Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 10 Issue 5


Table of contents

The effects of demographics on determinants of perceived health‐care service quality: The case of users and observers

Daniel Butler, Sharon L. Oswald, Douglas E. Turner

Notes that previous research suggests the components of perceived service quality are industry specific, and that calls have been made for academics to integrate their theory into…


Medical participation in and leadership of quality programmes

John Øvretveit

Notes that medical participation in organization‐wide quality programmes and leadership of quality is commonly viewed as the key to a successful programme. Reviews and reports…


Understanding practice management: a qualitative study in general practice

Marlene Westland, Jeremy Grimshaw, Jim Maitland, Maureen Campbell, Edna Ledingham, Ellie Mcleod

Reports a qualitative study of practice managers’ roles and responsibilities in eight practices in the Grampian region of Scotland. Observes wide variations in the roles and…


Communication in the NHS: using qualitative approaches to analyse effectiveness

Dennis Tourish, Owen Hargie

Argues in favour of utilizing qualitative methods to assess the effectiveness of internal communications in the National Health Service (NHS), as a supplement to the more standard…


The value of an outcomes information resource: An evaluation of the UK Clearing House on Health Outcomes

Joanne Greenhalgh, Andrew F. Long, Alison Brettle, Maria J. Grant

Reports on the first phase of an evaluation of the UK Clearing House on Health Outcomes (UKCHHO) undertaken by a sample survey of purchasers and providers on its mailing list and…


Pharmaco‐economic information and its effect on prescriptions

Peter Kangis, Leo van der Geer

Reports on a small‐scale study of 30 general practitioners and 30 specialists in Greece where pharmaco‐economic information was presented to these prescribers and an attempt made…




Online date, start – end:

1986 – 2002

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Emerald Publishing Limited