info: Volume 8 Issue 6


Table of contents

Broadband pricing strategies

Phillippa Biggs, Tim Kelly

This article seeks to consider why broadband technologies have been so successful in reaching such a large number of new users so quickly, and what characteristics of its pricing


Broadband penetration and broadband competition: evidence and analysis in the EU market

Spyros E. Polykalas, Kyriakos G. Vlachos

To examine broadband competition and broadband penetration in a set of countries that employ the same regulation framework. To define the policy and strategy required to promote


EU spectrum reform and the Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communications Services (WAPECS) concept

Rajen Akalu

To provide an evaluation of an EU spectrum policy proposal aimed at furthering the goals of the i2010 Information Society initiative.

A cost‐benefit analysis of real‐money trade in the products of synthetic economies

Edward Castronova

Macro goals: To alert the telecommunications policy community to the emergence of persistent online worlds as a communications and policy issue. Also to provide game industry


Adoption of low mobility services: “Little‐Smart” in China as a case

Zixiang (Alex) Tan, Hsiang Chen, Xiaozhong Liu

This paper documents and examines the course of the Little‐Smart deployment in China by looking closely at the technology comparison, demand pull and supply push, as well as

Divestiture as a strategic option for change in NITEL: lessons from the BT and AT&T experience

G. Udechukwu Ojiako, Stuart Maguire

As NITEL, Nigeria's former national carrier, has been unable to cope with provision requirements needed by the country to support its development needs, this has led to changes in




Online date, start – end:

1999 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited