
Improving Flood Management, Prediction and Monitoring

ISBN: 978-1-78756-552-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-551-7

ISSN: 2040-7262

Publication date: 21 November 2018

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(2018), "Index", Improving Flood Management, Prediction and Monitoring (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 20), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 141-146.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited


Agricultural income
, 8

Alert of water level
, 14, 16, 54–55, 99, 104–107

ANN. See Artificial Neural Network

Application software
, 16

, 66

ARFIMA. See Autoregressive fractional integrated moving average

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
, 104–105

ASCE. See The American Society of Civil Engineers

Autoregressive fractional integrated moving average (ARFIMA)
, 122, 128

Back Propagation Neural Network (BPN)
, 105

Bah Kuning
, 63

BDI. See Beck Depression Inventory

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
, 22

Beeping buzzer
, 148

Bootstrapping (BCa) technique
, 40–41

Boundary range granite
, 54

BPN. See Back Propagation Neural Network

Brownian bridge
, 126

Bukit Kepong monitoring station
, 118

CDMA. See Code Division Multiple Access

Cluster validation
, 139

Clustering algorithm
, 134–135, 138

Code division multiple access (CDMA)
, 106

Cold-formed steel beam
, 74–75

Community empowerment approach
, 9, 10, 22, 34

Composite beam
, 74–75

Composite slab
, 73–74

Conceptual database design
, 65

Concrete cube test
, 76

Conjugate CN
, 40

Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient (CPCC)
, 139

CPCC. See Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient

Cube test
, 75

Cumulative Sum Control Chart (CUSUM)
, 123

Curve Number (CN) system
, 38

Dam break event
, 17

Dam Safety Decision Support System (DSS)
, 14

Dam safety emergency
, 14

Danum Valley Field Centre (DVFC)
, 52

Data Generating Process (DGP)
, 129

Database design
, 65

, 65

DDMRC. See District Disaster Management and Relief Committee

, 50

Dendogrammatic dissimilarity
, 139

Department of Agriculture
, 7

Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID)
, 14, 104

Department of Meteorology, Malaysia
, 126

Depression scores
, 25

Descriptive analysis of rainfall
, 127

Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA)
, 124

Device management improvement
, 114

DFA. See Detrended fluctuation analysis

DFA. See Discriminant Function Analysis

DFT. See Discrete Fourier Transform

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder
, 22

DID National Flood Monitoring Centre server
, 104

DID. See Department of Irrigation and Drainage

Disaster management
, 64–65

Discharge data
, 135–137

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
, 135, 139

Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA)
, 51

Dissimilarity measure
, 137–139

District Disaster Management and Relief Committee (DDMRC)
, 98

Domains of empowerment
, 25

DRW. See Dynamic time warping

DSS. See Dam Safety Decision Support System

DTW. See Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

DVFC. See Danum Valley Field Centre

Dynamic time warping (DRW)
, 134, 136, 139, 172

East Coast flood
, 19

EKF. See Extended Kalman Filter

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
, 13–14, 98

Environmental forensics
, 49

case studies
, 52–55

experimental design
, 51

laboratory procedures
, 51

sediment fingerprinting
, 51–52

un-mixing model
, 52

XRF and FTIR analysis
, 51

ERP. See Emergency Response Plan

Euclidean dissimilarity measure
, 136–137

Euclidean distance
, 138

Evacuation centres
, 65–67

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
, 105

Extrusive rocks
, 54

Fabrication of composite slab
, 75

Face-to-face interviews
, 3

Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (KL)
, 81

Flash floods
, 80–87

Floating structures
, 71–78

Flood monitoring model
, 107

Flood disaster
, 2, 11, 92–93, 97–100, 104, 106

adaptation and mitigation strategies
, 2–3

awareness and empowerment
, 10

economic losses
, 8–9

flood mitigation and adaptation
, 10–11

flood warning
, 97

impact of
, 98–100

insurance policy
, 97

loss and damage
, 7–8

Pahang River Basin
, 3

, 97

prevention measures
, 9

quantitative and qualitative techniques
, 3

, 9–10

results and discussion
, 4–11

socio-economic status of residents
, 4–7

study area
, 2

Flood modelling
, 66

Flood monitoring system
, 114, 118

enhancement of future work
, 120

human factors
, 92

natural factors
, 92

type of equipment
, 116–118

, 64

community and health-related issues
, 21–22

community empowerment
, 22

health access and impact
, 24

long-term effects
, 21, 33

mapping and assessing floods
, 64

results and discussion
, 23–34

short-term effects
, 21

socio-economic status of respondents
, 23

study area
, 22

study population
, 22

, 2

Floor raising
, 9

Fluctuation analysis
, 125

Fluvial landforms
, 54

Fourier frequency
, 123

Galas River
, 54

Geographic Information System (GIS)
, 64

Geomorphic units
, 54

Geospatial techniques
, 64

GIS. See Geographical Information System

Granitic rocks
, 54

Harvesting premature crops
, 9

Health-related issues
, 19

HEC-GeoRAS extension
, 66

, 66–68

, 65, 68

Hierarchical clustering algorithms
, 135, 138

Hierarchical data structure
, 139

Household members (HM)
, 19

Hydro Tasmania (HT)
, 16

Hydroelectric Scheme
, 14

Hydrological-related studies
, 50

, 38, 124

IBS. See Industrialised Building System

ICRE. See Individual Community Related Empowerment

Individual Community Related Empowerment (ICRE)
, 22–23

Indo-Australian Monsoon System
, 52

Industrialised Building System (IBS)
, 74

Input Variable Selection (IVS) method
, 106

INSPiRE Dam Safety DSS
, 16

INSPiRE. See Interactive Dam Safety Decision Support System

INSPiRE Modules for ERP SAB Dam
, 14–16

, 16

communication module
, 16–17

dam personnel task and responsibility
, 17

documentation module
, 17

ERP formulation, SAB Dam
, 16

failure model analysis
, 16

Interactive Dam Safety Decision Support System (INSPiRE)
, 13–14

International Disaster Database (2013)
, 64

IVS. See Input Variable Selection method

Jalan Duta (Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim)
, 83

Jalan Pudu
, 83

Jalan Tun Razak
, 83

Johor River basin
, 134–135

Kelantan daily rainfall dataset
, 122–130

Kelantan River Basin
, 53–55, 57, 65–66

Kinabatangan River system
, 52

Klang River
, 82

Klang Valley
, 82

Kruskal-Wallis H test
, 51

Kuala Kangsar, Perak
, 106–107, 109, 111

Kuala Lumpur
, 82

, 1–2, 19–21

Lebir River
, 53–54, 57

LED notation

Light gauge steel
, 74

Lightweight composite slab
, 74–77

Logical database design
, 65

Log-periodogram regression estimate
, 123

Long memory testing
, 122

MADA. See Muda Agricultural Development Authority

Main range granite
, 54

, 2, 8, 14, 20, 33, 39, 46, 50, 52–55, 64–65, 74, 82–83, 92, 97–98, 104, 106, 114, 122, 134–135

2007 floods
, 20

Bah Kuning
, 63

, 64

Kelantan River basin
, 65–66, 122

Kuala Kangsar
, 103–112

Kuala Lumpur
, 79–90

monsoon seasons
, 134

Pahang River Basin
, 1–12

two pilot research projects
, 50

Malaysia Drainage and Irrigation Department
, 135

MANOVA. See Multi-variate Analysis of Variance

Mean Square Error (MSE)
, 41

Means network data transmission
, 115

Melana watershed
, 42–44

, 37

Ministry of Agricultural and Agro-Based Industry
, 7

Mobile SCADA
, 118

Monsoon period
, 135

Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA)
, 14

Multiple environment indications

Multi-variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
, 51

NARX model
, 107–109

NARX. See Network Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Input

Nash-Sutcliffe index (NS)
, 41–42

National Security Council (NSC)
, 54, 91–92

Natural disaster
, 20, 64

Natural hazard
, 64

Network analysis
, 66

Network Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Input (NARX)
, 105

Non-agricultural income
, 8

Non-time-based clustering method
, 135

Northeast monsoon
, 134

NSC. See National Security Council

Null hypothesis
, 40, 42

OLS-based CUSUM Test
, 126

One-way clustering approach
, 135

Ordinary Least Squares (OLSs) residuals
, 126

Pahang River Basin
, 1, 19

, 2, 22

Parameter estimation
, 128

Parking vehicles
, 9

, 1–2, 19–21

Peninsular Malaysia
, 20

Periodogram method
, 124–125

Physical database design
, 65

PLI. See Poverty Line Income
, 8

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
, 21, 33

Poverty Line Income (PLI)
, 8

Predictive model BIAS
, 41

Pre-processing analysis
, 122

PTSD. See Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Quality of Life (QOL)
, 21–22

QOL depression
, 19

QOL domains
, 25

Radar rain rate
, 105

Rainfall sensors
, 104

Rainfall-Runoff (P-Q) dataset
, 38–40

Rainfall-runoff model
, 37

Regional specific curve numbers (CN)
, 37

Rescaled range (R/S) method
, 124

Residual Sum of :Squares (RSS)
, 37, 41

Respondents (R)
, 19

Respondents demographic profile
, 94–97

River discharge pattern
, 134

River flood
, 2

Road network
, 67–68

Roofing system
, 75

Runoff model’s assessment
, 41

SAB dam. See Sultan Abu Bakar dam

Safeguarding household properties
, 9

SCADA system installation
, 114

SCS rainfall-runoff model
, 37–39

SCS-CN model
, 39

SCS-CN runoff prediction model
, 39

Sediment fingerprinting
, 51, 57

Sediment samples
, 55

Sedimentary/metasedimentary rocks
, 54

Sediment-related studies
, 50

Segama River system
, 52, 55

Self-perceived health symptoms
, 19

Semi-guided questionnaires
, 19

Short memory testing
, 122

Short Messaging System (SMS)
, 104

Simulation process
, 66

Site suitability analysis
, 66

Slump test
, 75

SMART. See Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel

SMS. See Short Messaging System

Socio-economic questionnaire
, 3

Soil Conservation Services (SCS)
, 37–38

Soil Conservation Services, Curve Number (SCS-CN) method
, 38

Southwest monsoon
, 134

SPSS. See Statistical Package for Social Science

SRS. See Subscriber Radio Systems

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
, 3

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
, 94

Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART)
, 80

Structural breaks
, 122

Subscriber Radio Systems (SRS)
, 106

Sultan Abu Bakar (SAB) dam
, 13–14

Sungai Pahang Basin
, 92–93, 98, 100

Sungai Perak Hydroelectric Scheme
, 14

Telemetry device

human-machine interface (HMI)
, 114–115

master terminal unit (MTU)
, 114–115

remote terminal unit (RTU)
, 114–115

, 1–2, 19–21, 91, 93, 95, 97–100

, 2, 92

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
, 104

Theil’s U2 value
, 41–42

, 9

Time-based clustering method
, 135–137

TNB Hydro Schemes
, 14

Training programmes on disaster management
, 10

Transportation modes
, 64

Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ)
, 22

TSQ. See Trauma Screening Questionnaire

Unconsolidated sediments
, 54

Urik River
, 55

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
, 37–38

Variance proportion measures
, 41

Volcanic rocks. See Extrusive rocks

, 2

Water level sensors
, 104

Water transportation
, 100

WHO. See World Health Organization

WHOQOLBREF. See World Health Organization-Quality of Life Bref

Wi-Fi coverage
, 118

Wilcoxon t-test
, 98

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 22

World Health Organization-Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOLBREF)
, 22–23

Yellow floods. See Bah Kuning