Career Development International: Volume 2 Issue 6


Table of contents

“Employee ‐ develop yourself!” Experiences of self‐directed learners

Lynda Margaret Stansfield

Describes the experiences of participants in a self‐directed manager development programme. Qualitative data was collected from questionnaires administered at two points, one…


A manufacturing organization action learning programme that has paid bottom‐line profits

Richard L. Bunning

Describes an action learning programme implemented at Pilkington UK to train supervisors in new and more complex aspects of their jobs. Moving away from a purely technical focus…


Human resource turnarounds: advice from the experts

John E. Oliver, William B. Fredenberger

Provides advice for human resource managers gathered from a panel of 24 turnaround managers. A turnaround is a situation in which a company has experienced a period of declining…


The survivor syndrome: aftermath of downsizing

Steven H. Appelbaum, Claude Delage, Nadia Labib, George Gault

Reports that the fundamental problem with corporate restructuring as it is practised today ‐ as an ongoing strategy even in profitable times, rather than as an emergency move ‐ is…


Intercultural communication: a key element in global strategies

Nelda Spinks, Barron Wells

Notes that today, most large‐ and medium‐size businesses conduct operations globally. Communication crossing national boundaries ‐ international communication ‐ is not necessarily…


The crescendo effect in career motivation

Albert S. King

Explains that the crescendo effect in career motivation is the driving force behind employee participation, involvement and the lasting value of commitment. Undoubtedly, much of…


External supply of skill groups: a case of industrial management in Taiwan

Chiang Kao, Liang‐Hsuan Chen, Tai‐Yue Wang, Hong‐Tau Lee

Discusses the external supply for industries of particular skill groups from academic institutions and illustrates this with a case of industrial management. Essentially, students…


Think globally ‐ act locally! Competences for global management

Andrew Sheridan May

Multinational organizations’ value chains spread around the world and this demands a new competence ‐ global leadership. Describes how Mobil Oil has funded the International…

Cover of Career Development International



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Executive Development


  • Dr Jennifer A. Harrison