What's on the web

Human Resource Management International Digest

ISSN: 0967-0734

Article publication date: 12 June 2007



(2007), "What's on the web", Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 15 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/hrmid.2007.04415dag.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

What's on the web


This is a fun and informative site containing surveys, articles and stories, and consumer satisfaction tips. Although possibly not the most serious or intelligent resource available on the web, the content is half decent and navigation around the site is nice and easy. The good boss/bad boss articles are amusing and provide some light-hearted reading material. The majority of the information on this site is research with a strong emphasis on surveys, as their slogan “more than just data … we provide understanding for smart business decisions” suggests. The articles are well written and interesting, although by no means particularly in-depth. For anybody looking for business research to scan quickly this site could probably prove quite useful; just do not expect to find reams of information.

First ratewww.workforce.com

The Workforce Management site is a great magazine-style find. Containing news articles regarding the latest human resources issues, features on subjects such as technology, corporate leaders, and legal matters, this web site has a fast pace to it. Interviews provide a nice touch, as do the topic based forums where members can chat and ask questions. To access the entire site you are required to register, this is however free. Many of the articles and features are accessible to non-members though, so registration is not a “must do”. The research center is particularly useful, and features a search engine, which can access all past and present information on the site. Also the “topics list” is very comprehensive and minimizes the time one has to spend searching for specific information. Overall this is a lovely site, and a fantastic resource.

Worth a lookwww.businessknowhow.com

“Business Know-How is an award-winning small business website for home offices and small businesses.” The site provides a whole host of information in an easy to use package. Much of the content is highly relevant, and the articles are well written and communicate their points effectively. Products and services such as posters, employee handbooks, and payroll software can be provided by the company; courses and tips on how to improve business skills are also highlighted. With articles entitled such things as “Discover what your employees really want” and “8 ways to deal with difficult people” some fairly good advice is offered regarding methods of dealing with employees. Aimed at small businesses, this first rate site definitely merits some attention. The only annoying aspect of it is the pop-up advertisements that keep appearing.

First impressions …www.pib.co.uk

The smart, professional image of the People in Business site gives a good first impression. Navigation around the site is simple and their client list and testimonials are extensive. Apparently the company’s central focus “isn’t brand image or visual design … it is people and leadership”. They provide services in three main areas: Leadership Teams, The Employer Brand, and Insight and Communication. As well as providing services in the UK they also have people based in both India and China. If your company is looking for someone to help improve employee productivity and leadership skills this site may be worth looking at. Otherwise there is probably little point spending much time on it as unfortunately there is no real substance to it. The content is confined to merely providing information about the company and the products they offer.

Not worth itwww.arcs-hr.com

“Affinity provides professional, commercial and comprehensive Human Resource services that are relevant to all industry sectors.” At first glance the site seems to err towards minimalism yet looks quite inviting. However, delve deeper and one finds that the site is in fact far too simplistic. The content of is severely lacking; some information about the company and the services they offer is provided but even this is not particularly in-depth. There is a short section on how the company feels they may be able to benefit your business, and a page relating to health and safety issues. The only feature of the site not entirely devoted to the company itself is the “business health check”. This site would only be worth looking at when researching different companies which could help with your HR needs.

And finallySome more thought provoking quotes:

It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every 12 minutes one is interrupted by 12 dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper (R. Serling.)

Few great men would have got past personnel (Paul Goodman.)

If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem (JP Getty).

You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need (Vernon Howard).

Contact uswww.emerald insight.com

For a particularly interesting and useful site you could always try the Emerald one! And if you have any favorite (or otherwise) sites that you would like us to review on these pages, please drop us an email and we will submit them to our reviewers’ usual rigorous analysis.

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