Management Development Review: Volume 8 Issue 5


Table of contents

People, capability and competitive success

Jeffrey Pfeffer

Lists reasons why traditional sources of competitive success areless effective and explains why companies should concentrate oninimitable characteristics, such as organizational…


Managing rapid change in the UK library sector

John Griffiths

Describes the changing role and function of libraries caused bycuts, new technology, etc. Discusses future directions and challenges,especially with regard to IT. Examines new…


The people investment process at Solihull Council

Donn Collins

Reports on the first and biggest unitary authority in the UK toachieve the Investors in People standard, Solihull Council, and the waysin which the standard was achieved…


Acquiring knowledge and skills for twenty‐first century supervision

Kevin McManus

Reviews skills for supervision in the twenty‐first century, toolsfor identifying current knowledge and skills, and a transformationlearning plan. Essential new skills are based on…


IIP, the skills gap and business performance

Stephen King

Highlights the skills shortage in UK companies. States thatsuccessful companies must maximize the creativity and contribution ofemployees, and lists what companies must do to be…


Responding to an unfair performance appraisal

Jay T. Knippen, Thad B. Green

Dealing with a less‐than desirable performance appraisal takesskill and preparation. Provides many tips on preparing to discuss yourappraisal with the boss. Runs through a…


Managing creativity and learning

Stephen King

Reports on a two‐year collaborative research project on encouragingcreativity and organizational implications by Roffey Park ManagementInstitute and partners. Briefly discusses…


OMD put to the test

Phil Donnison

Most training courses do not ask delegates to evaluate what theyhave learned, merely what they think of the course. Claims that outdoormanagement development courses tend to…


Team decision making: pitfalls and procedures

Forrest Kessler

Reports on how to make decisions within groups, implying that ifteam decisions are not made properly time can be wasted and incorrectdecisions made. Details various methods, from…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited