The TQM Magazine: Volume 7 Issue 3


Table of contents

Delight makes the difference: the story of AT&T Universal Card

Jerry Hines

In March 1990, AT&T entered the credit card business under aunique set of circumstances; from its first day in existence, thecompany’s credit card subsidiary built itself up…


The cultural transferability of business and organizational re‐engineering: examples from South‐east Asia

Steve McKenna

Re‐engineering presumes that organizational structures andprocesses govern behaviours in an organization; seen as, essentially, aNorth American approach to management…


The city of Memphis, Tennessee, adopts total quality management

James D. Gilbert

Gives a practical approach to setting up a training programme,delivering that training, and how that approach may be imitated by othercities. Memphis is a city of about…


Together TQM and BPR are winners

John Macdonald

Continuous improvement is no longer sufficient to meet customerexpectations. The need is for a radical change in the way we work.Business process re‐engineering (BPR) can help…


The shoulders of giants

Murray Duffin

Suggests a list of TQ “giants”, with some notableexceptions (Deming, Taylor), and concludes that Joseph Juran waspre‐eminent among them.


Future developments in total quality management – what can we learn from the past?

Michael Sanderson

Outlines the early beginnings of the total quality movement andsummarizes its history up to the present day. Relates total qualityissues to the relevant British Standards and…


The total teamwork way

Cyril Atkinson

Draws an analogy between a successful work team and a successfulsoccer team. Identifies several team types which support TQ operations.Suggests that work is evolving from reactive…


Benchmarking: a process‐driven tool for quality improvement

Mohamed Zairi, Rob Hutton

Suggests that successful TQM initiatives are frequently spurred by“stretch” goals created by benchmarking an organization’sperformance and practices with others. Differentiates…


Is there a link between total quality management and learning organizations?

Amrik Sohal, Michael Morrison

Focuses on an attempt to determine whether or not there is a linkbetween TQM and learning organizations. Data from three TQM companiesare tested against a series of building…


Quality teams: problems, causes, solutions

L. David Weller

Addresses quality in schools, and looks specifically at teacherteams, and the problems facing them as they seek to improve qualitysystems. Suggests that facilitators of quality…


Leveraging re‐engineering through TQM

Brett M. Wright

Describes a case study which leveraged a business processre‐engineering effort through a traditional TQM strategy. Discusses theinterrelationship between TQM and business process…


Total quality management: perspectives for leaders

John C. Groth

Focuses on the importance within an organization of a philosophyfor quality management. A clearly defined vision for the organizationserves as a basis for identifying and…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Training for Quality