Author Index

University Partnerships for Community and School System Development

ISBN: 978-1-78560-133-0, eISBN: 978-1-78560-132-3

ISSN: 2055-3641

Publication date: 20 November 2015

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(2015), "Author Index", University Partnerships for Community and School System Development (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 5), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 311-319.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2015 Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Abebe, W.
, 64

Ackoff, R. L.
, 35

Aldrich, H.
, 261

Alldred, G.
, 124, 129

Allman, D.
, 236

Allport, G. W.
, 122

Al-Shammari Z.
, 32

Altinyelken, H. K.
, 70

Anderson, L. W.
, 139

Andreotti, V.
, 66, 67, 77

Andrews, E.
, 100

Antola Crowe, H.
, 21, 283, 287, 290, 291, 294

Arizona Geographic Alliance
, 91

Asher, N.
, 46

Aspire North
, 219

Asthana, S.
, 236

Au, K.
, 152

Austin, J.
, 132

Banks, J. A.
, 84, 180, 182

Banks, J.
, 137, 138, 139, 148

Barber, J. P.
, 55

Barber, M.
, 120

Barkley, E. F.
, 261

Barnes, M.
, 234, 242

Barrett, A. M.
, 66

Barrio, A.
, 170

Bartholomew, S. S.
, 37

Bartoli, J.
, 84, 94

Bauld, L.
, 235, 239

Baumfield, V.
, 36

Beagle, D.
, 103

Beck, C.
, 190

Beck, M. R.
, 106

Beckett, L.
, 101

Beede, D.
, 198

Beilke, J. R.
, 46, 56

Bekele, A.
, 63

Belay, H.
, 65

Belay, T.
, 65

Bell, B.
, 55

Bell, R. L.
, 107

Bennett, N.
, 199

Berman, P.
, 180

Berry, B.
, 283, 286, 287

Bhabha, H.
, 66

Billig, Shelley H.
, 148

Blackwell, R.
, 33

Blair, L. M.
, 107

Blewitt, J.
, 283

Bliss, C. M.
, 141

Bloom, B. S.
, 139

Bode, P.
, 45, 46, 49, 52, 57

Bodur, Y.
, 181

Bonekemper, G.
, 5

Boud, D.
, 274

Bowman, C.
, 180

Brack, J.
, 262

Bradley University,
, 283, 284, 293

Brady, L.
, 100

Brent, R.
, 113

Breuning, M.
, 31

Brown, E. L.
, 181, 183

Brown, E.
, 37, 38

Buettner, H. M.
, 204

Buffet, F.
, 239

Bullen, P.
, 107

Burgin, S.
, 105

Burke da Silva, K.
, 113

Burns, B. A.
, 182

Butin, D. W.
, 45, 46, 55

Butterworth, M.
, 36

Bybee, R.
, 113

Campbell-Barr, V.
, 63

Capella-Santana, N.
, 182

Capodilupo, C. M.
, 69

Carroll, G.
, 186

Carson, J. B.
, 199

Carter, T.
, 130

Cawthra, L.
, 256

Chambliss, D.
, 180

Charles, C. M.
, 285, 295

Chawla-Duggan, R.
, 66

Cherednichenko, B.
, 101

Childs, S.
, 256

Cho, S.
, 46, 55, 56

Choo, H. Y.
, 46

Christensen, L.
, 83

Chupp, M.
, 122, 124

Clair, N.
, 162, 163

Clemens Noda, P. A.
, 163

Clifford, M.
, 112, 113

Cockerill, R.
, 236

Cohen, R.
, 274

Cole, H.
, 149

Cole, N.
, 287

Collins, B. A.
, 161

Collins, R.
, 130

Collopy, R.
, 180

Colton, A.
, 88

Colwell, R. R.
, 105

Comber, B.
, 83

Comerford, N. B.
, 141

Compton-Lilly, C.
, 83, 88

Cook, A.
, 100

Cook, L.
, 146

Cooper, J. E.
, 295, 297

Cooter, R.
, 83

Corbett, C.
, 204

Corrigan, D.
, 266

Cortese, A. D.
, 266

Cottell, P. G.
, 274

Cozza, B.
, 5

Crawford, B. A.
, 107

Crenshaw, K.W.
, 46

Cresswell, T.
, 84

Cretelle, T.
, 93

Cross, K. P.
, 261

Crossley, M.
, 66

Cullingford, C.
, 283

Curtis, B.
, 37, 38

Cushner, K. H.
, 292

Czajkowski, J.
, 256

Dachi, H. A.
, 66

Danielson, C.
, 289

Darling-Hammond, L.
, 139, 163, 180, 184, 262

Das, T.
, 215

Davies, A.
, 101

Davis, J.
, 63, 146

Day, C.
, 37, 38

de Souza, M.
, 77

Deakin University
, 190

Deardoff, D.
, 283, 294

Deci, E. L.
, 84

DeLima, L.
, 112

DeMarco, L.
, 146

Demeke, G.
, 65

Derald Wing, S.
, 69

Derry, S. J.
, 278

Dettoni, J.
, 29

Dewey, J.
, 262

DiAngelo, R.
, 45, 46, 49, 56

Dib, C. Z.
, 25, 29

Dickson, I.
, 93

Donnelly, K.
, 120

Donno, S.
, 163

Dowling, B.
, 234

Dyer, J. A.
, 263, 278

Echevarria, J.
, 152, 163

Eckersley, B.
, 101

Eddy, P.
, 212, 214, 215

Edwards, B.
, 123, 124

Ehrich, L. C.
, 106

Engel, J.
, 64

Engestrom, Y.
, 5, 183

Englehart, M. D.
, 139

Erichsen, E. A.
, 74

Ertas, A.
, 263, 278

Falloon, G.
, 101

Fancsali, C.
, 205

Farrell, T. S. C.
, 163

Farruggia, S. P.
, 107

Felder, R. M.
, 113

Feldhusen, J. F.
, 102

Ferguson, G.
, 163

Ferree, M.M.
, 46

Fischer, G.
, 278

, 11, 19, 20, 212, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 227, 228, 229

Ford, D. Y.
, 180

Forshaw, N.
, 129

Foskett, N.
, 62

Fosnot, T. C.
, 296

Foucault, M.
, 122

Frederickson, B. L.
, 287, 296

Freire, P.
, 82

Friedlaender, D.
, 262

Froschl, M.
, 205

Fullan, M.
, 285

Furst, E. J.
, 139

Gagnon, C.
, 234

Gajda, K. A.
, 13, 27, 29, 31

Gajda, R.
, 131

Garcia, S. B.
, 180

Garza, R.
, 49

Gatto, N.
, 146

Gaventa, J.
, 55

Gay, G.
, 180, 183

Gebhard, J. G.
, 163

Georgeson, J.
, 63

Germain, L. J.
, 49

Gibbons, P.
, 188

Gill, S.
, 174

Glendinning, C.
, 234, 235, 256

Goffman, E.
, 122

Goleman, D.
, 287, 291

Goodlad, J. I.
, 100

Goodlad, J.
, 36

Graf, J.
, 105

Grande, M.
, 182

Grantham, T. C.
, 180

Green, A.
, 100

Greenfield, T.
, 92

Griffin, D.
, 106

Griffin, R.
, 62

Griffith, A. L.
, 197, 198

Gronn, P.
, 199

Gross, J. J.
, 205

Gruenewald, D. A.
, 83

Grundy, S.
, 100

Grunwald, S.
, 141

Gu, Q.
, 37, 38

Guangwei, H.
, 163

Guerra, P. L.
, 180, 181, 182

Gutierrez, K.
, 84

Guzman, M. R.
, 182

Gyllenhammer, L.
, 146

Haberman, M.
, 163

Haig-Brown C.
, 37

Halliday, J.
, 236

Halpern, D.
, 204

Hamer, L.
, 182

Hanley, D.
, 100

Hansford, B.
, 106

Hardy, B.
, 235, 236, 243, 245, 255, 256

Harper, G. W.
, 186

Harris, A.
, 130

Harrison, L. Y. N.
, 255

Hart, T.
, 235

Harvey, J.
, 199

Harvey, M.
, 199

Hazeltine, F.
, 33

He, Y.
, 295

Hebaishi, G. H. K.
, 107

Henderson, N.
, 287, 291, 296

Henwood, M.
, 235

Heritage University Media Relations,
, 161

Hernandez, J.
, 171

Herrera, C.
, 33

Hieb, J.L.
, 199

Higher Education Academy,
, 218

Hill, C.
, 204, 205

Hill, W.H.
, 139

Hmelo-Silver, C. E.
, 262

Hollins, E. R.
, 182

Holloway, S. M.
, 49

Hora, M.
, 112

Hord, S. M.
, 238, 239

Hovermill, J.
, 100

Hudson, B.
, 235, 236, 243, 245, 255, 256

Huggins, V.
, 9, 15, 63

Hunkins, F.
, 37

Hutchins, B. C.
, 106

Huxham, C.
, 215, 238, 255

Jacklin, A.
, 130

Jacobs, H. H.
, 136, 138, 141

James, R.
, 106

Janks, H.
, 83

Jeffers, S. Y. D.
, 255

Jick, T.
, 274

Jimenez, R. T.
, 163

Johnson, D. W.
, 261, 274

Johnson, K. E.
, 163

Johnson, R. T.
, 261, 274

Jones, S.
, 199

Jordan, H.
, 149

Joseph, M.
, 122, 124

Judge, K.
, 235

Karabenick, S.A.
, 163

Keengwe, J.
, 180

Kelly, E. M.
, 105

King-Sears, M. E.
, 163

Kinicki, A.
, 287

Klein, J. L.
, 234

Klemmer, C. D.
, 146

Koch, S.
, 146

Kohl, J.
, 283, 287, 294

Kolb, D.
, 287, 291, 295

Kolivras, K. N.
, 141

Korthagen, F. A. J.
, 163

Kosnik, C.
, 190

Krathwohl, D. R.
, 139

Kreitner, R.
, 287

Kroll, M. D.
, 102

Kruger, T.
, 101

Krupinski, L.
, 149

Kumar, R.
, 182

Ladson-Billings, G.
, 181

Laguardia, A.
, 112

Lammers, B.
, 184

Land, R.
, 163

Landry, C.
, 235, 245

Landsman, J.
, 90

LaPoint, V.
, 186

Laursen, S.
, 105

Lave, G.
, 84, 85

Lawler, D.
, 100

Lawrence, E. C.
, 49

Lederman, N. G.
, 107

Lee, J. M.
, 49

Lefebvre, H.
, 127

Lefoe, G.
, 199

Lei, S. A.
, 141

Levin, B. P.
, 295

Levin, B.
, 180

Levy, R.
, 150

Lewis, C.
, 83

Lewis, R.
, 186

Lieberman, A.
, 163

Liggett. T.
, 56

Lin, A. I.
, 69

Lind, G.
, 290

Lindsay, R. B.
, 283, 286, 287, 294

Lineberger, S. E.
, 146

Link, Bruce G.
, 126

Liston, C.
, 105

Lohr, V. I.
, 146

Lowe, H.
, 100

Lucas, T.
, 180

Luebbering, C. R.
, 141

Macaluso, T.
, 85

Mackinnon, J.
, 235

Mackintosh, M.
, 234, 256

Madge, B.
, 256

Mahmood, M.
, 107

Mahn, H.
, 163

Major, C. H.
, 261

Malagon, H.
, 171

Mangeot, A.
, 141

Marable, M. A.
, 182

Maringe, F.
, 62

Marrone, J. A.
, 199

Marshall, J. H.
, 49

Martin, F.
, 73

Marullo, S.
, 123, 124

Marx, D. M.
, 204

Marzano, R. J.
, 288

Massey, D.
, 127

Matka, E.
, 234

Mattessich, P. W.
, 238

Maxwell, T. T.
, 263

Mayo, M.
, 235

McAleese, J. D.
, 146

McBride, S. L.
, 263

McCall, L.
, 46

McClelland, A.
, 292

McCold, P.
, 171

McDaniel, A.
, 146

McIntyre, J.
, 37, 38

McKinney, L.
, 29, 105

McLean, M. C.
, 204

McLean, M.
, 33

McMann, D.
, 163

McQuaid, R.
, 213, 214, 215

McTighe, J.
, 138, 139

Means, R.
, 255

Meece, J. L.
, 106

Melnick, S. L.
, 182, 183

Melton, G.
, 100

Merry, E.
, 64

Mezirow, J.
, 274

Middleton, V. A.
, 181

Millar, S. B.
, 112

Millis, B. J.
, 274

Monsey, B. R.
, 238

Morgan, E. A.
, 106

Morris, J. L.
, 146

Morrison, K. A.
, 83

Motsenbocker, C. E.
, 146

Mumford, V. E.
, 181, 182

Murphy, M. C.
, 205

Murray-Close, M.
, 238

Musanti, S.
, 163

Myers, C. L.
, 263, 278

Myers, T.
, 236

Nanayakkara, U.
, 174

Nash, J. C.
, 46

National Center for Education Statistics
, 196, 197

National High School Center
, 162

National Science Foundation
, 105, 109, 199

, 181

Nega, A.
, 64

Nelson, S. W.
, 180, 181, 182

Newell, F.
, 101

Nieto, S.
, 45, 46, 49, 52, 57, 180

Noddings, N.
, 283, 287, 296

Nuri Robins, K.
, 283

Nuzzaci, A.
, 20, 235, 236, 238, 239, 242, 246, 249

Olson, C. B.
, 163

O'Meara, L.
, 130

Orkin, K.
, 64

Ovando, M. N.
, 49

Owens, L. L.
, 100

Patil, V.
, 46

Pearson-Mims, C. H.
, 146

Peck, S. M.
, 16, 86, 93

Peck, S.
, 93

Peters, J.
, 55

Peterson, C. A.
, 263

Pettigrew, Thomas F.
, 122

Phelan, Jo C.
, 126

Pleszczyński J.
, 35

Ponjuan, L.
, 105

Pothukuchi, K.
, 146

Powell, M.
, 234, 235, 256

Powell, W.
, 138

Prince, M. J.
, 113

Ralston, P. A. S.
, 199

Rankin, L. L.
, 146

Rask, K.
, 197

Reay, D.
, 217

Reeves, J. R.
, 163

Reimer, N.
, 136, 139, 141

Reimers, F.
, 286, 292

Relf, P.D.
, 146

Repper, J.
, 130

Resler, L.M.
, 141

Richardson, S.
, 236

Richmond, G.
, 100, 101, 102

Riegle, S.
, 182

River, A.
, 163

Rivera, D. P.
, 69

Rivoli, G.
, 199

Rizvi, S.
, 120

Roanoke College
, 276, 277

Robbins, H. H.
, 83

Roberts, P.
, 235

Robins, K. N.
, 185, 189

Robinson, C. W.
, 147

Robinson, C.
, 130

Robinson, H. A.
, 287

Robinson, L.
, 290, 291

Robison, J.
, 100

Rogoff, B.
, 5, 84, 85, 94, 95

Rolon, C.
, 180

Rolón-Dow, R.
, 49

Roman, J.S.
, 204

Rose, D. G.
, 83

Rosenberg, M. S.
, 163

Rowe, M.
, 33

Rowe, N.
, 17, 129

Rudman, L. A.
, 204

Russell, G.
, 163

Ryan, R. M.
, 84

Ryland, K.
, 199

Sadker, D. M.
, 180

Sadker, M.
, 180

Sadler, T. D.
, 105

Safford, P.
, 292

Saldaña, J.
, 48

Salinitri, G.
, 49

Sampson, J.
, 274

Samuelson, J. F.
, 161

Sandholtz, J. H.
, 37

Santoro, N.
, 183

Savery, J. R.
, 262

Sawyer, F. D.
, 29

Schepens, A.
, 163

Schinske, J.
, 272

Schlessman, A.
, 163

Schmidt, J. J.
, 287

Scholnick, R. J.
, 138

Scotland, N.
, 128

Scott, K. A.
, 181, 182

Scottish Funding Council
, 214

Scottish Government
, 213, 216, 217

Seidman, I.
, 86

Seligman, M.
, 287

Sensoy, Ö.
, 45, 46, 49, 56

Sepúlveda, E.
, 49

Serbessa, D. D.
, 69

Shapiro, E. C.
, 33

Sheehy, M.
, 86

Shimazoe, J.
, 261

Short, D. J.
, 152

Short, D.
, 152

Siitonen, J.
, 287

Silka, L.
, 186, 187

Simkin, J.
, 129

Skelcher, C.
, 234

Skelly, S. M.
, 146

Sleeter, C. E.
, 182

Sletter, C. E.
, 181

Smith, G. A.
, 83, 84, 95

Smith, K. A.
, 274

Smith, K.
, 163

Smith, L. L.
, 146

Smith, M. K.
, 94

Smith, R.
, 255

Smith, Z.
, 112

Snyder, J.
, 163, 262

Sobel, D.
, 83, 84, 95

Sosu, E.
, 217, 224

Souto-Manning, M.
, 180

Sparkes, A. C.
, 190

Sparks- Langer, G.
, 88

Spillane, J.
, 199

Spradley, J. P.
, 6, 8

St. Rose, A.
, 204

State of Washington Professional Educators Standards Board,
, 161

Staub, F. C.
, 180

Steele, C.M.
, 205

Stern, E.
, 180

Stewart Perry, R.
, 296

Strand, S. S.
, 106

Suarez-Balcazar, Y.
, 186, 187, 189

Sullivan, H.
, 234, 235, 239

Suszkiewicz, K.
, 31

Swanson, V.
, 130

Sweeney, J.
, 89

Swick, K. J.
, 180

Tabulawa, R.
, 69

Takaki, R.
, 138

Tanenbaum, C.
, 161

Tanik, M. M.
, 263

Tanner, K.
, 272

Taylor, B. R.
, 110

Taylor, D. A.
, 180

Taylor, E. W.
, 274

Taylor, M.
, 235

Teka, Z.
, 65

Teng, B.
, 215

Tennent, L.
, 106

Terrell, R. D.
, 185, 189, 283

Tesluk, P.E.
, 199

Tett, L.
, 266

Thacker, M.
, 184

The Council on Undergraduate Research
, 262

Thiry, H.
, 105

Thomas, L.
, 216, 217

Tigistu, K.
, 64, 65

Tirussew, T.
, 65

Tomazos, D.
, 100

Topping, K. J.
, 33

Torino, G. C.
, 69

Towery, R.
, 100

Trist, E. L.
, 234

Tropp, Linda R.
, 122

Tsui, A.B.M.
, 4, 183

Tukwila School District
, 171

Tyler, K.
, 186

Ulrich, D.
, 274

, 103

United States Department of Education Office of Educational Technology,
, 262

University of London
, 183

University of Strathclyde
, 218, 223

University of Winchester
, 219

Uro, G.
, 170

U.S. Census Bureau,
, 196

U.S. Government Accountability Office,
, 161

Valdez-Zontek, P.
, 160, 162, 163, 165, 169

Valencia, R. R.
, 180

Vangen, S.
, 215

Vasquez, V. M.
, 83

Ventura, E.
, 146

Villegas, A. M.
, 180

Vogt, M.
, 152

Von Glinow, M.
, 274

Vygotsky, L. S.
, 5

Waddington, E.
, 236

Waldman, D. A.
, 199

Waliczek, T. M.
, 146

Wang, D.
, 199

Ward, T. W.
, 29

Warsame, K. N.
, 182

Watkins, R.
, 130

Weaver, A.
, 100

Weber, L.
, 49

Webster, S.
, 93

Wenger, E.
, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 84, 85, 94

Wheeler, G.
, 141

Whiting, G. W.
, 180

Wiggins, G.
, 138, 139

Wildridge, V.
, 256

Willams, R.
, 37

Willard, J.
, 283, 286, 291, 292, 293, 294

Williams, P. J.
, 50

Wilska-Pekonen, A.
, 291, 293

Wise, C.
, 199

Wiseman, D.
, 37

Wistow, G.
, 235

Woerner, J.
, 141

Woldehanna, T.
, 64, 65

Wolffe, R.
, 21, 290

Wong, A. T. Y.
, 183

Woodfield, S.
, 62

Woodhead, M.
, 64

Woods, P.
, 199

Woolsey, T. A.
, 106

Yawkey T.
, 32

Yoon, B.
, 188

Young, D. M.
, 204

Youngs, C. S.
, 188

Youngs, G. A., Jr.
, 188

Zajicek, J. M.
, 146, 147

Zarate, M. E.
, 180

Zay, D.
, 235

Zeichner, K. M.
, 182, 183

Zhang, Z.
, 199

Zhao, Y.
, 136, 139, 141

Zidenberg-Cherr, S.
, 146

Zittleman, K. R.
, 180

University Partnerships for Community and School System Development
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
University Partnerships for Community and School System Development
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
Series Editor’s Introduction
Part I: Concepts and Principles
Innovative Approaches in University Partnerships: An Introduction to University Partnerships for Community and School System Development
University–School Partnership in the Framework of Informal Education
Part II: Successful Practices
Service-Based Initiatives in Teacher Education: Bridging Communities and Universities through Field Experiences
Supporting the Expansion of Pre-primary Education in Ethiopia: A Collaboration between an Ethiopian and a UK Higher Education Institution
Extending School Communities through University–School Partnerships
Building Greater Capacity in Science Education: A partnership between a Secondary Science School and a Research-Intensive University
Creating a Healing Campus: A Partnership between a University and a Provider of Mental Health Services
Enhancing Global Competencies through International Partnerships in Elementary Schools
Knowledge that Brings Us Together: University/School District Partnerships to Improve K-12 ELL Instruction
Changing Demographics: Using University–School Partnerships to Support the Instruction of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student Populations
Distributed Leadership in a University–School Collaborative Partnership to Build the STEM Pipeline for Girls
Focus West: A Successful Inter-Institutional, Multi-Agency Partnership to Improve School Pupils’ Access to Higher Education
University, School, Territory: Strategies and Activities of Inter-Institutional Partnerships of the Degree Course in Sciences of Primary Education
Hunting Dragons: An Organic, Multidisciplinary Pedagogy
Synergistic Benefits and Cultural Competencies in a Multidisciplinary PDS Partnership
About the Authors
Author Index
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