, 216, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227
barriers to
, 151
, 84–85
, 83–85, 120–123, 150
of ESN students, ethical argument for
, 138–139
I/DD influences on
, 106
impact on educators
, 100–102
impact on students without disabilities
, 98–100
, 90–91
, 84–85, 87, 95–97, 102–104, 107, 109
multifaceted approach to
, 149–152
and outcomes, connection between
, 93–94
rationale for
, 151
-related U.S. policy
, 85–86
of secondary students with I/DD
, 87–88, 94–95
status, for I/DD students
, 86–87
“Inclusion in action” research
, 71
Inclusive co-teaching practices
, 165–183
Inclusive education
, 166, 215–235
apolitical issues in
, 69–70
assessment of. See Assessment of inclusive education
, 68–89
, 65–67
, 61
elements of
, 84
and epistemological beliefs, relationship between
, 61–64
ethical dilemmas of
, 217–219, 227
gifted students in
, 241–242
in Jamaica
, 148–149
in multimodal literacy
, 193, 209
professional ethics in
, 1–17
, 70–72
schooling and
, 5–7
social constructivist perspective of
, 62–63
Inclusive pedagogy. See Inclusive education
Inclusive Practice project
, 66–67
Incremental theory of beliefs
, 244
Indigenous peoples
, 24–29, 31–45, 49, 50, 51n1, 51n5
becoming, premise of
, 42–45
identities, honoring
, 42–45
Individualized education plan (IEP)
, 14, 85, 90, 132–133, 135, 221
IEP kids
, 2
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
, 120, 121
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
, 85, 86
In-service teacher learning
, 181–183
Institutionalized discrimination
, 227
Instruction, differentiated
, 249–250, 252
Intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD)
, 79–109
assessment of learning success, redefining
, 97–98
behavior management
, 104–105
continuum of placements
, 88–89
co-teaching for
, 104
, 81–83
educators, impact of inclusion on
, 100–102
engagement in learning and academic gains
, 95, 96–97
ethical decision making, framework for
, 83
ethical dilemmas for secondary students with I/DD
, 96–98
inclusion on secondary students with I/DD, impacts of
, 94–95
increasing inclusion
, 90–91
influences on inclusion
, 106
interaction opportunities and social skill development
, 96
lived educational experiences and ethical principles
, 94
meaningful inclusion, promoting
, 102–103
outcomes and inclusion, connection between
, 93–94
outcomes research
, 92–93
paraprofessionals, guiding
, 105–106
peer relationships, facilitating
, 105–106
policy-maker’s role in decision-making
, 106–107
post-school outcomes
, 91–92
potential conflict with ethical principles
, 98
secondary students, inclusion of
, 87–88
standards modification
, 97
student assessment and content accessibility
, 103–104
students without disabilities, impact of inclusion on
, 98–100
students, inclusion status for
, 86–87
teachers, professional development for
, 107–108
Intellectual disabilities
, 149
Interaction opportunities, for I/DD students
, 96