Subject Index

Economics, Econometrics and the LINK: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R.Klein

ISBN: 978-0-44481-787-7, eISBN: 978-1-84950-855-1

ISSN: 0573-8555

Publication date: 30 January 1995

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(1995), "Subject Index", Dutta, M.J. (Ed.) Economics, Econometrics and the LINK: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R.Klein (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 226), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 571-578.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1995, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

The Works of Lawrence R. Klein
Who Innovated the Keynesian Revolution?
On the Chronology of the General Theory
Rereading the 'Keynesian Revolution'
The Discussion among Future Nobel Laureates Becker, Friedman and Klein on Macro Models and Consumption Functions, in 1957 and 1958
Macroeconomics - Supra-national Macroeconomic Core
An Asymptotic Approximation to the Probability Density Function of the Durbin Watson Test Statistic
Stochastic Prediction in Dynamic Nonlinear Systems
On the Distribution of Horse Qualities at Racetracks
On Asymmetry in Economic Time Series
An Open Economy Analysis of the Dynamic Properties of the Michigan Quarterly Econometric Model of the U.S. Economy
Demand Management, Real Wage Rigidity, and Unemployment
Macroeconometrics and Growth in the Global Economy
Structural Versus VAR Modeling
Manufacturing Industry and Balance of Payments Adjustment
The J-curve and the Indian Trade Balance
Models of Exchange Rate Behavior
Exchange Rate Unions Versus Flexible Exchange Rates
Japan's Macroeconomic Policy and Japan-US Economic Relations During the Eighties
On the Determinants of Price Competitiveness in the World Market
Modeling the Household Economy
Econometrics and Environmental Policy Analysis
Modeling Inventory Investment and Profits in A Macro-econometric Model
Actual and "Normal" Inventories of Finished Goods
The FIow-of-Funds Equations of Japanese Banks
Modeling Transition from the Centrally Planned Economies to the Market Economies
An Analysis of the Effects of Economic Policies on Taiwan's Economic Growth and Stability
China's Macroeconometric Model for Project Link
Author Index
Subject Index