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From websites to social media: exploring the adoption of internet marketing in emerging industrial markets

Abdel Monim Shaltoni (Department of Marketing, College of Business, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

ISSN: 0885-8624

Article publication date: 7 August 2017




This study aims to explore internet marketing adoption in emerging industrial markets across several internet-based technologies (i.e. social media platforms, static and transactional websites).


This study is mainly based on an exploratory research design and investigated the online presence of 570 industrial organizations in terms of their involvement in social media. This study also examines if websites are used for basic marketing communications (brochureware) or for conducting advanced marketing activities. An online survey is used to explore the relationships between several factors and internet marketing adoption.


The study found that half of the investigated organizations are using the internet as a one-way communication vehicle through static websites. The study also revealed that decision-makers in emerging industrial markets are enthusiastic about social media, particularly Facebook. In addition, internet marketing adoption was positively related to perceived relative advantage, compatibility, organizational innovativeness, competitor and customer pressure.

Practical implications

From practitioners’ perspectives, the findings can help decision-makers identify the current levels of involvement in internet marketing. At the macro level, the high percentage of organizations with minimum involvement in internet marketing calls for conducting awareness initiatives to educate industrial organizations, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, about the opportunities offered by the internet.


The findings from this study enrich internet marketing research because it focuses on industrial organizations in emerging markets, which is a rarely examined context despite its importance and potential.



Thanks go to Dr Nael Alhusami, the CEO of Amman chamber of industry, for his valuable insights and support.


Shaltoni, A.M. (2017), "From websites to social media: exploring the adoption of internet marketing in emerging industrial markets", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 32 No. 7, pp. 1009-1019.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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