Journal of Organizational Change Management: Volume 13 Issue 6


Table of contents

Fermenting change ‐ Capitalizing on the inherent change found in dynamic non‐linear (or complex) systems

Janice A. Black

While there is no set definition of what constitutes “complexity,” some general classes of definitions have emerged across the writings of several fields of science. The basis for…


Emergence as a process of self‐organizing ‐ New assumptions and insights from the study of non‐linear dynamic systems

Benyamin M. Bergmann Lichtenstein

Complexity researchers have identified four basic assumptions underlying non‐linear dynamic systems (NDS): the assumption that change is a constant; the assumption that emergent…


Phenomenal complexity theory as informed by Bergson

Hugo Letiche

Though all complexity theory claims to be anti‐reductionist, there are enormous differences in what “emergence” and “self‐organization” mean for the “self” and consciousness in…


Phenomenal complexity theory and change at DisneyResponse to Letiche

David M. Boje

This article develops an example of Letiche’s article on phenomenal complexity by contrasting academic research projects that have contradictory findings concerning Disney. Some…


Emergence of virtual or network organizations: fad or feature

Janice A. Black, Sandra Edwards

The information age has highlighted the complex nature of our organizing systems. Complex systems move between ordered and disordered states. Ordered states condense near…


Organizational responses to complexity: the effect on organizational performance

Donde P. Ashmos, Dennis Duchon, Reuben R. McDaniel

This paper uses a complex adaptive systems view to examine two different organizational responses to turbulent, complex environments. We examined the internal make‐up of eight…


Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom

Paul E. Bierly, Eric H. Kessler, Edward W. Christensen

To improve our understanding of the impact of organizational learning and knowledge on competitive advantage, we propose a framework that includes the constructs of data…

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  • Prof Slawomir Magala