
Electrifying Mobility: Realising a Sustainable Future for the Car

ISBN: 978-1-83982-635-1, eISBN: 978-1-83982-634-4

ISSN: 2044-9941

Publication date: 17 October 2022


(2022), "Prelims", Parkhurst, G. and Clayton, W. (Ed.) Electrifying Mobility: Realising a Sustainable Future for the Car (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-ix.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page


Series Page


Series Editors: Stephen Ison, Jon Shaw and Maria Attard

Recent Volumes:

Volume 1: Cycling and Sustainability
Volume 2: Transport and Climate Change
Volume 3: Sustainable Transport for Chinese Cities
Volume 4: Sustainable Aviation Futures
Volume 5: Parking: Issues and Policies
Volume 6: Sustainable Logistics
Volume 7: Sustainable Urban Transport
Volume 8: Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
Volume 9: Walking: Connecting Sustainable Transport with Health
Volume 10: Transport, Travel and Later Life
Volume 11: Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
Volume 12: Urban Mobility and Social Equity in Latin America: Evidence, Concepts, Methods
Volume 13. Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations
Volume 14. Sustainable Railway Engineering and Operations

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Lucy Budd, De Montfort University, UK

  • Michela Le Pira, University of Catania, Italy

  • Becky Loo, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • Corinne Mulley, University of Sydney, Australia

  • John Nelson, University of Sydney, Australia

  • Joachim Scheiner, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Title Page





University of the West of England, UK



University of the West of England, UK

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

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First edition 2022

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83982-635-1 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83982-634-4 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83982-636-8 (Epub)

ISSN: 2044-9941 (Series)


About the Contributors ix
Part 1: The Political-Economic Context and Environmental Imperative
Chapter 1: The Electrification of Automobility
Graham Parkhurst 3
Chapter 2: Easy Street for Low-carbon Mobility? The Political Economy of Mass Electric Car Adoption
Cameron Roberts 13
Chapter 3: The Energy and Emissions Case and The Lifecycle Impact of Electric Cars
Eckard Helmers 33
Part 2: Overcoming Inertia: From Internal Combustion Engine to Electric Car
Chapter 4: Producing the Electric Car
Peter Wells and J.-P. Skeete 53
Chapter 5: Making the Market: The Transformation Pathway to Electric Car Mobility in The Netherlands
Marc Dijk 71
Chapter 6: Choosing the Electric Car
Colin Whittle and Lorraine Whitmarsh 97
Part 3: Living with the Electric Car
Chapter 7: The Effect of Electric Car Adoption on Travel Patterns
Craig Morton 119
Chapter 8: Becoming an Electric Car Owner – User Experience and the EV Community
William Clayton 135
Chapter 9: Planning for Electric Car Charging: A Review of Technologies, Criteria and Methods
Stefania Boglietti, Martina Carra, Massimiliano Sotgiu, Benedetto Barabino, Michela Bonera and Giulio Maternini 159
Part 4: Electric Cars in the Future
Chapter 10: Electric Cars: The Future Technological Potential
Javier Turienzo, Jesús F. Lampón, Roberto Chico-Tato and Pablo Cabanelas 191
Chapter 11: Americans’ Plans for Acquiring and Using Electric, Shared, and Self-driving Cars
Neil Quarles, Kara M. Kockelman and Jooyong Lee 211
Chapter 12: The Electric Car as a Component of Future Sustainable Mobility
Graham Parkhurst and William Clayton 231
Index 247

About the Contributors

Benedetto Barabino earned his PhD degree in Transportation Technology and Economics from the University of Palermo in 2007. Since 2019, he has been an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Transportation Engineering at the University of Brescia (Brescia, Italy). From 2017 to 2019, he was the Head of the Department of Study and Research at CTM in Cagliari. From 2010 to 2016, he was a Managing Director at Technomobility Ltd., a research organisation in the public transport industry. His research interests include intelligent transportation systems, public transport planning, operations, service quality, bus safety, and fare evasion.

Stefania Boglietti is a Civil Engineer, PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation and Mathematics, University of Brescia (Italy). with an Urban Planning and Transportation curriculum. Her research field is the adaptation and mitigation of cities to climate change with reference to areas subject to heat waves and floods following extreme weather events.

Michela Bonera is a Civil Engineer, with a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation and Mathematics from the University of Brescia. Her research interests include road safety risk assessment, urban mobility, and PT transport service assessment. She currently works as a Transport Engineer at the Research, Innovation, and Development Office of Brescia Mobilità S.p.A., the PT company operators in the city of Brescia.

Pablo Cabanelas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Organization and Marketing of the University of Vigo and Member of the Postgraduate Faculty of the Mexican UNAM. Currently he is a Principal Investigator in the research group in knowledge organisation and has participated in several projects as a leader or participant. His research interests are networks, industrial marketing, competitiveness, regional development, and mobility. As a consequence of his research, he has published more than 20 publications in JCR journals.

Martina Carra earned her PhD degree with Honours in Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma in 2020. Since 2022, she has been an Assistant Professor (non-tenure track position) in Transportation at the University of Brescia (Italy). Her research interests include integration between urban planning, urban design and transport planning, accessibility, geographic information systems, and urban regeneration.

Roberto Chico-Tato is an Industrial Engineer from the University of Vigo. He started working in 2006 as a Manager of innovation projects in the field of information technologies and different industrial technologies. Since 2019, in collaboration with the OE7 Research Group: Knowledge Organization and Development, he is working as a Project Manager of an Interreg POCTEP project focused on the development of new mobility. In addition, he had experience in other areas such as education.

William Clayton (FRGS, FHEA) is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in the Centre for Transport and Society at the University of the West of England, Bristol. He is a Geographer with a focus on sustainable transport and mobility. His published research includes studies into inclusive cycling and walking, perceptions of public transport and travel time, autonomous vehicle technologies, and new micro-mobility trends in the use of e-scooters.

Marc Dijk is an Assistant Professor and a Research Coordinator at Maastricht Sustainability Institute at Maastricht University. His main research interests are innovation and innovation policy, sustainability assessment, and societal transformations. He is also Honorable Research Associate at Oxford University (Transport Studies Unit). Currently, he works on action-research projects in Living Labs focused on transdisciplinary learning, upscaling, and social exclusion (SummaLab and EmbedterLabs, NWO), and on circular business model innovation (Circular-X, ERC).

Eckard Helmers is a Professor at the Trier University of Applied Sciences since 1998. Initially coming from the field of marine sciences, where he received his PhD, he researched about automobile emissions for over 25 years. Particularly, he has been analysing the environmental impact of the European diesel car boom since more than a decade. He initiated the conversion of combustion engine cars to electric cars starting some 10 years ago, which enabled an in-depth life cycle assessment. He has been a Visiting Professor and Guest Scientist at Universities in Singapore, USA, Abu Dhabi, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Luxembourg, Israel, and Croatia.

Kara Kockelman has been a Professor of Transportation Engineering at UT Austin for 24 years and holds a PhD, MS, and BS in Civil Engineering and a Master’s in City Planning from UC Berkeley. She has authored over 190 journal articles (and two books), and her primary research interests include planning for shared and autonomous vehicle systems, energy and climate issues, transportation safety, and urban systems forecasting.

Jesús F. Lampón is an Industrial Engineer and PhD in Business Administration and is a Professor at the University of Vigo. He has been a Lead Researcher in more than 50 research projects with different firms and is manager of the programme to promote business innovation in an Economy and Industry Regional Government (Spain). He is an Editor of the European Research on Management and Business Economics and member of the Editorial Board of Kybernetes and Regional Science Policy & Practice.

Jooyong Lee is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Seoul National University. He received his PhD degree in Civil Engineering from UT Austin in December 2021, and his master’s from Chung-Ang University, South Korea in 2016. His research area covers autonomous vehicle modelling, traffic flow theory, vehicle-pedestrian interaction, and vision-based object detection and tracking.

Giulio Maternini is a Full Professor of Transportation Engineering at the University of Brescia. Since 2004, he is Rector’s deputy as a mobility manager at the University of Brescia. From 2010 to 2014, he was the Italian President of Italian Association of Traffic and Transportation (AIIT). Since 2012, he is a remote referee for Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) funding calls. Since 2018, he is an Editor of European Transport. Since 2019, he is the Director of the Friendly City Study Center (CeSCAM). His research includes transport infrastructures, road design, and safety in transport.

Craig Morton is employed as a Senior Lecturer at Loughborough University since 2018, specialising in transport planning, policy appraisal and decarbonisation. He has expertise in the topics of Electric Vehicle transitions as well as micromobilty applications which he pursues through a diverse toolkit encompassing geo-computation, market segmentation, time series analysis, and psychometrics.

Graham Parkhurst (BA, MSc, DPhil) is a Professor of Sustainable Mobility and Director of the Centre for Transport & Society at the University of the West of England. He has taught and researched topics related to transport policy since 1991. His current research examines the sustainable mobility implications of greater automation and electrification, and the emergence of new business models, taking a critical lens to the discourses and practices of ‘future mobility’. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Neil Quarles (MS, PE) is an Engineer at the Austin Transportation Department. He received his master’s degree in Civil Engineering from UT Austin in December 2017, and his bachelor’s from UT Austin in 2012. During his time at UT, his research focused on transportation forecasting, using simulation tools for understanding potential adoption of shared, autonomous, and electric vehicles, and how the availability of these technologies may influence travel decisions.

Cameron Roberts is a Canadian Socio-technical Transitions Researcher currently based in Madison, Wisconsin, and Ottawa, Ontario. He has a background in the history of science and technology, with a particular focus on transportation systems. His research involves applying historical methods to present-day problems, especially those involving sustainability. As of this writing, he is using historical analogues to study carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management systems from a social science perspective.

Jean-Paul Skeete is originally from the Sunny Island of Barbados. He moved to the UK with his family in 2014 and graduated from the University of York in 2018 with a PhD in Politics. He subsequently found the way to the Cardiff University Business School in 2018, where he continued to focus on postdoctoral and lectureship research on sustainability within the automotive sector, as well as exploring disruptive innovation in other industries.

Massimiliano Sotgiu has a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business at the Catholic University of Milan; studies in Economic Sociology and Marketing; Founder and Chairman of Ingenera Srl, a company based in Italy specialised in renewable energy and focused on the production of storage systems and energy efficiency projects. He is dedicated to projects regarding the energy transition of homes, companies, and mobility systems, and on the creation of off-grid EV charging stations employing renewable sources.

Javier Turienzo is an Industrial Engineer, MSc in SME Management and Cum Laude PhD in Business Administration (2022) from the University of Vigo. He has been an Associate Lecturer since 2020 at University of Vigo, focussing his research on new mobility developments and their social and industrial effects with a participation in three journal publications, eight congresses and seminars. His work experience is oriented to develop strategy and coordination as Head of Logistics areas on engineering firms, TIER 1 and TIER 2 automotive.

Peter Wells is a Professor of Business and Sustainability, Director of the Centre for Automotive Industry Research, and Pro Dean External Engagement at Cardiff University Business School. He undertakes research into the global automotive industry with academic and applied interests in sociotechnical transitions, business models, cultures of automobility and sustainability. He loves challenging audiences and contesting accepted wisdom. He hopes that he is contributing to a more sustainable world, in what he teaches and in the research he undertakes.

Lorraine Whitmarsh, MBE, is an Environmental Psychologist, specialising in perceptions and behaviour in relation to climate change, energy and transport, based in the Department of Psychology, University of Bath. She is the Director of the ESRC-funded UK Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST). She regularly advises governmental and other organisations on low-carbon behaviour change and climate change communication, was one of the Expert Leads for Climate Assembly UK, and is the Lead Author for IPCC’s Working Group II Sixth Assessment Report. Her research projects have included studies of meat consumption, energy efficiency behaviours, waste reduction and carrier bag reuse, perceptions of smart technologies and electric vehicles, low-carbon lifestyles, and responses to climate change.

Colin Whittle is an Environmental Psychologist specialising in understanding attitudes and behaviours relating to sustainability and the environment. His projects have focused on householder acceptance of smart energy technologies, householder acceptance of policies for achieving energy efficiency, and the effectiveness of pre-purchase sustainability information on purchasing decisions. He also investigates different aspects of transport behaviour and perceptions of different transport modes, including alternative fuel vehicles.