
Tobin Im (Seoul National University, Korea)

Transformation of Korean Politics and Administration: A 30 Year Retrospective

ISBN: 978-1-80382-116-0, eISBN: 978-1-80382-115-3

ISSN: 2053-7697

Publication date: 9 May 2022

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Im, T. (2022), "Index", Transformation of Korean Politics and Administration: A 30 Year Retrospective (Public Policy and Governance, Vol. 35), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-222.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

Act on Disclosure of Administrative Information
, 140

“Act on Summoning of residents”
, 145

“Active administration”
, 172

Active immigration policies
, 175

“Administrative capital”
, 143

“Administrative city”
, 143

Administrative reform

changes in reform methods
, 86–91

evaluation of organizational reform methods
, 91–94

reorganization from regime change
, 85–86

Administrative Reform Committee
, 87–88

Administrative Reform Investigation Committee
, 86–87

Administrative sector
, 170

Administrative services for public
, 171–173

Administrative system
, 170–171

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
, 33

Advanced technologies
, 161

Advancement law
, 114

, 9–15

“Amendment to the Law on Proof and Evaluation”
, 105

American model
, 180

Anti-Corruption Committee
, 133

Appellate court system
, 124

, 33

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 162, 171

, 168

Authoritarian judiciary
, 124

, 181

, 140

of education
, 68

of quota management system
, 98–102

Basic Law on Electronic Transactions
, 38

Birth rate in Korea
, 9–15

Blue House
, 75, 143

Bottom-up reforms
, 145

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
, 130

“Bulletproof prime minister”
, 77

, 155, 168–169

Bureaucracy, public confidence in
, 155

, 154–155, 163, 169, 181–182

Candlelight rallies
, 41

Capacity management methods

Korean government organization
, 95–97

quota management system
, 98–102

restraining scale of government
, 97–98

, 156

, 156

Carbon emissions
, 179

Central government
, 139–140

Central National Election Commission
, 68

Centralized regimes
, 76–80

Chief Justice, independence of
, 126–129

Chief Justice of Supreme Court
, 105, 126–128, 133

Choi Soon-sil’s manipulation of state affairs incident
, 116

, 158

“Circular Justice Position System”
, 131

Civil Rights Commission
, 133

Civil servants, soulful
, 168–170

Civil Service Exam Tribe
, 173

“Committee for Decentralization Promotion”
, 147

“Committee for Local Government Development”
, 147

“Committee on improving personnel Management of Judges”
, 131

“Committee on Judicial Reform”
, 128

Communication technology
, 170

, 34, 37, 170

Confucian culture (see Confucianism)

, 13, 21

Constituent Assembly
, 103

constitutional amendment Ψ1987 Ψ
, 62–63, 103–105

Constitutional Court
, 131–132

Constitutional Court of Law
, 146

Constitutional law
, 123

Constitutional presidential system
, 103

Coordination grant system
, 140

“Court Organization Act”
, 131

Cultural Revolution
, 13

“Cyber Korea 21 Plan”
, 34

, 44

, 44

Daejeon legal corruption (1998)
, 128

, 158

DDoS attacks
, 44

, 139

reforms under Kim Dae-Jung Administration
, 142–143

reforms under Kim Young-sam Administration
, 141–142

reforms under Lee Myung-Bak Administration
, 146–147

reforms under Park Geun-Hye Administration
, 147

reforms under Roh Moo-Hyun Administration
, 143–146

reforms under Roh Tae-Woo Administration
, 139–141

Decentralized regime
, 80–84

Demand recruitment system
, 54

, 153

Democratic education of Korean people
, 180

Democratic Harmony Promotion Committee
, 87

Democratic Justice Party
, 106

Democratic Liberal Party
, 106, 141

Democratic Republican Party (DPR)
, 127

, 160–161

Demographic changes in Korea

, 9–15

change in urban and rural population
, 16–18

family welfare to public welfare
, 19–21

influx of foreign workers
, 24–27

low birth rate
, 9–15

multicultural families
, 22–24

North Korean defectors
, 28–30

OECD countries
, 9

Department of Justice
, 123

Dichotomous institutions
, 169

Digital sex crime
, 45

Direct democratic nature
, 169

Dirty, Dangerous, Difficult occupations (3D occupations)
, 26

“Discipline of Judges Act”
, 129

“Discipline of Public Prosecutors Act”
, 129

, 37–38

, 34

, 162

E-resident cards
, 162

Early Admission System
, 54

Economic development
, 177

Economic growth
, 173–174

“Economic Happiness Index”
, 174

Economic power
, 167

, 156–157, 173

polarization of
, 155–158

Election Management Committee
, 146

Electoral system

change of power
, 69–72

Constitutional Court
, 66

democratic changes to
, 63, 64

“long ballot” system
, 68

National Assembly
, 65, 67

Evidence-based policies
, 170–171

Excessive politicization
, 181

Family Head Registration System
, 14

Family welfare
, 159

to public welfare
, 19–21

Fertility rate
, 159, 168

Fifth Republic corruption
, 136

Fintech technologies
, 39–40

“Fitting model”
, 39

Floating quota system
, 100

Foreign Economic Cooperation Fund
, 175

Foreign workers
, 24–27

“Framework Act on Promotion of Informatization”
, 34

, 39

Gangneung Armed guerrilla Infiltration incident (1996)
, 164

GATT system
, 17–18

Global warming
, 179

Globalization Promotion Committee
, 128

, 156


economic policies
, 155

government-led society
, 168

, 155, 181

, 177

subsidy system
, 142

, 179–180

Government Innovation Decentralized Committee
, 89

Government Organization Act
, 85

Government Reorganization Deliberation Committee
, 88–89

Governmental legal corruption (1997),

Grand National Party
, 113

Green Certification System Operator
, 54

Greenhouse Gas Certification Officer
, 54

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Verification Auditor
, 54

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 1

Gross National Product (GNP)
, 3, 167

Growth paradigm to present day
, 177

Growth priority principle
, 156

Gyeonggi Province
, 17

Gym election
, 61

Han River economic development
, 1

Hanahoe organization
, 78

Hanawon (Settlement Support Center for North Korean Refugees)
, 29

Hanbo Gate
, 77

Hierarchical three-tier system
, 124

High Court’s Appeal Department
, 129

High-ranking public officials
, 101, 109, 168–169

Hiring system of public officials
, 172

, 37

“Hoju” system
, 14

Home shopping rights
, 38

Human rights
, 26, 128, 160

, 162

technological development and loss of
, 161–164

IMF Crisis
, 142, 156

Independence of Chief Justice
, 126–129

Indirect democracy system
, 169

Industrial Safety and Health Act
, 27

Industrial Skill Trainee Program
, 26

, 19

Information and Communication Network Act
, 42

Information and communication technology
, 33, 44

Information and communication technology modernization (ICTization)
, 46

Information policy
, 33–36

Information technology (IT)
, 7, 161, 170

Information type
, 162


dark side of
, 44–46

development of Internet
, 33–36

information policy
, 33–36

social change due to
, 36–44

Integrated quota system
, 100–101

, 33–36, 163, 170

Internet Service Provider (ISP)
, 34

Investigation procedures
, 123, 128

“Jeju Special Act”
, 145

, 158

, 158

, 158

Judicial Agencies expansion
, 131–133

Judicial excess
, 161

“Judicial farm”
, 131

Judicial institutions
, 161

“Judicial policy advisory committee”
, 130

“Judicial populism”
, 130

Judicial power
, 123

“Judicial Reform Committee”
, 129

Judicial secrecy principle
, 130

Judicial system
, 123

Judicial upheaval

2nd judicial upheaval
, 126

3rd judicial upheaval
, 127

“5th judicial crisis”
, 130

first judicial upheaval
, 126

, 126


, 123

changes in
, 124

expansion of judicial agencies
, 131–133

impartiality of
, 125

independence of Chief Justice
, 126–129

issue of politicization of judiciary
, 130–131

issue of trust in judiciary
, 123–126

presidential jurisdiction restrictions
, 133–136

, 42, 47

Kakao Talk scam
, 45

, 37

, 37

Kim Dae-jung administration
, 89

local government and decentralization reforms under
, 142–143

Kim Young Sam
, 77–78

Kim Young-ran Law
, 133

Kim Young-sam Administration, local government and decentralization reforms under
, 141–142

Korea Home Shopping
, 38

Korea Institute of Electronics Technology (KIET)
, 34

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
, 175

Korea Local Transfer Joint Council
, 141

Korea Telecommunication (KT)
, 34

Korea Telecommunications Corporation
, 34

Korean economy
, 1, 2, 159

economic growth of
, 4

Korean government

competitiveness of
, 181

with important role in world stage
, 175–176

Korean language proficiency test
, 27

“Korean Law Research Group”
, 127

Korean public servants
, 168

Korean society
, 125

Korean Standard Classification of Occupations (KSCOs)
, 51

Korean technologies and products
, 167

Korean-style position classification system
, 95

Labor Standards Act
, 26–27

Labor-management relations
, 174

“Land disclosure concept”
, 155

Land excess–gain Tax Act
, 132

Law–school system
, 124

“Lee Han-yeong Assassination”
, 164

Lee Myung-bak
, 78–79

, 89–90, 130, 136, 154

local government and decentralization reforms under
, 146–147

Legal profession
, 124

“Local Administrative Reform Promotion Committee”
, 147

Local autonomy
, 139–141, 145, 147, 171–172, 177

“Local Autonomy Act”
, 145

Local Collective Transfer Act
, 144, 147

Local concession system
, 145

“Local Decentralization Promotion Committee”
, 146

“Local Education Autonomy Act”
, 67, 144

Local finance law
, 142

Local financial adjustment system
, 140

Local financial system
, 142

Local government

reforms under Kim Dae-Jung Administration
, 142–143

reforms under Kim Young-sam Administration
, 141–142

reforms under Lee Myung-Bak Administration
, 146–147

reforms under Park Geun-Hye Administration
, 147

reforms under Roh Moo-Hyun Administration
, 143–146

reforms under Roh Tae-Woo Administration
, 139–141

Local Government Deliberation Committee
, 144

Local grant system
, 140

Local lawmakers
, 172

Local police system
, 145

“Local Transfer Promotion Committee”
, 143

“Long ballot” system
, 68

Low-ranking public officials
, 172

Macroscopic analysis
, 172

“March of Suffering”
, 28

Mass media organizations
, 136

, 181–181

Medium-sized powerhouse
, 167–168

Middle power country
, 167

Military Confidentiality Protection Act
, 125

Millennium Democratic Party
, 113

Minimum Wage Act
, 26–27

Minister of Communications
, 162

Minister of Government Administration
, 97

“Ministry of Culture”
, 177

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
, 143

Ministry of General Affairs
, 88

Ministry of Justice
, 143, 153

“Miracle of Rhine”
, 176

Modern democratic nation system
, 123

Monocultural society
, 22

Moon Jae-in Administration
, 90–91

Moore’s Law
, 33

Multicultural families
, 22–24

National Assembly
, 62, 63, 126, 140–141, 180–181

13th National Assembly
, 105–106

14th National Assembly
, 106–107

15th National Assembly
, 107–109

16th National Assembly
, 109–110

17th National Assembly
, 110–112

18th National Assembly
, 112–113

19th National Assembly
, 113–114

20th National Assembly
, 114–117

characteristics of
, 105

performance evaluation of
, 117–120

strengthening of authority of
, 103–105

National Assembly Act
, 108–109, 112, 114

National Assembly Law
, 105

“National Assembly-Government-Court”
, 104

“National Audit and Investigation Act”
, 105

“National constituency”
, 65

National Election Commission
, 68

National Integrity Committee
, 133

National Pension System
, 21

National policy
, 172

National Public Service Act
, 154

National security case
, 125

National Security Law
, 125

New Democratic Republican Party
, 105–106

New Nuri Party
, 114, 147

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
, 54

North Korea

, 165

, 125, 164–166

North Korean

, 28–30

internal system
, 164

North Korean Armed Guerrilla infiltration incident
, 164

“Northern wind” strategy
, 164

Occupational world changes
, 49

changes in field of occupation
, 53–55

changes in industrial structure
, 49–51

changes in occupational structure
, 51–53

qualitative changes in jobs
, 55–57

Octopus management
, 36

OECD International Development Committee (DAC)
, 175

“Old-age dependency ratio”
, 12–13

One-person media
, 41

One-person two-vote system
, 142

Online administration process
, 162

Optimistic scenario (see also Pessimistic scenario)

administration of ways
, 170–171

administrative services for public
, 171–173

decent living of people
, 176–177

Korean government with important role in world stage
, 175–176

medium-sized powerhouse
, 167–168

prerequisites for
, 179–182

soulful civil servants
, 168–170

sustainable economic administration and social welfare
, 173–175

Organizational reform methods
, 91–94

Paper administration
, 172, 181

Park Chung-hee administration
, 61

Park Geun Hye
, 79–80

, 90, 124

local government and decentralization reforms under
, 147

, 169

Peace Democratic Party
, 105, 140

People’s Revolution Party
, 125–126

Performance evaluation of National Assembly
, 117–120

Personal Information Protection Act
, 45

Pessimistic scenario
, 153, 158, 164 (see also Optimistic scenario)

amplification of social conflict
, 160–161

issue of population decline and welfare problems
, 158–160

North Korea’s threat to system
, 164–166

overpoliticization of public administration
, 153–155

polarization of economy
, 155–158

technological development and loss of humanity
, 161–164

Polarization of economy
, 155–158

Policy-making process
, 169

Political bosses
, 157

Political errors
, 169

Political excess
, 181

Political neutrality
, 168–170

of public officials gradually deteriorates
, 154

Political objectives movement
, 160

Political system
, 153

, 169

Politicization issue of judiciary
, 130–131

Politics in Korea
, 169, 176–177, 180–181


, 158–160

growth rate
, 168

Postal Service ministry
, 34

Power change in legislature
, 103–105

1987 constitutional amendment

characteristics of National Assemblies
, 105–117

performance evaluation of National Assembly
, 117–120

Powerful nations
, 175

Pre-voting system
, 147

Presidential Advisory Policy Planning Committee
, 128

“Presidential Committee for Local Government Reform”
, 147

“Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy”
, 12

“Presidential Committee on Judicial Reform”
, 128, 130

Presidential Election Act
, 64

Presidential jurisdiction restrictions
, 133–136

current status of pardons by year
, 134–135

Presidential power
, 75–76

“Principles of Comprehensiveness”
, 144

“Principles of Supplementality”
, 144

“Privileges of formal post”
, 131

, 58n1, 174

Proportional representation system
, 142

Psychological counselor
, 172

Public election management system
, 146

“Public interest”
, 155

Public Official Election Act
, 64–65, 141

Public Official Election and Fraudulent Election Prevention Act
, 64

Public security
, 125

Public transport transfer system
, 162

Public welfare, family welfare to
, 19–21

Quota management system
, 98

floating quota system
, 100

integrated quota system
, 100–101

separate quota system
, 101–102

total labor cost system
, 98–99

Radical reforms
, 145

Re-appointment review system
, 130

, 145

“Rejection of appeal to Supreme Court”
, 124

Representative democracy
, 169

Resident voting System
, 145

“Revision of the Local Autonomy Act”
, 105

Rights Committee
, 133

Roh Moo-hyun administration
, 124

local government and decentralization reforms under
, 143–146

Roh Tae Woo administration
, 106

local government and decentralization reforms under
, 139–141

“Rural Bachelor Marriage Movement”
, 22

Samgu Shopping
, 38

San Diego Supercomputer Center
, 34

“Satellite civil servants”
, 102

, 181

Seoul District Attorney’s Conference
, 131

Separate quota system
, 101–102

Separation of Power principle
, 69, 123

Sewol Ferry accident
, 115

Short-term economic policies
, 174

Slot machine incident
, 136

Social conflicts
, 161

amplification of
, 160–161

Social media
, 181

Social pathologies
, 159

Social welfare system
, 19, 173–175

, 46

South Korea

adopted constitutional presidential system
, 103

capital region of
, 16

Special Inspection Act
, 113

“Spiritless civil servants”
, 154

, 43

“State welfare”
, 159

Supreme Court
, 124

Supreme Court Candidate Recommendation Conference
, 126

Supreme Court Justices
, 126

Sustainable economic administration
, 173–175

System Development Network (SDN)
, 34

System Engineering Research Institute (SERI)
, 34

System Improvement Committee
, 87

Systematic work
, 141

, 163

, 171

Telecommunications Association
, 34–35

Telecommunications Corporation
, 35

Temporary Workers Act
, 56

Total labor cost system
, 98–99

Traditional familism culture
, 123

Traditional single-income family
, 159

, 179–180

issue in judiciary
, 123–126

Uljin-Samcheok Armed guerrilla infiltration incident (1968)
, 164

Unification Democratic Party
, 106

Union politicization
, 155

United Democratic Party
, 105

United Future Party (UFP)
, 117

, 37

“Urban-rural integration”
, 142

Uruguay Round
, 17–18, 77, 160

US Department of Defense
, 33

Virtual networks
, 170

Vocational public service system
, 154

“Water Park Hidden Camera incident”
, 46

“Wearing photo” concept
, 39

“Web 2. 0”
, 39

, 43


family welfare to public welfare
, 19–21

, 157, 174

, 158–160

West Sea Military Confrontation and Cheonan Ship Sinking Incident
, 164

, 158

World Wide Web
, 33

Yeonpyeong Island Bombardment
, 165

Yushin administration (see Park Chung-hee administration)

“Yushin Constitution”
, 61