Journal of Organizational Change Management: Volume 24 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Vagrants, voyagers, travellers and exiles: a journey into the structures of organization

Guest Editors: Heather Hpfl

A visit to the “Great Ghaytez's palace”: A case study in using a literary genre to explore the effects of corporate architecture

Ann Rippin

The purpose of this paper is to explore corporate buildings as discursive entities. They are machines designed to tell the corporate story; they embody the aspirations of a…

Senses of “shipscapes”: an artful navigation of ship architecture and aesthetics

John Griffiths, Kathy Mack

In the context of organizational aesthetics, “built environments” remain under‐explored. The purpose of this paper is to enter the maritime world of ship architectures to navigate…

Objects in exile: the intimate structures of resistance and consolation

Ricky Yuk‐kwan Ng, Heather Höpfl

This paper looks at small spaces. In particular, it aims to focus on small gestures of resistance and the objects which accompany them. It takes its inspiration from Goffman's…

Settlers, vagrants and mutual indifference: unintended consequences of hot‐desking

Alison Hirst

The purpose of this paper is to provide a sociological analysis of emergent sociospatial structures in a hot‐desking office environment, where space is used exchangeably. It…


Heidegger among dryads: on the origin of the female work of art

Tim Scott

The purpose of this paper is to examine a lacuna in Heidegger's “The Origin of the Work of Art”, that is, that it does not consider that such “origin” might be gendered…

Multiple architectures and the production of organizational space in a Finnish university

Tuomo Peltonen

The purpose of this paper is to report a study of architectural development and organizational meanings and uses of space in a Finnish university.


Performativity in place of responsibility?

Barbara Czarniawska

The purpose of this paper is to question the common conviction that responsibility is the major factor influencing performance.


A healthcare case study of team learner style and change management

Velma Lee, Frank Ridzi, Amber W. Lo, Erman Coskun

The purpose of this paper is to explore the learner styles of a healthcare institution transition team and its respective members within a change management context. In particular…


Developing a collaborative network organization: leadership challenges at multiple levels

Ellen Baker, Melanie Kan, Stephen T.T. Teo

The purpose of this paper is to examine a collaborative non‐profit network which is undergoing organizational change.

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  • Prof Slawomir Magala