Management Development Review: Volume 10 Issue 5


Table of contents

Lukewarm on the hotline?

Some people regard company hotlines as an effective way of cutting organizational waste, fraud and abuse. Others hear “Big Brother” calling. Explores the evidence for each point…


Japanese trade unions: myth and reality

So‐called “enterprise” unions ‐ in which membership is restricted to a company’s employees ‐ predominate in Japan. Some are more independent from management than others. Examines…


How ordinary workers feel when fat cat gets the cream

“Snouts in the trough” is a common tabloid newspaper reaction to news that yet another company boss has gained an enormous pay increase at a time when the firm has laid off large…


Wise up to smarter ways of working

Managers everywhere seek higher productivity for themselves and their organizations. But the path to increased productivity is not always clear. Doing the “wrong” things more…


The role of goal setting in career management

A career goal can signify that an employee has a clear picture of his or her future. It can provide a target that guides the individual’s actions. From the company’s perspective…


Salesforce effectiveness ‐ an opportunity for growth

Many companies have been through the wringer in recent years. They have streamlined, delayered and reengineered; they have installed internal mechanisms to promote innovation and…


Testing time for trade unionists

Investigates why unions have found it so difficult to get a foothold in Japanese‐owned automobile factories in the USA.


Employing the employable

Companies which employ individuals whom other firms consider to be unemployable ‐ such as the homeless, former criminals or people with little formal education ‐ are often finding…


Best practice in people management

The number of companies attempting to benchmark the activities of their human‐resource department ‐ that is, to compare it with different organizations considered to be the best…


Give me the simple life?

Almost a third of Americans have exchanged some working time for more leisure time over the last five years. There are growing signs that Europeans are following suit. The move…


Guiding cultural change at Motorola

At a time when it has become fashionable in some quarters to question the value which human resource specialists provide to an organization, Motorola has used a people‐centred…


Eastman makes the most of motivation

Some companies increase their profits by eliminating jobs or cracking the whip to get employees to work harder. The Eastman Chemical Company, based at Kingsport, Tennessee, USA…


American Express achieves pride, performance and a sense of purpose

There is nothing particularly original about a company making customer satisfaction the centre of its culture. But American Express differs from most others in having an effective…


Apple harvest the benefits of sabbaticals

Investigates whether sabbaticals are a costly and unnecessary perk or a worthwhile investment in the company’s workforce.




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1992 – 1997

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