Name Index

International Perspectives in Social Justice Programs at the Institutional and Community Levels

ISBN: 978-1-80043-489-9, eISBN: 978-1-80043-488-2

ISSN: 2055-3641

Publication date: 9 April 2021

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(2021), "Name Index", Sengupta, E. and Blessinger, P. (Ed.) International Perspectives in Social Justice Programs at the Institutional and Community Levels (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 37), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-222.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited


Aalai, A.
, 61

Aasen, P.
, 178

Abdullah, D.
, 183, 186–187

Abel, R.
, 137

About the University of California Riverside
, 133–134

Abrantes, B. F.
, 11, 183

Adams, A.
, 63

Addy, N.
, 160

Adelakun-Odewale, O. S.
, 118

Adler-Kassner, L.
, 141

Agbevanu, W. K.
, 10, 153

Ahenakew, C.
, 84

Ahmed, K.
, 117

Aiken, M.
, 186

Alavi, M.
, 184

Alemanno, A.
, 111–112, 118–119

Allen, T. D.
, 131

Altbach, P. G.
, 183

Ansah, F.
, 10, 152–153

Ansell, N.
, 25

Antikainen, A.
, 178, 180–181, 188

Apaak, D.
, 153

Apple, M.
, 30

Arnesen, A. L.
, 181–182, 188, 192

Austin, J.
, 114

Australian Human Rights Commission
, 82

Awuku, S.
, 152

Aziz, M. I. A.
, 183

Babones, S.
, 81

Bailie, J. W.
, 32

Bajaj, M.
, 117

Baker, J. W.
, 180

Bakhtin, M. M.
, 136

Bao, D.
, 82

Barnes, A. J.
, 134

Bates, R. H.
, 161

Battiste, M.
, 83–84

Baxter, L. A.
, 138

Bazos, A.
, 61

Becerra, V. K.
, 19

Beehler, P.
, 10, 131, 139–144, 146

Bell, E.
, 178

Beltran, S. J.
, 132, 134, 136

Benner, K.
, 136

Bennett, W. L.
, 96

Berg, B. L.
, 160

Berry, W.
, 79

Bigsten, A.
, 181

Bimber, B.
, 96

Bix, B.
, 114

Bizzell, P.
, 135

Black, C. F.
, 84

Bloch, F. S.
, 112, 118

Bloom, B.
, 154

Blossing, U.
, 182, 188

Boemer, S.
, 139

Bolt, R.
, 83

Bosu, R.
, 160

Boud, D.
, 119

Braithwaite, D. O.
, 138

Brand, P.
, 114

Brett, P.
, 33

Brockbank, A.
, 120

Brown, L.
, 187, 191

Bryman, A.
, 178

Budu, J.
, 153

Buell, C.
, 137

Cai, J.
, 139

Camino, E.
, 78, 104

Campbell, D. E.
, 131

Campbell, T. A.
, 131

Caney, S., 117, 124n14

Cannon, R.
, 186

Carano, K. T.
, 32

Carey, M.
, 84

Cargas, S.
, 121

Carlgren, I.
, 179, 182, 192

Carlson, B.
, 84

Carr, W.
, 189

Carvalho, I.
, 183

Centre for American Progress
, 58

Chaudhary, S. V. S.
, 59, 61

Chen, C. Y.
, 185

Children’s Bureau
, 132

Chisolm, L.
, 178

Cho, H. J.
, 117

Chowdhury, R.
, 82

Clabough, J.
, 32

Coates, D. S.
, 63

Coates, T-N.
, 137

Cody, A.
, 114, 121

Cohen, C.
, 93

Cohen, L.
, 106

Colbry, S. L.
, 34

Collins-Gearing, B.
, 83

Colucci-gray, L.
, 104

Columbia Law School
, 118

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
, 14

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
, 14

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
, 14

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
, 22

Committee on the Rights of the Child
, 15

Commonwealth of Learning, 154, 162, 167n1

Conrad, D.
, 184

Copeland, A.
, 114, 121

Copi, I.
, 93

Cortese, A. D.
, 31

Cossentino, J.
, 120

Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
, 116

Courtney, M. E.
, 133

Covington, S.
, 154

Cranston, M.
, 31

Creswell, J. W.
, 160

Crisp, G.
, 131

Cruz, I.
, 131

Cunningham, J. A.
, 187

Cussianovich, A.
, 21

Dahlberg, M. G.
, 182

Dale, E.
, 24

Damashek, A.
, 132

Danish Institute for Human Rights
, 15

Dare, A.
, 160

Day, A.
, 132

Day, C.
, 187

de Oliveira Andreotti, V.
, 84

DeLaet, D.
, 32

Denzin, N. K.
, 160

Desjardins, R.
, 178

Dewey, J.
, 9, 119, 121

Dickinson, D.
, 92

Dickson-Deane, C.
, 184

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
, 133–134

Divitini, M.
, 185

Djordjević, P.
, 186

Donahoe, E.
, 92

Donaldson, A.
, 41

Doppen, F.
, 35

Duffield, B.
, 136

Duncan, N.
, 113, 118

Dutt-Doner, K.
, 139

Duxbury, N.
, 110

Dworsky, A.
, 132, 136

Eby, L. T.
, 131

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
, 133

Ekecrantz, S.
, 116

Elias, M. J.
, 178

Elken, M.
, 178, 180

Elmersjö, H.A.
, 180

Emerson, J.
, 136

Entry-Level Writing Requirement
, 136

Equality and Human Rights Commission
, 113

Erixon, A. I.
, 181

Esser, A. L.
, 154, 163

Etzkowitz, H.
, 178

European Commission (EC)
, 188

European Institute for Gender Equality
, 154–155, 162

European Migration Network (EMN)
, 188

European Network of Clinical Legal Education
, 118

European Prison Education Association
, 63

Evans, A.
, 114, 121

Eyler, J. S.
, 78, 183

Fabre, M.
, 178

Farley, H.
, 60, 63

Farmer, P.
, 96

Feng, W.
, 132

Ferlie, E.
, 161

Fernekes, W. R.
, 122

Ferreday, D.
, 186

Festinger, L.
, 35

Fields, A. B.
, 30–31

Fischer, F.
, 106

Flanagin, A.
, 96

Fletcher, M.
, 82

Fogarty, K.
, 132

Fominykh, M.
, 185

Fontana, A.
, 160

Fook, J.
, 121

Fortescue, J.
, 114

Francis, D. M.
, 34

Fredericks, L.
, 178

Freire, P.
, 30

Frey, J. H.
, 160

Frímannsson, G. H.
, 181–182

Fulconbridge, J.
, 112

Furco, A.
, 78–79

Galtung, J.
, 93–94

Galyen, K.
, 184

Gardner, J.
, 114

Garg, S.
, 59

Gariba, S.
, 153

Gebert, D.
, 139

Geiger, J. M.
, 132, 133, 136

Giddins, J.
, 30–31

Gilbert, S.
, 84

Giles Jr, D. E.
, 78, 183

Giovanangeli, A.
, 84

Glass, C. R.
, 81

González Contró, M.
, 25

Graham, M.
, 84–85

Gray, C. J.
, 78

Gray, D.
, 104

Greenberg, M. T.
, 178

Greenstone, M.
, 132

Gregersen, F.
, 187

Gregersen-Hermans, J.
, 112

Greif, A.
, 161

Grieves, V.
, 84

Grimes, R.
, 118

Gróf, G.
, 183

Gross, J. P.
, 132

Gu, Q.
, 187

Guerrero, M.
, 187

Gupta, S.
, 59

Hadziabdic, E.
, 82

Hafner-Burton, E.
, 24

Hall, J.
, 110

Hall, S.
, 36

Halstead, J. M.
, 111

Hare, J.
, 81

Harmelen, M.
, 185

Harrison, G.
, 81–82

Harrison, T.
, 142

Hart, J.
, 23

Hausman, J.
, 61

Hawley, J.
, 61

Heckenberg, R.
, 84–85

Henderson, J. H.
, 84

Henderson, J.Y.
, 83–84

Herg, M. A.
, 62

Hesketh, A.
, 187, 191

Hines, A. M.
, 134

Hingson, J.
, 31

Hirst, G.
, 142

Hodgson, V.
, 186

Hodson, D.
, 104

Hollinsworth, D.
, 84

Holm, A.
, 181

Hopkins, S.
, 63

Hovdhaugen, E.

Howard-Wagner, D.
, 84

Hultgren, A. K.
, 187

Human Rights Committee
, 21

Human Rights Council
, 92, 117, 122

Hume, D., 115, 124n12

Hunt, D.
, 84

Hutchinson, A. C.
, 112

Ibrahim, A. L. M.
, 183

, 8, 59–60, 62, 64–72

Imsen, G.
, 182

Institutional Research
, 134

Inter-American Institute of Human Rights
, 18

International Labor Office,

, 183

Jablin, F.M.
, 142

Jackson, D.
, 78

Jackson, H. B.
, 78

Jick, T. D.
, 160

Jing, A.
, 35

Johnson, D. W.
, 121

Johnson, F. P.
, 121

Jones, C. R.
, 186

Jónsson, Ó. P.
, 188–189

Joy, P.
, 114, 121

Keating-Chetwynd, S.
, 33

Keech, S.
, 83

Keener, W. A.
, 110

Kemmis, S.
, 189

Keogh, R.
, 119

Khader, L.
, 111–112, 118–119

Khare, K.
, 59

Kheibari, A.
, 136

Kibble, N.
, 120

Kimball, B. A.
, 110

Kinsella, E. A.
, 10, 120

Klette, K.
, 179

Kolb, D.
, 9, 121

Kolm, A. S.
, 178, 180, 183

Kondacki, Y.
, 187

Kozleski, E. B.
, 187

Kreiling, K. R.
, 121

Kwaymullina, A.
, 83–85

Kwaymullina, B.
, 83–85

Labs, C.
, 135

Lage, M. J.
, 180

Lamberty, K.
, 32–33

Land, R.
, 141

Langdell, C. C.
, 110, 114

Langford, M.
, 117

Larson, A.
, 178

Lasley, T. J.
, 137

Lasswell, H. D.
, 112, 116

Law Centres Network
, 113

Law Works, 123n5

Leach, F.
, 153

Learn4dev Gender Expert Group
, 154

Learning Together, Just
, 62–63

Leedy, P.
, 160

Leipzig, R. M.
, 185

, 115

Levi, M.
, 161

Levinson, R.
, 107

Leyesdorff, L.
, 178

Lincoln, Y. S.
, 160

Lister, R.
, 182

Lo, W. S.
, 185

Lochner, L.
, 60

Looney, A.
, 132

Lucas, A. G.
, 32

Lugg, R.
, 153

Lundahl, L.
, 179, 181–182, 188, 192

Lundegård, I.
, 178, 180

Mabry, J. B.
, 78–79

Madge, C.
, 183

Madhloom, O.
, 9, 113, 115

Maduro, O.
, 84

Magalhães, R.
, 183

Magendzo, A.
, 24

Manion, L.
, 160

Manuh, T.
, 153

Marson, J.
, 113

Martin, B.
, 85, 97

Martin, D.
, 84

Martin, J.
, 186

Martin, K.
, 85

Masten, A. S.
, 134

McDougal, M. S.
, 112, 116

McGill, I.
, 120

McGloin, C.
, 84

McKee, L.
, 161

McKeown, P.
, 113

McKnight, A.
, 83

Medici, A.
, 22

Meghdadi, M. M.
, 118

Mendes, J.
, 183

Merdinger, J.
, 134

Merriam, S.
, 157

Meyer, J.
, 24

Michigan, F. S.
, 132

Mickleborough, T.
, 120

Mignolo, W. D.
, 83

Mihajlović, I.
, 186

Miller, G.
, 132

Miller, J.
, 136

Ministry of Education [MoE]
, 22, 152

Ministry of Home Affairs (n.d.) Prison Reforms
, 8, 64, 67

Ministry of Home, Go.
, 64

Mintzer, M. J.
, 185

Mirraboopa, B.
, 85

Mompoint-Gaillard, P.
, 33

Mooney, J.
, 84

Moore, R.
, 10, 130–131, 137–139, 141–144, 147, 184–185

Moos, L.
, 181–182, 188

Moretti, E.
, 60

Morgan, W.
, 78

Morley, L.
, 153

Morrison, K.
, 160

Mossoux, A. F.
, 178

Moyn, S.
, 117

Mujica, R. M.
, 18, 24–25

Mulugeta, E.
, 153

, 58

Murphy, I.
, 61

Murray, V.
, 119

Mutua, M.
, 21

Muzio, D.
, 112

Mýrdal, S.
, 179

Nakata, M.
, 83–84

Nakata, V.
, 84

Nasab, A. E.
, 118

National Center for Education Statistics
, 132

National Crime Records Bureau
, 59

National Intelligence Council
, 112

Neuman, W. L.
, 160

Newble, D.
, 186

Nicholson, H.
, 107

Nickel, J. W.
, 116

Nielsen, V. O.
, 182

Nikolić, D.
, 186

Noddings, N.
, 189

Noodt Taquela, M. B.
, 24

Noone, M. A.
, 114, 121

Noxolo, P.
, 183

Ntephe, A.
, 113

Nudzor, H. P.
, 10, 152–153, 160–161

Oduro, G. K. T.
, 160

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
, 116

Okpych, N. J.
, 133

Okumu, J. O.
, 136

Olser, A.
, 33

Orend, B.
, 46

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
, 178

Owen, B.
, 154

Parker, W. C.
, 33

Parry, S.
, 107

Patashnik, J.
, 132

Patel, J.V.
, 5

Patrick, C. J.
, 78–79, 81–82

Pavez, J.
, 24

Peach, D.
, 78–79, 81–82

Perez, A.
, 136

Petersen, S. A.
, 185

Pettigrew, A.
, 160–161

Pham, T.
, 82

Piel, M. H.
, 132

Pierson, S.
, 7, 34–36

Pike, A.
, 60, 63

Pinto, M.
, 22–23

Piovesan, F.
, 96

Platt, G. J.
, 180

Pocknee, C.
, 78–79, 81–82

Posner, E. A.
, 117

Pound, R.
, 61, 113

Powers, S. M.
, 139

Prah, M.
, 153

Pranis, K.
, 32–33

Prasolova-F⊘rland, E.
, 185

Premium Times
, 62

Pretto, G.
, 78–79, 81–82

Pridham, B.
, 84

Quennerstedt, A.
, 4

Quintanilla, K. M.
, 138–139

Rabali, C. A.
, 92

Rademacher, N.
, 31–32, 34–35

Raghuram, P.
, 183

Rangvid, B. S.
, 181

Rasmussen, A.
, 181

Rawls, J.
, 47, 111, 140–142

Reddy, V. V.
, 66

Redford, J, K. M. H.
, 132

Regine, I.
, 81–82

Reisberg, L.
, 183

Requesens Galnares, A.
, 24

, 92

Resnik, H.
, 178

Restivo, M. T.
, 183

Rice, S.
, 114, 121

Rigney, L. I.
, 84

Riley, L.
, 84

Robson, C.
, 160

Rodino, A.
, 23

Ronconi, L.
, 22

Ropers-Huilman, B.
, 137

Rose, D.
, 62

Rose, J.
, 114

Rosenthal, J.
, 161

Ross, J.
, 81

Rossengren, R.
, 84

Rubenson, K.
, 178

Ruiz, J. G.
, 185

Rumbley, L. E.
, 183

Russell, L.
, 83

Ryle, G.
, 120

Safipour, J.
, 82

Saito, E.
, 82

Salazar, A.
, 136

Salema, M. H.
, 33

Saunders, M. N.
, 160

Savić, M.
, 186

Schaffner, M.
, 139

Schelbe, L.
, 132

Schnack, K.
, 179

Schön, D. A.
, 119–120, 123

Schradie, J.
, 97, 101

Schwartz, A. J.
, 111

Schweisfurth, M.
, 187

Schwieler, E.
, 116

Sclater, N.
, 185

Segerberg, A.
, 96

Sexton, R.
, 186

Sheety, A.
, 7, 31–32, 34–35

Shipton, H.
, 142

Simola, H.
, 179, 183

Singh, K. P.
, 70–71

Sivaswaroop, P.
, 71, 73

Slawson, D. W.
, 114

Smith, L. T.
, 83–84

Smith, R.
, 83–84

Snepvangers, K.
, 84

Soëtard, M.
, 178

Solicitors Regulation Authority
, 114–115

Souto-Otero, M.
, 61

Spier, S.
, 96

, 114–115

Stake, R. E.
, 157

Stegmann, K.
, 106

Stein, S.
, 84

Stensaker, B.
, 178

Stenson, C. M.
, 78

Stiglitz, J. E.
, 96

Stohl, C.
, 96

Stornaiuolo, A.
, 97

Streb, M.
, 78

Szeidl, A.
, 139

Tam, K. Y.
, 62

Tao, S.
, 153

Teji, R.P.S.
, 58

Telhaug, A.O.
, 178, 180

The Dakar Framework of Action
, 6

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
, 134

The New York Times
, 137

Th⊘gersen, J.
, 187

Thomas, E. E.
, 97

Thomas, R.
, 160

Thornton, M.
, 111

Tibbits, F.
, 122

Tihar Jail
, 8, 65–66, 70

Tillman, G.
, 84

Toms, B.
, 66

Tonin, M.
, 178, 180, 183

Transforming Teacher Education and Learning (T-TEL)
, 152

Treglia, M.
, 180

Tsikata, D.
, 153

Tsutsui, K.
, 24

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
, 121

UN Human Rights Council
, 117, 122

, 60, 62, 72–73

United Nations (UN)
, 4, 16, 30, 48, 72, 111

United Nations Commission on Human Rights
, 19–20

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
, 17, 111, 155

United Nations Economic and Social Council
, 19

United Nations Economic Commission of Africa
, 155

United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) Institute of Statistics
, 30

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 6, 14–15, 17–19, 21–24, 55, 152

United Nations General Assembly (UN General Assembly)
, 4–5, 16–20, 22–23, 25, 116, 122

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & Equitas
, 15, 23, 25

United Nations Human Rights
, 31, 92

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC)
, 58, 60–63

University of Bristol
, 118

University of South Queensland (USQ)
, 61

Unrau, Y.
, 136

Urbano, D.
, 187

Vacca, J.S.
, 61

Van der Broeck, H.
, 187

Van Hoorebeek, M.
, 113

Vanjani, M.
, 186

Villán Durán, C.
, 15, 18–19

Vorhaus, J.
, 72

Vygotsky, L. S.
, 136

Wachtel, T.
, 32

Wadley, D.
, 84

Wahl, S.T.
, 138–139

Waitoller, F. R.
, 187

Walker, D.
, 119

Walker, K.
, 84

Wallace, D.
, 137

Walsh, T.
, 111

Wang, Y.
, 186

Wardle, E.
, 141

Washington, E.
, 136

Watson, I.
, 84

Webb, F.
, 78–79, 81–82

Weinberg, A.
, 106

Weingast, B. R.
, 161

Weissberg, R. P.
, 178

Wengraf, T.
, 160

Wenneberg, S.
, 82

Wickman, P. O.
, 178, 180

Wilken, L.
, 182

Wilson, A.
, 113

Wolanin, T. R.
, 132, 136

World Bank
, 17, 48

Wrenn, B.
, 121

Wrenn, J.
, 121

Wyatt, P.
, 134

Yildrim, A.
, 187

Yin, R. K.
, 157

Yu, M.
, 132

Zach, L.
, 157

Zhou, Q.
, 142

Zins, J. E.
, 178

Živković, Ž.
, 186