Research in the Sociology of Organizations

Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970–2000

ISBN: 978-1-84950-930-5, eISBN: 978-1-84950-931-2

ISSN: 0733-558X

Publication date: 25 March 2010

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2010), "Research in the Sociology of Organizations", Bird Schoonhoven, C. and Dobbin, F. (Ed.) Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970–2000 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 28), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. ii.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Copyright page
List of contributors
Advisory board
An organizational sociology of Stanford's organization theory renaissance
Chapter 1 Organizational institutionalism at Stanford: Reflections on the founding of a 30-year theoretical research program
Chapter 2 Resource dependence theory: Past and future
Chapter 3 Population ecology
Chapter 4 Organizational learning
Chapter 5 Culture Stanford's way
Chapter 6 Organizations and labor markets
Chapter 7 The history of corporate networks: Expanding intellectual diversity and the role of Stanford affiliations
Chapter 8 Healthcare organizations and the Stanford School of Organizational Sociology
Chapter 9 Administration is necessary – but research rules
Chapter 10 Silicon valley, theories of organization, and the Stanford legacy
Chapter 11 When theory met practice: cooperation at Stanford
Chapter 12 NIMH-SCOR: A pioneering center at Stanford
Chapter 13 A fellow from Kansas
Chapter 14 A Cultural View of the Organizational Community at Stanford University
Chapter 15 Explaining the impact of the Stanford organization studies community
Chapter 16 Speaking with one voice: a “Stanford school” approach to organizational Hierarchy
Chapter 17 How I spent the summer of 1973: It was not a vacation
Chapter 18 The contributions of organizational theory to health care
Chapter 19 The Devil's workshop
Chapter 20 Legacies from growing up on the farm
Chapter 21 Situated learning and brokerage as keys to successful knowledge production: An experiential review
Chapter 22 A relational approach to organizational learning
Chapter 23 The Stanford organizational studies community: reflections of a tempered radical
Chapter 24 Unpacking the Stanford case: an elementary analysis
Chapter 25 “Let a hundred flowers blossom”: The cross-fertilization of organization studies at Stanford
Chapter 26 Chance encounters, ecologies of ideas, and career paths: A personal narrative of my Stanford years
Chapter 27 Sense-making in organizational research
Chapter 28 School and Super-School
Chapter 29 Reflections on the Stanford organizations experience
Chapter 30 Touchstones: The Stanford school of organization theories, 1970–2000
Chapter 31 Collegial capital: The organizations research community at Stanford, 1970–2000
Appendix A: Stanford faculty in organizations
Appendix B: Stanford graduate students in organizations
Appendix C: Stanford post-docs in organizations
Appendix D: Affiliated centers for organization research