
Reshaping Performance Management for Sustainable Development

ISBN: 978-1-83797-305-7, eISBN: 978-1-83797-304-0

ISSN: 2051-6630

Publication date: 7 December 2023


(2023), "Prelims", Gnan, L., Hinna, A., Monteduro, F. and Allegrini, V. (Ed.) Reshaping Performance Management for Sustainable Development (Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, Vol. 8), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-x.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro and Veronica Allegrini. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Reshaping Performance Management for Sustainable Development

Series Title Page

Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance

Series Editors: Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro

Recent Volumes:

Volume 1: Conceptualizing and Researching Governance in Public and Non-profit Organizations – Edited by Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro
Volume 2: Mechanisms, Roles, and Consequences of Governance: Emerging Issues – Edited by Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro
Volume 3: Public Value Management, Measurement and Reporting – Edited by James Guthrie, Giuseppe Marcon, Salvatore Russo and Federica Farneti
Volume 4: Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Non-profit Governance – Edited by Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro
Volume 5: Governance and Performance in Public and Non-profit Organizations – Edited by Alessandro Hinna, Luca Gnan and Fabio Monteduro
Volume 6: Cross-sectional Relations in the Delivery of Public Services – Edited by Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro
Volume 7: Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services – Edited by Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna and Fabio Monteduro

Title Page

Studies in Public and Non-profit Governance Volume 8

Reshaping Performance Management for Sustainable Development

Edited by

Luca Gnan

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Alessandro Hinna

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Fabio Monteduro

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy


Veronica Allegrini

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro and Veronica Allegrini.

Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-305-7 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-304-0 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-306-4 (Epub)

ISSN: 2051-6630 (Series)

About the Editors

Luca Gnan is a Full Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Tor Vergata University. He is also a Professor Honoris Causa at UACS – University American College at Skopje. He is the President of Italian Association for Organization Studies (ASSIOA) and the past-president of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Luca Gnan is the Editor in chief of the International Journal of transition and Innovation and he has been and is a guest editor of various journals, and he has published on topics related to family business governance, corporate and public governance. As a scholar, his main priority has been to support and mentor junior faculty and doctoral students.

Alessandro Hinna is a Full Professor of Organisation Studies at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, where he teaches Organisation Theory and People Management. In the same university, he has got a PhD in Public Administration. He is also a Professor of Public Management at the Italian School of Public Administration and an Editorial Board Member of the ‘Journal of Management and Sustainability’, the ‘International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics’ and the ‘Open Journal of Leadership’. His primary teaching areas are organizational design, organizational behaviour, organization and change management in public administration. He is the editor of Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance (Book Series) for Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Fabio Monteduro is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, where he coordinates the PhD in Management. His research focuses on public management and governance issues, such as performance management, accountability, business–government relationships and corruption risk management. He has expertise in the field of performance management in the Italian public sector, and he is the author of several articles and chapters on the issue.

Veronica Allegrini got her PhD in Public Management and Governance at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, where she is currently subject expert in business-government relationships. Her research focuses on sustainability, accountability and performance management in public administration, particularly performance information disclosure and its use by public managers.

About the Contributors

Simona-Andreea Apostu is a PhD Lecturer at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania and a Scientific Researcher at the Institute of National Economy. She is a member of editorial board and scientific committees of scientific journals and conferences. Her research activity includes reviewing and publishing scientific articles in internationally indexed journals, participation in international conferences and collaboration in research projects. The areas of interest are represented by the statistical and econometric methods applied for assessing problems like: migration, macroeconomics, time series, labour market imbalances, healthcare, circular economy and renewable energy.

Paola Canestrini studies the performance of heath care and research institutes as a Research Fellow at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna. She is a contract Lecturer in Sociology and Teaching Assistant in Methodology of Social Research at the same university. Her background is composed of a Bachelor Degree in Sociology, a Master Degree in Health Sociology II Cycle, a PhD in Social Policies and several study visits in Europe and the United States.

Federico Ceschel is a research fellow at the University of Rome Tre, where he teaches ‘Organisation theory’ at the Department of Business Economics. He is also a Professor at the National School of Public Administration. His expertise includes anti-corruption strategies, risk management and public management. Over the years, Ceschel has provided consultancy and strategic analysis services on risk management to various Italian public organizations and international institutions, including the World Bank, OSCE, UNECE, and UNDP.

Francesca Costanza is an Assistant Professor in Business Management and Administration at LUMSA University Rome (Department of Law, Economics and Communication, Palermo), where She teaches ‘Business Groups and Consolidated Financial Statements’, ‘Performance Measurement Systems’ and ‘Business Economics and Financial Communication’. She holds an international PhD in Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design and Management at the University of Palermo (Italy), a MD in Business Economics and Administration and an MSc in Healthcare Management. She was a guest PhD student at the universities of Bergen and Nijmegen and conducted a period of EU funded study and research at the Italian National Council of Research (ICT for Education).

Giulia Flamini, PhD, is currently a research fellow in the Department of Management and Law at Tor Vergata University. Her research interest includes organizational studies and human resource management, with a particular interest in the concepts of sustainability and its impacts on organizational performance. Giulia is now a Professor of Business Organization and Human Resource Management Strategy in Family Business in Business administration courses at the School of Economics of Tor Vergata University. She is the editor of Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance (Book Series) for Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Associate Professor Iza Gigauri, PhD, is based at the School of Business, Computing, and Social Sciences, St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University in Tbilisi. She delivers lectures and teaches seminars at all three levels of higher education. She is an expert, opponent and supervisor of doctoral dissertations and Master's theses. She writes and presents on issues of CSR, sustainability, entrepreneurship, human resource management, and has published scientific papers and book chapters. She is a scientific committee member and Chair at international conferences, an editorial board member and a reviewer at international journals within Emerald Publishing, IGI Global, Inderscience, Frontiers, MPDI, Taylor & Francis, and Springer.

Danila Scarozza is an Associate Professor in Organisational Studies and Human Resource Management. She has published on topics related to performance management, public service motivation, governance, organizational change and human resource management in public sector organizations. She is a member of the board of directors of the Research Centre in Digital Technologies, Education and Society (DITES) at Link Campus University. She is a member of the team of the Public Administration Minister for the project related to stakeholder engagement in performance management systems.

Benedetta Siboni has been an Associate Professor of Business Administration and Accounting Studies at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna since 2014. Here, she has Chaired the Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work from 2017 to 2021, and has been a member of the Committee for Social Reporting and Sustainable Development Goals (2013–2021) and in charge of the drafting of the Gender Equality Annual Report (2014–2021). Her research interests mainly concern measurement and reporting of sustainability, intellectual capital and aspects related to gender, with a particular interest for the public organizations, including local authorities, state universities and the health sector.

Anh Vu Thi Van is a young researcher, coming from Hanoi, Vietnam. She has completed Master's degree in Management and Finance at LUMSA University in Rome in 2019. She has completed a three-year PhD course in Management and Accounting at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, graduating with honours in 2022. Her main areas of research interest are corporate governance, management of organisations and specifically the board of directors. Organisational sustainability and corporate social responsibility are related issues.