-related case studies and best practices
, 311

benefits of AI in
, 173–175

challenges associated with
, 390–391

challenges in implementing AI solutions
, 310–311

, 17–18

in China
, 88–90

and China
, 153–154

cost and expertise
, 311

cultural relevance
, 311

, 248

, 262–264

emergence of artificial intelligence in tourism
, 305–314

ethical concerns
, 309–310

grey area for research
, 389–390

India and Pakistan
, 392–394

infrastructure and connectivity
, 310

literature review
, 263–264, 390–391

positive and negative impact of using AI
, 266–267

positive impact
, 312–314

, 209–210

research methodology
, 391

sustainable future in tourism
, 267–268

theoretical framework and tourism
, 388–389

in Türkiye case
, 332–333

Sustainable tourism and gastronomy
, 378–379

Sustainable Tourism Conference
, 321

Sustainable tourist destinations (see Green tourism destinations)

Sustainable Transportation
, 174

Technology-driven practices
, 6

Terracotta Warriors
, 87–88

Third World Ski resort
, 214

, 1–2, 12–13, 52, 54, 72, 304, 360, 386

AI and role in
, 102, 105, 248–249

in China
, 87–88

crisis concept in
, 360–362

crisis management in
, 363–364

, 35, 262

emergence of artificial intelligence in
, 305–314

pandemic and impacts on
, 362–363

, 130–131

SDGs for
, 187–188

, 297–298

Tourism destination
, 386

Tourism industry
, 2, 166

artificial intelligence applications
, 136–137

artificial intelligence in
, 135–136, 141, 143

benefits of artificial intelligence applications
, 137–138

challenges of artificial intelligence applications
, 138–139

in Europe
, 4–5

of Japan
, 139–141

Tourism living system (TLS)
, 20–21

, 208, 227, 360

, 253–254

, 211, 213, 346–347

, 140–141

green destinations
, 208–211

motivation for visiting green destinations
, 213–216

, 344–346

Transformational bioeconomy
, 188–189

Transformational technologies

, 189–190

outcome and implications
, 190–191

qualitative data analysis tabular representation
, 192

regenerative tourism
, 188–189

scope for research
, 191–200

SDGs for tourism
, 187–188

smart tourism
, 189

sustainable tourism
, 186–187

, 307

, 72

Travel and Audio (T&A)
, 241–242

Travel career pattern (TCP)
, 214–215

, 6

, 241

Triple bottom line
, 38

Turing machine
, 130–131

Turing test system
, 130–131

, 332

education of stakeholders and opportunities and threats in green destination management
, 335–337

green destination management and stakeholders
, 333–335

green destination management and stakeholders in
, 337–338

, 338–339

sustainable tourism, green tourism and green destinations
, 332–333

, 72, 79–80

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
, 132–135

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
, 337–338

United Nations Environment Programme
, 250–251

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 88–89, 186, 251, 317–318

for tourism
, 187–188

United Nations’ World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
, 52–53, 120, 304–305, 321, 350, 352–353, 361–362

Urban green tourism destination
, 55

Urban regeneration in China
, 153

Urban tourism
, 88

Vehicle2grid project
, 227–228

Virtual assistants
, 86

Virtual hotels
, 75

Virtual marketplaces
, 75–76, 78

Virtual reality (VR) (see also Augmented reality (AR))
, 72–73, 105–106, 137–139, 173, 175–177, 240–241, 250, 274, 276

Virtual space
, 76–77

Virtual tourism with AI-powered tour guides
, 77–78

Virtual tours
, 75, 78–79

, 4

Virtuality continuum
, 275–276

, 294

, 241–242

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity (VUCA)
, 296

, 214

Waste reduction and recycling
, 311

Water and Waste Management
, 174

Water conservation
, 96

, 20

World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
, 52–53

World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
, 321

World Tourism Organization (WTO)
, 250–251, 332, 344, 371–372, 387

World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
, 371–372

Chapter 1 Regenerative Tourism
Chapter 2 Regenerative Tourism – The Concept of Moving Beyond Responsible and Sustainable Tourism
Chapter 3 Defining Green and Responsible Tourism Destinations
Chapter 4 Exploring the Intersection of Tourism, Artificial Intelligence and Travel: The Rise of the Metaverse and Its Implications
Chapter 5 Sustainable Expansion of the Tourist Industry Due to the Application of Artificial Intelligence: Evidence From the Chinese Hospitality Industry
Chapter 6 Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Tourism Business: How European Hospitality Industry Responded
Chapter 7 Smart Destinations and Artificial Intelligence for Rethinking and Rebuilding Tourism: Case From China and Hong Kong
Chapter 8 The Benefits and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Tourism Industry: How the Hospitality Industry in Japan Is Transforming
Chapter 9 From Sustainable to Regenerative Tourism: Study on Chinese Hospitality Industry
Chapter 10 The Effect of the Regenerative Tourism Movement on the Global Industry and the Role of Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 11 Harnessing Transformational Technologies for a Sustainable Future: A Regenerative Approach to Green Economy and Tourism Development
Chapter 12 The Expectations and Motivations of Tourists From Green Destinations
Chapter 13 Improving Consumer-Based Destination Green Brand Equity: The Role of Green Practices and Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 14 Current Issues on Robots and Self-Service Technology in Responsible and Creative Tourism
Chapter 15 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Promoting Green Destinations for Sustainable Tourism Development
Chapter 16 Sustainable Tourism Development Through Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 17 Why Are Augmented Reality Technologies Important for Destinations?
Chapter 18 Policy and Planning for Sustainable Destinations After Crises
Chapter 19 Unlocking the Potential: Artificial Intelligence Applications in Sustainable Tourism
Chapter 20 Sustainable Development Goals for Regenerative Destination Via Responsible and Creative Issues
Chapter 21 Green Destination Management and Stakeholders: The Case of Türkiye
Chapter 22 The Expectations and Motivations of Tourists From Creative and Responsible Destinations
Chapter 23 Crises and the Pandemic Effect on Smart Destinations
Chapter 24 Marketing in Sustainable Gastronomy and Regenerative Tourism
Chapter 25 Sustainable Tourism and Pertaining Issues: Discussion and Understanding Underlying Issues With Respect to India and Pakistan