Health Manpower Management: Volume 20 Issue 3


Table of contents

A Personal Perspective on Valuing Difference

Howard Cork

Captures the author′s experience of working as a foreigner in Australiaand the United States for a number of years. He obtained a personalinsight into equal opportunities issues…


Work Transformation in Health Care

Kathie Vestal, Roy Massey

Examines the growing use of “work transformation” or processre‐engineering techniques in health‐care organizations. Identifies howpressures on funding and increased expectations…


Seamless Service: Maintaining Momentum

Nigel Grinstead, R. Timoney

Describes the process used by the Mater Infirmorum Hospital in Belfastin 1992‐1994 to achieve high quality care (Seamless Service), motivatestaff to deliver and measure…


A Quality Transformation in Vocational Education: An Explanation of GNVQs

Alison Mather

General Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) are one element in a range ofexciting developments in vocational education and training. Aims toexplain the GNVQ structure and…


Designing a “Healthy” Diploma in Management Studies

Vivien Martin

Describes the range of issues considered in designing a programme ofeducation and development for NHS managers. The programme took the formof a certificate and diploma in…


The Changing Cultures of Health and Education

John Lloyd

Many public sector managers are facing fundamental organizationalchanges, as government macro reforms in health and education reach downto the managers′ agenda. Cultural changes…


Trade Union Recognition

Ken Hutchinson

An increasing number of organizations are addressing the issue of tradeunion recognition, particularly NHS trusts considering introducing localpay determination. Burnley NHS Trust…


Continuity of Care in Maternity Services – The Implications for Midwives

John Stock

Examines issues raised by Changing Childbirth. Summarizes an IMS/RCMreport and is based on research in maternity units at different stagesin the adoption of various approaches to…


Health‐care Continuum

John L. Deffenbaugh

NHS managers must think of health care in a much wider sense thanequating it solely with the National Health Service. Health care shouldrather be viewed as a continuum of…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1998

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited