Does climate for creativity mediate the impact of servant leadership on management innovation and innovative behavior in the hotel industry?
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
ISSN: 0959-6119
Article publication date: 13 June 2020
Issue publication date: 4 August 2020
Drawing from theory of organizational creativity, servant leadership (SEL), social exchange and social learning theories, this paper aims to propose a research model where climate for creativity mediates the influence of SEL on management innovation and innovative behavior. The model also investigates the linkage between innovative behavior and management innovation.
Data collected from Arab hotel employees in Palestine were used to gauge the aforesaid linkages through structural equation modeling. Common method variance was checked through an unmeasured latent method factor.
The results reveal that climate for creativity mediates the impact of SEL on management innovation and innovative behavior. Successful SEL practices enable the organization to have climate for creativity, which, in turn, leads to management innovation and innovative behavior. Furthermore, hotel employees’ innovative behavior fosters management innovation.
Practical implications
Top management should have a high level of commitment to the SEL philosophy, which boosts climate for creativity and innovative behavior. It should also capitalize on climate for creativity to activate management innovation. In such an environment, management has to ensure that the supervisors are servant leaders and non-managerial employees are the potential servant leaders. Once employees are trained, empowered and rewarded in an environment which highlights effective SEL practices, they will be more eager to contribute to the company by exhibiting innovative behavior at elevated levels.
Despite a number of studies in the current literature, evidence concerning the effect of SEL on management innovation and innovative behavior simultaneously is scarce. There is still a dearth of evidence pertaining to the underlying mechanism through which SEL fosters management innovation and innovative behavior. In addition, evidence appertaining to the impact of innovative behavior on management innovation is scarce. The study fills in these voids.
Karatepe, O.M., Aboramadan, M. and Dahleez, K.A. (2020), "Does climate for creativity mediate the impact of servant leadership on management innovation and innovative behavior in the hotel industry?", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 2497-2517.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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