Executive Development: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents

Management Development: From Temporary Promotion at Yorkshire Water

Lloyd Davies

Explores the factors which contributed to the development of 14 seniormanagers in Yorkshire Water plc, who experienced temporary promotion forperiods of about three months in…


Effective Teamworking: The Way of the Future at Aston Martin Lagonda

Myrt Bradley

To survive the 1990s, senior managers need to develop and maintain aculture of team working. This will prove to be the single most dynamicforce which will equip organizations to…


Strategies and Tactics for Management post‐MCI Introduction

Tom Cannon

Highlights the challenges facing those involved in management trainingand development, as new needs and challenges emerge. New markets, newtechnologies and new ideas are reshaping…


Competency Assessment: A Strategic Approach – Part II

Laura Tovey

Part II outlines the strategic approach to competency assessmentdeveloped by Harbridge Consulting Group. This consists of five mainbuilding‐blocks, the components of which are…


Resistance to Computer‐based Technology in the Workplace: Causes and Solutions

John W. Henry

There are many instances of documented resistance to computer‐basedtechnology. Presents the two most important causes for resistance.Moreover, also presents solutions/techniques…


Sexual Harassment: Assessing the Need for Corporate Policies in the Workplace

Laurence Barton, Jeffrey Eichelberger

Sexual harassment is more than a social issue; it impacts on workerproductivity, employee communication and organizational morale. Theseare direct costs to industry, combined with…


Why Use Business Simulations?

John Fripp

Examines the design, development and use of a computer‐based simulationas part of a course for executives in a leading insurance company. Usesthe case to show the benefits of such…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited