
Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases

ISBN: 978-1-78350-054-3

ISSN: 0065-2830

Publication date: 16 September 2013

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(2013), "Index", Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 37), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-287.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited


References to figures are shown in italics. References to tables are shown in bold.

24/7 Reference Cooperative
, 84, 86, 90–1

, L. 8

academic libraries
, 6–7, 8

as agents of transformational change
, 137

collaboration in information literacy
, 66

competition from bookstores
, 117, 118, 119–20

competition from the internet
, 114, 116, 117–18

decline in use
, 116–17, 117

as facilitators of learning experience
, 138–9

leadership in
, 235

library use fees
, 120, 207

management practices
, 236

meeting needs of academics
, 51, 68, 69–70

meeting needs of students
, 119, 137–8, 140, 145–6

on joint degrees
, 67–8, 69–70

, 119

personalization of services
, 119, 120, 121

problems in developing countries
, 244

student reference assistants
, 157–8, 169–70

transaction approach to service
, 116–18

value-added approach
, 120–6

virtual patron base
, 118

virtual reference services
, 87

web-based library instruction
, 66–7

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison; Collaborative Virtual Reference Services; e-Resources consortium: Jamaica; Humanities Digital Media Archive project; inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree; joint academic libraries: Finland; learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change; library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library; merging academic libraries: Utah State University

access to resources, barriers to
, 69–70

, 6

across university libraries
, 209

, A. 7

administrative support, importance of
, 64, 65, 77

Aho, M. K.
, 161

Akers, C.
, 86, 92, 97, 98

Alberico, R.
, 6

alignment, importance of
, 147–8, 206–7

see also institutional missions

Alladie, V.
, 246

Allen, B. M. F.
, 245, 265

Alleyne, J. M.
, 65, 66–7

Amazon® xiv
, 120

Anaton, M.
, 249

Anderson, G.
, 60

Apostel, S.
, 146

archives see digital collections; Humanities Digital Media Archive project; institutional repositories

Arret, L.
, 94, 95

art images
, 50–1, 52

see also Humanities Digital Media Archive project

Ashcroft, L.
, 245

, 98, 101

Ask Now!
, 85, 93, 102

Auchter, D.
, 122

Audit Commission
, 31

Australia, Collaborative Virtual Reference Services
, 85, 93, 102

Avet, T.
, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98

back-office services see National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Baepler, P.
, 149

Bailey, D. R.
, 144

Bailey-Hainer, B.
, 85, 86, 90

Balraj, L.
, 60, 65, 69

Banks, J.
, 163

Barbier, P.
, 86, 91

Barr, B.
, 91, 95

Bauer, M.
, 7

Beagle, D. R.
, 144

Bennett, B. A.
, 100

Bennett, S.
, 144

Berger, S.
, 85, 87, 91, 93

Bertelsmann, Penguin-Random House merger xiv

Berube, L.
, 87

Beschnett, A. M.
, 161

, 88, 89, 92

Birdie, C.
, 246

Bishop, B. W.
, 84, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 249

Blinnikka, Sirkku xvi
, 223

Blumer, H.
, 34

Bodner, S.
, 88, 90, 95

books or information as focus of public library
, 34, 43–4

bookstores in competition with libraries
, 117, 118, 119–20

Bostick, S. L.
, 263

boutique libraries: management and liaison xv–xvi

abstract and introduction
, 113–16

collection management
, 129–30

, 132–3

lessons learned from business
, 118–20

meeting special needs of customers
, 130

reference support and library instruction
, 127–9

role of liaison librarian
, 131–2

traditional libraries, the transaction approach
, 116–18

value-added approach
, 120–1

an inviting space
, 121–2

knowing the customer
, 123–6

liaison and relationship building
, 122–3

boutique services business model
, 114–16, 118

customer intimacy strategy
, 118–19, 132

uniqueness of boutique services
, 115

Boys, J.
, 149

Bradford, M.
, 248

branch libraries, academic see boutique libraries: management and liaison

Brassaw, Lori J. xvi
, 201

Braund-Allen, J.
, 7

Braun, V.
, 37

Bridges, L. M.
, 7

Briggs, L.
, 86, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100

Brinkman, S.
, 7

Brodie, E.
, 41

Brooks, C.
, 149

Bryan, L.
, 158

Bryson, J.
, 33

Burgess, A.
, 114

Burich, N. J.
, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93

business models
, 114–16, 118

Calvert, P. J.
, 237

Cameron, D.
, 8

campus partnerships see learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

card sort activities, research tool
, 71–2

Caribbean, history of collaboration
, 244, 246–7

Carle, D. O.
, 7

Carpenter, Russell G. xvi,
, 135, 146

Carterette, B.
, 89, 90, 92, 101

Carter, T.
, 114

Casey, A. M.
, 93


access to e-books across academic libraries
, 210–11

digital image databases
, 56

, 205

Chambers, A.
, 114

change, libraries as agents of
, 137, 144

Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
, 32

chat reference services/software
, 82

see also Collaborative Virtual Reference Services; IM Reference

Cheng, R. J.
, 85, 87, 91, 93

Chozik, A. xiv

Citizens' Eye (Leicester Central Library)
, 34–6, 38–44

Clarke, V.
, 37

“clearing house” web pages
, 53, 54

Coates, T.
, 31

Coffman, S.
, 85, 88, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98

, 6

around the world
, 245–6

assessing success of
, 22–4

see also partnerships and public libraries; strategic collaboration

Collaborative Virtual Reference Services xv

abstract and introduction
, 81–3

benefits of

automated referrals to specialists
, 82, 84–5, 87, 95

, 91–3

extended service hours
, 93–4

increased collegiality amongst librarians
, 94–5

other benefits
, 94–6


cultural differences
, 99–101

local questions
, 96–9

software and technology
, 101–2

standard protocols and language
, 101–2

, 107–8

management and staffing

governance and administration
, 88–9

provision and characteristics of staff
, 89–90

role of committees
, 89

service hours
, 90–1

survey about benefits and challenges 103

, 103–4

benefits for librarians
, 104

, 104–6

implications for new collaborations
, 106–7

Texas A & M University, Policy Sciences and Economics Library
, 127

types (demographics)

, 87

, 86–7

, 87–8

subject oriented
, 87

types (size and region)

, 83–4

intra-institutional collaborative service
, 84–5

, 85

, 85–6

University of South Florida, Tampa Library
, 156–7

Collard, S.
, 84, 90, 91, 96, 99

collection development, collaboration
, 6

collections management, collaboration
, 69

College of Eastern Utah
, 202, 203

see also merging academic libraries: Utah State University

Colston, D. E.
, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101

combined service desks see “one desk” service model


in collaboration
, 25, 161, 163, 168, 196, 204–5, 219, 220

with library users
, 121, 122–6

see also oral communication, needs of students

communities see community engagement in public libraries; Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration

community engagement in public libraries

abstract and introduction
, 31–2

case studies
, 34–8

Citizens' Eye
, 34–6, 38–44

Community Health and Wellbeing in Libraries
, 34–6, 37, 38–44

potential cases for investigation
, 35

Project LiRA
, 34–6, 37, 38–44

communities as stakeholders
, 32, 40–1

community-driven engagement
, 32, 41, 45

practical aspects of community engagement
, 32–4, 36

community involvement in the library service
, 33, 40–1

involvement of volunteers
, 33–4, 42–3

, 33, 39–40

public dialogue and deliberation
, 34, 44

public libraries as community space
, 33, 38–9

working around books or information
, 34, 43–4

, 45

research project

, 38–44

data collection and analysis
, 37–8

, 38–44

interview technique
, 37, 38

, 34–6

Community Engagement through Reading
, 34

Community Health and Wellbeing in Libraries Project
, 34–6, 37, 38–44

Community Service Volunteers
, 33

community spirit in joint academic libraries
, 236–8

concierge services see boutique services business model

confidentiality, conflict with personalized services
, 120

consortia, worldwide
, 245–6

Cook, E. I.
, 7

Cookman, N.
, 43

cooperation, organizational model
, 6

Cooper, R. xiv

coordination, organizational model
, 6

copyright, digital repositories
, 14–15

Cornwall, A.
, 42, 43

Council for Finnish University Libraries
, 240

Council of Graduate Schools in the United States
, 60, 65

course reserves systems
, 213–14

Cowling, E.
, 41

Cox, C. N.
, 99

Crane, J.
, 157

Creswell, J. W.
, 34

Crosetto, A.
, 263, 265

cross-campus collaboration
, 49–58

cross-enrollment between academic libraries
, 69–70

cross-searchable databases, digital media
, 53–4

CSV Consulting
, 33, 34

cultural differences, institutional
, 99–101

cultural partners see National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Curry, E. A.
, 7

customer intimacy strategy
, 118–19, 132

customer service
, 114

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

Cutts, A.
, 115

CVRS see Collaborative Virtual Reference Services

Darch, C.
, 244, 245, 246

, 53, 54

see also digital collections; Humanities Digital Media Archive project

Daugaard, V.
, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96, 100

Davis, K.
, 102

Decker, Emy N. xv
, 49

Dee, C. R.
, 87, 92

De Groote, S. L.
, 84, 90, 91, 96, 99

Denecke, D. D.
, 60

Denmark, virtual reference services
, 88, 89, 92

Dennison, K.
, 159

Denzin, N. K.
, 34

Derby City Libraries see Project LiRA (Derby City Libraries)

, 157

developing countries, barriers to collaboration
, 244, 246, 265

Devlin, F. A.
, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93

Dewey, B.
, 7, 8

digital collections
, 6, 7–8, 51–2

cataloging and metadata problems
, 56

collecting and storing data
, 17–19

cross-linking resources
, 24

measuring usage
, 23

, 14

, 13–15

see also Humanities Digital Media Archive project

Digital Commons™ platform
, 14

digital images for teaching and research
, 50–1

digital information
, 117–18

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

digital media, cross-searchable databases
, 53–4

digitization projects
, 6, 7–8

art images
, 50, 52

cataloging and metadata problems
, 56

collecting and storing data
, 17–19

, 14

, 13–15

see also Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration

Dinkins, D.
, 158, 163


as a barrier to collaboration
, 204–5, 215, 219

learning programs (information literacy)
, 66

Docutek ERes
, 213–14

Dorsch, J. L.
, 84, 90, 91, 96, 99

Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration
, 3

abstract and introduction
, 3–4

, 22–4

benefits of
, 12

collecting and storing data
, 17–19, 20

, 25–6

connection with institutional mission statements
, 4–5

, 9–10

, 11–12, 19–20, 22

importance of liaison with community
, 13

interview preparations and technique
, 16–17

launching the digital collection
, 24–5

project chronology
, 15–24

project goals
, 5

project management
, 17–19, 21–2

project partners
, 4–5

Jereld R. Nicholson Library
, 4

Linfield College, Department of Theatre and Communication Arts
, 4

Linfield College, Linfield Center for the Northwest (LCN)
, 4

Pacific City Arts Association (PCAA)
, 4–5, 10, 12

Pacific City Dorymen's Association (PCDA)
, 5, 9, 10–11, 12

strategic collaboration
, 6–8

Downey, A.
, 7

Dreyer, K.
, 85, 87, 95

Dublin Core® metadata schema
, 14

Eakin, L.
, 91

Earp, V. J.
, 84, 87

Eastern Caribbean Regional Libraries
, 246–7

Eastern Kentucky University
, 136–7

changes in teaching and pedagogy
, 138–9

Noel Studio for Academic Creativity xvi,
, 144–7

Quality Enhancement Plan
, 138, 141–2

Writing Center
, 139–40

see also learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

e-Books xiv,
, 210–11

Eckel, P. D.
, 144

Eichler, L.
, 85, 87, 95

Eisenhardt, K. M.
, 34

electronic resources see e-Books; e-Resources

, 238–9

centralization in academic libraries
, 210–12

negotiating licenses for multiple libraries
, 211–12, 238–9

, 246, 259

e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

abstract and introduction
, 243–5

, 265–6

blueprint for a consortium
, 263–4

, 265

exploration of a partnership
, 260–1

library collaborations in general

around the world
, 245–6

historical collaboration in the Caribbean
, 246–7

Jamaican National Consortia
, 247–8

, 261–3

two university libraries

a comparison
, 250–4

overview of e-Resources
, 257–9

program offerings
, 254–8

University of Technology, Jamaica
, 249

University of the West Indies at Mona
, 248–9

Erway, R.
, 179, 197

Estabrook, L. S.
, 120

Estlund, K.
, 7

, 5, 24

Etuk, L. E.
, 7

faculty needs

drive content of image database
, 51

joint degree programs
, 67–8, 69–70

Feldman, S.
, 89, 90, 92, 101

, 226–7, 231, 237

Fialkoff, F.
, 114

finance departments, shared service
, 188–9, 190

, 239

Finland see joint academic libraries: Finland

Finland, Ministry of Education
, 241

Flanagan, P.
, 157

Flemming, C.
, 234, 239

Flinn, A.
, 32

Fogh, M.
, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96, 100

Fong, Y.
, 256

Ford, Emily R. xv
, 59

Foss, K. A.
, 8

Gaetz, I.
, 3, 7

Gardner, Betina xvi
, 135

Gershon, P.
, 176

Giesecke, J.
, 6

Gilman, I.
, 7

Girvan, N.
, 249

Google xiv

Gordian, M. A.
, 114, 118

Goulding, A.
, 32, 34, 39

governance for shared services
, 190–5

Graham, M. E.
, 7

Gray, E. G.
, 7

Great Britain

government policies
, 32, 39

National Health Service, partnership with public libraries

see Project LiRA (Derby City Libraries)

Green, M.
, 144

Guo, J.
, 84, 93, 95, 102

Hadro, J.
, 265

Halperin, M.
, 85, 87, 95

Halverson, K.
, 6–7, 8

Hangsing, R.
, 246

Hanna, D. E.
, 254

Hansen, B.
, 85, 87, 91, 93

Hansen, E.
, 86, 91

Harris, K.
, 33, 39

Haycock, K.
, 224, 238

health services and public libraries see Project LiRA (Derby City Libraries)

Helm, M.
, 7

Hepworth, Mark xv
, 31

Hernas, P.
, 6, 7

Hierholzer, K.
, 7

higher education, Finland
, 225–6

see also joint academic libraries: Finland

higher education, Jamaica
, 254–6

see also e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

higher education, United States
, 139–40

barriers to collaboration
, 63–4

changes in teaching and pedagogy
, 138–9, 141–2, 147

cross-campus collaboration
, 49–58

dual faculty appointments
, 57

formal strategic alliances in Oregon
, 62–3

increase in collaborative work
, 60, 62–3

Learning Alliance for Higher Education
, 63

model for collaboration
, 64

‘siloed’ structure
, 63–4

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison; Collaborative Virtual Reference Services; Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration; Humanities Digital Media Archive project; inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree; learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change; merging academic libraries: Utah State University

Hightower, C.
, 6

Higley, J.
, 114, 121

Hill, B.
, 144

Hillenbrand, C.
, 33, 34, 44

HINARI Access to Research Programme
, 256

Hinken, S.
, 6

Hirshon, A.
, 122, 245, 265

Hoffman, S.
, 7

Homer, Steve xvi
, 186

Hope, C.
, 6

Hope, C. B.
, 65, 66

Horowitz, L. R.
, 157

Huang, M.
, 84, 93, 95, 102

Humanities Digital Media Archive project
, 49–58

abstract and introduction
, 49–50

, 50–1

benefits of
, 51–2

collaboration of student workers
, 55–6

, 57–8

contents faculty driven
, 51

faculty member participation
, 56

, 49–50, 52–3

, 53–4

problems arising during development
, 52–3

project implementation and management
, 54–7

, 56–7

human resources, shared service
, 187–8, 189

Hyndman, J.
, 146

image database, collaborative projects see Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration; Humanities Digital Media Archive project

IM Reference
, 101–2

India, consortia development
, 246

information commons model
, 149

information literacy

collaboration in academic libraries
, 66, 127–9, 214–15

distance learning programs
, 66, 215

web-based instruction
, 66–7

information or books as focus of public library
, 34, 43–4

information systems, shared service
, 186, 187

information technologies

centralization in academic libraries
, 214, 239–40

role in learning spaces
, 142–3

institutional collaboration see inter-institutional collaboration; intra-institutional collaboration

institutional identities and mergers
, 176–7, 219

institutional missions
, 6, 25, 140–1, 142, 144, 148

institutional repositories
, 7–8, 23, 24, 177–8

integrated service desks see library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library; “one desk” service model

intentionality and collaboration
, 6, 25

inter-institutional collaboration see Collaborative Virtual Reference Services; community engagement in public libraries; Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration; e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree
, 59–61

barriers to collaboration
, 63–4

collaboration in information literacy
, 66

, 77–8

, 62–7

creating a LibGuide
, 71–7

card sort activity
, 71–2

OHSU guide home page 73

, 75–6

PSU guide home page 74

research methodology
, 71–2

impact on libraries
, 65

the joint program
, 61, 62–5

library access issues
, 69–70

library collaboration
, 68–70

model for collaboration
, 64

role of technology
, 66–7

student and faculty needs
, 67–8

interlibrary loans, academic libraries
, 209–10

internet and library use
, 114, 116, 117–18

, 16–17, 37–8, 181–2, 260–1, 265–6

, 21–2

intra-institutional collaboration
, 7

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison; Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration; Humanities Digital Media Archive project; learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change; library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library; National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Islam, A. M.
, 245

Ivanitskaya, L.
, 93


College Libraries Information Network (COLINET)
, 247–8

existing library networks
, 247–8

Jamaican National Consortia
, 247–8

see also e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

Janes, J.
, 91

Jereld R. Nicholson Library
, 4

Jin, Y.
, 84, 93, 95, 102

Johnson, E. D.
, 87

Johnson, J.
, 6

Johnson, K.
, 65, 66, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 102

John-Steiner, V.
, 149

joint academic libraries: Finland
, 224

abstract and introduction
, 223–6

comparison of joint libraries


, 240–1

, 224

development and organisation

, 226–7

Lapland University Consortium Library
, 227–8

Lappeenranta Academic Library
, 228–30

Tritonia Academic Library, Vaasa
, 230

, 233, 241

features of joint academic libraries
, 234–5

, 238–9

, 235

management practices
, 236

, 239–40

sense of community
, 236–8

staffing comparison
, 232

types of joint libraries

, 230–1, 232–4

, 232–4, 240

, 231, 234

, 231–2, 234

joint degree programs
, 60, 67–70

see also inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree

Jordan, A.
, 246, 247

journals see e-Resources

, 87

Kane, J.
, 122

Karas, T.
, 6, 7

Kasowitz, A. S.
, 100

Kaspar, Wendi Arant xv
, 113

Kent, J. D.
, 60

Kern, M. K.
, 92, 94, 95, 99, 101, 102

Keys, J.
, 85, 89, 93, 97, 100, 101

Kezar, A. J.
, 62, 63, 64

Khanna, D.
, 85, 87, 95

Kinner, L.
, 263, 265

Kirton, R. M.
, 249

knowledge bases, use in collaborative virtual reference systems
, 98, 102, 107

Kodak 35mm slides, collections
, 50

Koltay, Z.
, 158

Kranich, N.
, 7, 33, 34, 40, 44

Kresh, D. N.
, 90, 93, 94, 95

Kunkel, M.
, 7

Kwon, N.
, 85, 86, 90, 93, 97, 98, 99

Ladenson, S.
, 84, 87, 96

Lafrance, H.
, 93, 101

LANDesk® Service Desk
, 187

Langley, A.
, 7

Lankes, R. D.
, 100, 102

Lapland University Consortium Library
, 227–8, 231, 237–8

Lappeenranta Academic Library
, 228–31, 237

Leacock, J. L.
, 261

leadership in academic libraries
, 235

Learning Alliance for Higher Education
, 63

learning competencies for students
, 68

learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

abstract and introduction
, 135–7

birth of a concept
, 137–40

, 138–9

, 138

writing center
, 139–40

, 150–1

continuation and outcomes

, 144

course level collaboration
, 144

departmental partners
, 145–6

program level partnerships
, 145

student-centric outcomes
, 146–7

partnerships and alliances

, 141–2

, 140–1

tips for other libraries

, 147–8

mission and vision
, 148

, 149–50

learning support see learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

Lee, S. G.
, 7

Leicester Central Library see Citizens' Eye (Leicester Central Library)

Leicestershire County Council, Library Services see Community Health and Wellbeing in Libraries Project

Lerner, G.
, 26

Lester, J.
, 62, 63, 64

liaison librarians see subject librarians

, 215


as agents of transformational change
, 137

and benefits of collaboration
, 94

new skills
, 104

wider professional network
, 103–4

challenges of collaboration

different patrons
, 104–5

other libraries' resources and policies
, 105–6

virtual reference services
, 104–6

and collaboration between institutions
, 66, 69

entrepreneurial characteristics
, 42–3

increased collegiality as result of collaboration
, 94

traditional views of
, 43

see also subject librarians

library guides
, 71–7

library instruction see information literacy

Library of Congress, Collaborative Digital Reference Services
, 83

library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library

abstract and introduction
, 155–7

analysis of pilot experience
, 169

appendix, core competencies
, 166, 170–3

, 170

Library GURUs
, 168, 169–70

literature review

“one desk” service model
, 157–8

, 158–9

undergraduates and reference
, 159

organizational culture
, 159–61

librarian culture
, 161–2

staff culture
, 162–4

plan and implementation
, 164, 165

blending cultures
, 168

, 164–8

face-to-face staff training
, 166

implementation team
, 165–6, 168

online staff training
, 166

peer leader team
, 167–8

recruitment and training of student workers
, 166–8

training committee
, 166–7

Linfield College
, 4, 12

Department of Theatre and Communication Arts
, 4

, 5, 11, 13–15, 17–19, 23

Humanities and Creative Projects Symposium
, 5, 23

Institutional Repository
, 11, 13–15, 17–19, 23

Linfield Center for the Northwest (LCN)
, 4, 12, 19–20

see also Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration

Lin, H.
, 84, 93, 95, 102

Lipow, A. G.
, 115

Lipscom, C. E. xiv

Lisa, D. M.
, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101

Littlejohn, S. W.
, 8

Liu, J.
, 96, 100

local communities see communities

Local Government Association
, 34

local questions, Collaborative Virtual Reference Services
, 96–9

Lowell, B.
, 114

Lugya, F. K.
, 245, 265

Luo, L.
, 81, 86

Luo, Lili xv

Luther, J.
, 6

MacDonald, C. M.
, 95, 96, 102

MacFarlane, H.
, 85, 87, 91, 93

Macmillan, Gail A. xv
, 113

Madison, D. S.
, 8

Mallon, W.
, 144

management practices in academic libraries
, 236

Mandity, E.
, 6

Mango, P. D.
, 114, 118

mapping of audio files for digital collections
, 18

Mariner, V.
, 86, 88, 89, 90

Marshall, Brenda DeVore xv
, 3

Mathson, S. M.
, 7

Mazbah-ul-Islam, M.
, 245

McCarthy, P. D.
, 114

McClure, C. R.
, 86, 88

McDermott, M. H.
, 159

McElroy, E.
, 6

McGilvray, J.
, 86, 88

McGlamery, S.
, 85, 88

McIntosh, A. J.
, 115

MCLS (Metropolitan Cooperative Library System)
, 87

McMullen, S.
, 87, 89, 90, 91, 98, 101, 102

McNicol, S.
, 237, 238

Mead, Darryl xvi,
, 179, 181, 182, 185, 186

Medeiros, N.
, 6

Mehra, B.
, 32

merging academic libraries: Utah State University

abstract and introduction
, 201–3

cost of the merger
, 215–18

concrete costs
, 215, 216

, 216, 217

discussion/key lessons
, 218–20

institutional backgrounds
, 202–3

merging operations

, 210–12

interlibrary loans
, 209–10

library web sites
, 212–13

materials purchasing
, 209

technical services
, 208–13

negotiating and implementing the merger
, 204

administration, staff and policies
, 205–8

, 204–5

migrating the catalog
, 205

public services
, 213–14

reference and instruction
, 214–15

, 14, 18–19, 56

Metropolitan Cooperative Library System
, 85, 87

Michael, S. O.
, 60, 65, 69

Michelson-Thiery, M.
, 158

Mike, S.
, 249

Milas, T. P.
, 86, 88

Miller, D. C.
, 260

mission statements see institutional missions

Moghaddam, G. G.
, 246, 263

Mon, L.
, 86, 88

Montiel-Overall, P.
, 6

Morrisey, L.
, 93, 101

Morrison, A.
, 6

Most, L.
, 86, 88

Muhonen, A.
, 221, 224

multi-literacy centers see learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

Munroe, M. H. xiii

Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, England
, 33

Napier, Trenia L. xvi
, 135

Nathanson, A. J.
, 85, 87, 91, 93

Nath, S.
, 246

national collections, Scotland
, 177–8

National Galleries of Scotland
, 177

see also National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

National Library of Finland
, 240

National Library of Jamaica,
, 248

National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

2006–2007: pressure builds for shared services
, 178

2008: getting started
, 178–80

2009: creating an appetite for success
, 181–3

2010: consolidation, progress and avoiding distractions
, 183–6

internal consultancy
, 185–6

legal framework
, 184–5

2011–2012: building the first shared services

budget and risk management
, 195

, 188–90

governance for building shared services
, 190–5

human resources and organizational development
, 187–8

information systems
, 186–7

service level agreements
, 195–6

stakeholder engagement and communications
, 196–7

abstract and introduction
, 175–8

the current position
, 197

factors contributing to success
, 175

development of trust
, 175, 182

finding common ground
, 175, 181

prehistory of shared services
, 175–8

storage development
, 177–8

what next?
, 197–8

National Museums of Scotland
, 177, 181–2

see also National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Nemer, R. C.
, 94

networks of libraries

, 239–40

, 247–8

Newhouse, J. D.
, 87, 92

news agencies see Citizens' Eye (Leicester Central Library)

Nielsen, E.
, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96, 100

Nielsen, Jakob
, 71

Nissen, N.
, 41

Noel Studio for Academic Creativity xvi,
, 144–7

Nolen, D.
, 94

Non-Departmental Government Bodies, Scotland
, 176

Normore, L.
, 87, 92, 97

Nygrén, U.
, 221, 224

OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
, 83–4, 87

Ohvo, Ulla xvi
, 223

“one desk” service model
, 156, 157–8

see also library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library

O'Neill, A.
, 67, 75

Online Computer Library Center see OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)

online information, increased availability and use
, 117–18

, 71–2

oral communication, needs of students
, 136, 140

see also learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change

oral history
, 8, 13, 16–19

see also Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration

Oregon Health and Science University
, 62

see also inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree

Oregon Master of Public Health program
, 60, 61, 61

Oregon State University see inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree


, 159–60

missions and collaboration
, 6, 25, 140–1

, 6

outreach, proactive
, 119

Pacific City Arts Association
, 4–5, 10, 12

Pacific City Dorymen's Association
, 5, 9, 10–11, 12

Palmer, R. L.
, 158

Palonen, Vuokko xvi,
, 223, 230, 237

Palsson, F.
, 157

Pan, D.
, 256

para-professional library staff
, 163

Parikka, Susanna xvi
, 223

Parker, S. K.
, 87, 91, 92, 95

partnerships and public libraries
, 6, 22–4, 33, 39–40, 41

see also community engagement in public libraries; strategic collaboration

Pateman, J.
, 32, 33, 34, 39

Patterson, M.
, 158

Pavy, J. A.
, 157

payroll function in shared-service model
, 180

Pearson, Penguin-Random House merger xiv


changes in influence learning spaces
, 138–9, 147, 149–50

and institutional missions
, 148

Pedzich, J.
, 158

Penguin-Random House merger xiii–xiv

Perkin, C.
, 32

permissions documents, digital repositories
, 15


academic libraries
, 119, 120, 121

conflict of confidentiality and service
, 120

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

Peterson, C. A.
, 6, 65, 66

Peyton, G.
, 94

Pfanner, E. xiv

Pival, P. R.
, 65, 66

Plotas, J.
, 6–7, 8

polytechnic and university cooperation see joint academic libraries: Finland

Pomerantz, J.
, 86, 90, 91, 94, 97, 100

Portland State University
, 62

see also inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree

Powell, J.
, 158

Powers, A. C.
, 94

Powis, C.
, 123

Pöytälaakso-Koistinen, S.
, 237

Pracht, C.
, 163

Premchand-Mohammed, S.
, 246, 263

Priestner, A.
, 115, 123, 132

Prince2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments)
, 194, 197

Proctor, R.
, 33

Profit, S. K.
, 84, 93, 102

Project LiRA (Derby City Libraries)
, 34–6, 37, 38–44

project management skills
, 7, 10, 88–9

public health, information needs of joint degree students
, 67–8, 88

public libraries

books or information as focus of
, 34, 43–4

changes in community engagement
, 32

collaboration with academic libraries
, 6–7, 8

community-driven engagement
, 32, 45

community involvement in service planning
, 33

as community space
, 33, 38–9

decline in use
, 31–2

and partnerships
, 33, 39–40

reading programmes
, 44

traditional views of
, 43–4

use of volunteers
, 33–4, 42–3

virtual reference services
, 87–8

see also community engagement in public libraries

publishing industry, mergers and acquisitions xiii–xiv

Pulliam, B. R.
, 87, 89, 90, 91, 98, 101, 102, 230

Pumroy, E.
, 6

purchasing see acquisitions

Question/Answer Transaction Protocol (QATP)
, 102

Question Interchange Profile (QuIP)
, 102

Question Point™
, 83–4, 89–90, 93, 100

Quinn, T.
, 86, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100

Radford, M. L.
, 94, 99, 101

Random House-Penguin merger xiii–xiv

, 244, 245, 246

Raymond, J.
, 114

reading programmes
, 44

reference services
, 82

changes in
, 156

data collection using DeskTrackerTM
, 157

“one desk” service model
, 156, 157–9

student reference assistants
, 157–8

use of para-professional staff
, 163

see also Collaborative Virtual Reference Services

Reimer, E. Y.
, 161


student researchers
, 23–4, 25–6

symbolic interactionism
, 34

research guides and collaboration
, 71–7

risk management, shared services
, 195

Robinson, S.
, 139

Rodrigues, D.
, 65, 66–7

Rose, G. S.
, 261

Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland
, 177

see also National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Rozaklis, L.
, 95, 96, 102

Rozum, Betty xvi
, 201

Rumbaugh, P.
, 87, 92, 97

Rupp-Serrano, K. J.
, 158

Ryan, S. M.
, 158, 163

Saarti, J.
, 221, 224

Sabo, R. M.
, 7

Sachs, D.
, 86, 89, 92, 97, 98, 100

Sachs-Silveira, D.
, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98

Sadongei, A.
, 7

Salisbury, J.
, 7

Salkind, N. J.
, 260

Salmon, H. C.
, 248

Saraf, V.
, 246

Schein, E. H.
, 159

Scherrer, C.
, 84, 90, 91, 96, 99

Schull, D.
, 33, 34, 44

Scobie, M.
, 249


Cultural Excellence Team
, 183

cultural sector
, 175–8

government policies on shared services
, 175, 177

More Effective Government Initiative
, 179, 182

Non-Departmental Government Bodies
, 176, 184

see also National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Scottish Executive
, 176

Scottish Library Digital Consortium
, 177

Sears, S.
, 7

Seiden, P.
, 6

Selberg, R.
, 160

serendipity, role in research
, 17, 21, 22, 25

, 212

service level agreements, shared services
, 195–6

shared governance, shared services
, 190–5

shared services see National Library of Scotland: shared back-office services

Shaw, T. M.
, 249

Sheffield, K. Megan xvi
, 155

Shepherd, E.
, 32

Shepherd, M.
, 8

Siggs, A.
, 115

Silver, Susan L. xvi
, 155

Simic, J.
, 7

Smart, Cherry-Ann xvii
, 242

SMS reference services
, 82

Snead, J. T.
, 86, 88

Soete, G.
, 6

Sonntag, G.
, 157

South Africa, consortia development
, 245

Spang, L.
, 7

specialized services see boutique services business model

Spector, R.
, 114

Spring, Kathleen xv
, 3

Srinivasan, R.
, 32

, 232–3

, 216, 217

problems during collaboration
, 89–90, 207, 219

sense of community
, 236–8

see also librarians; students


communities as stakeholders
, 32, 40–1

shared services in Scotland
, 196–7

see also partnerships and public libraries

Stanfield, A. G.
, 158

Stevens, M.
, 32

Stewart-Fullerton, Christina xvii
, 242

Stockham, M. G.
, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93

storage development see institutional repositories

strategic alliances between universities in Oregon
, 62–3

strategic collaboration
, 6–8

assessing success
, 22–4

importance of alignment
, 147–8, 206–7

and institutional mission statements
, 4–5, 25, 140–1

project management skills
, 7, 10, 88–9


collaboration across academic departments
, 55

group work and study
, 138–9, 147, 149–50

information needs on joint degrees
, 67–8, 69–70

meeting needs of in academic libraries
, 119, 137–8, 140, 145–6

problems communicating with
, 124

providing input as project partners
, 55–6

as reference desk assistants
, 157–8, 169–70

as researchers in collaborative projects
, 23–4, 25–6

role in developing learning spaces
, 143–4

subject librarians

benefits of in academic libraries
, 121

and collaboration between institutions
, 66, 69

integration across university libraries
, 208–9, 215

pro-active outreach
, 119

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

Summery, T. P.
, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 98

Sung, Hui-Yun xv
, 31

Swanepoel, A.
, 221

Sweet, M. F.
, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101

symbolic interactionist research
, 34

tailored services see boutique libraries: management and liaison

Talawar, V. G.
, 246, 263

teaching see pedagogy

technical services, centralization in academic libraries
, 208–13

Tennent, B.
, 7

Texas A & M University, Policy Sciences & Economics Library (PSEL)
, 120, 121–2, 127–9

annual gate count 117

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

Texas Information Literacy Tutorial
, 66

text message reference services
, 82, 101–2, 107

Thornton, G. A.
, 246

Tierney, B.
, 144

Tilley, E.
, 115, 123, 132

time management and collaboration
, 219–20

Tipton, C. J.
, 84, 87

Todaro, J. B.
, 8

Todorinova, Lily xvi
, 155

Torrence, M.
, 84, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 101

transaction approach to service
, 116–18

transformational change
, 137, 144, 147

Treacy, M.
, 118, 119

Tritonia Academic Library, Vaasa
, 230, 231–2, 237

Truelson, J. A.
, 84, 87, 95, 99

Trump, J.
, 93, 101

Tucker, T.
, 8

TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006:
, 188, 189

Turtle, E.
, 86, 91

Turtle, E. C.
, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93

Underwood, P. G.
, 244, 245, 246

uniqueness of boutique services
, 115

United States

higher education historical framework
, 63–4

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison; Collaborative Virtual Reference Services; Dory Project: intra and inter-institutional collaboration; Humanities Digital Media Archive project; inter-institutional library collaboration: support for a joint degree; learning spaces: campus partnerships to enable transformational change; merging academic libraries: Utah State University

universities see academic libraries; higher education

University of Cambridge, Education Library
, 116

University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education
, 116

University of Edinburgh, collaborative Library Management System
, 177, 179

University of South Florida
, 156–7

see also library service desks: merging at USF Tampa Library

University of Technology, Jamaica
, 244, 245, 248, 249–50

see also e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

University of the West Indies
, 248–9

University of the West Indies at Mona
, 244, 245, 249

see also e-Resources consortium: Jamaica

user-centric libraries
, 113–14

see also boutique libraries: management and liaison

Usherwood, B.
, 33

Utah State University
, 202, 203

see also merging academic libraries: Utah State University

Utah State University, College of Eastern Utah
, 202, 203

see also merging academic libraries: Utah State University

value-added approach
, 115, 120–6

Vaughan, K. T. L.
, 7

Vincent, J.
, 32, 33, 34, 39

virtual patron base
, 118

virtual reference services
, 82, 127, 156–7

automated referrals to specialists
, 82, 84–5, 87, 95

, 91–3

knowledge bases
, 98, 102, 107

service hours
, 90–1, 93–4

see also Collaborative Virtual Reference Services

visual cues in web-based library guides
, 74–6, 77

Voge, S.
, 7

, 33–4, 42–3

Waibel, G.
, 179, 197

Walker, J. D.
, 149

Wanserski, J.
, 84, 87

Ward, J.
, 86, 91

Warrican, S. J.
, 261

Weak, Emily xv
, 81

Weaver, M.
, 221

web-based archives, cross-searchable
, 53–4

see also digital collections; Humanities Digital Media Archive project

web-based library guides
, 72–7

Webb, K. M.
, 91, 95

web sites, centralization in academic libraries
, 212–13

Wehmeyer, S.
, 122

Whitby, S.
, 67, 75

Wiersema, F.
, 118, 119

Williams, D. A.
, 260

Williment, K. W.
, 33

Willingham, T. L.
, 42

Wilson, F.
, 85, 89, 93, 97, 100, 101

Womack, K.
, 158

Wong, D.
, 259

Wood, D.
, 122

Working Together Project
, 32

Xu, Y.
, 94

Yates, F. W.
, 7

Yin, R. K.
, 34, 260

Zeigen, Laura xv
, 59

Zhang, L.
, 94

Zorich, D. M.
, 179, 197

Zorzi, A.
, 245