
Felix Wortmann (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Heiko Gebauer (Linköping University, Sweden)
Claudio Lamprecht (Strategy&, Switzerland)
Elgar Fleisch (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies

ISBN: 978-1-83797-824-3, eISBN: 978-1-83797-823-6

Publication date: 14 June 2024


Wortmann, F., Gebauer, H., Lamprecht, C. and Fleisch, E. (2024), "Prelims", Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Felix Wortmann, Heiko Gebauer, Claudio Lamprecht, and Elgar Fleisch

Half Title Page

Understanding Products as Services

Title Page

Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies

With 66 Actionable Product–Service Patterns



University of St. Gallen, Switzerland


Linköping University, Sweden


Strategy&, Switzerland



ETH Zurich, Switzerland

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.

First edition 2024

Copyright © 2024 Felix Wortmann, Heiko Gebauer, Claudio Lamprecht, and Elgar Fleisch.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-824-3 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-823-6 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-825-0 (Epub)


About the Authors ix
Foreword x
Part I: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies
Merging Worlds 3
 The Layer Model 4
 The Rule of Thumb 6
 From Moon and Mars 7
 Remeasuring the World 9
The Product–Software–Service Matrix 15
 The Unbending Power of Evolution 19
 The Matrix, Revenue, and EBIT 22
A Catalyst for the Circular Economy 25
Part II: The Product as a Service (PaaS) Navigator
From Physical Products to PaaS 29
 PaaS Offerings Bundle Products and Services 29
 Use and Pay Instead of Buy and Manage 30
Initiate the PaaS Transformation 33
 Myth 1: PaaS Works for Rolls-Royce, But Not for Us 33
 Myth 2: PaaS Is for Customers Who Cannot Afford to Buy 34
 Myth 3: PaaS Is Pay Per Use 35
 Myth 4: PaaS Is Fully Managed 35
 Myth 5: Get Your Products Connected First 36
 Myth 6: We Cannot Swallow the Fish 37
Develop the PaaS Business Model 39
 Set the Scope 40
 Explore Customer Gains and Pains 42
 Define Service Offering 44
 Define Revenue Model 46
 Investigate Strategic Rationale 47
 Apply Proven Management Tactics 50
 Leverage Enabling Technology 53
Drive the PaaS Transformation 57
 Create a Clear and Consistent Target Picture 57
 Understand Cash Flow Implications 59
 Overcome Key Obstacles 62
 Manage Change with KPIs 64
 Define, Refine, and Challenge the Business Model 66
Part III: The 66 PaaS Patterns
Set the Scope 71
 #1 Asset as a Service 72
 #2 Fleet as a Service 74
 #3 Hardware Component as a Service 76
 #4 Hardware Add-on as a Service 78
 #5 Software as a Service 80
 #6 Software Add-on as a Service 82
 #7 Consumable as a Service 84
 #8 Consumable Production as a Service 86
Explore Customer Gains and Pains 89
 #9 Get OPEX and Not CAPEX 90
 #10 Align Revenue and Cost 92
 #11 Address Shortage of Skilled Workers 94
 #12 Decrease TCO 96
 #13 Align Incentives 98
 #14 Be More Flexible 100
 #15 Improve OEE 102
 #16 Reduce Operational Risk 104
 #17 Reduce Business Risk 106
Define Service Offering 109
 #18 Finance 110
 #19 Own 112
 #20 Commission and Decommission 114
 #21 Monitor 116
 #22 Repair and Maintain 118
 #23 Update and Upgrade 120
 #24 Operate 122
 #25 Supply 124
 #26 Optimize 126
 #27 Take Operational Risk 128
 #28 Take Business Risk 130
Define Revenue Model 133
 #29 Subscription 134
 #30 Pay Per Use 136
 #31 Pay Per Outcome 138
 #32 Pay Per Performance 140
 #33 Pay Per Consumable 142
 #34 Minimum Usage 144
 #35 Minimum Contract Term 146
 #36 Enable Exit 148
Investigate Strategic Rationale 151
 #37 Stabilize Revenues 152
 #38 Reduce Environmental Impact 154
 #39 Unlock Customer Demand 156
 #40 Close the Gap 158
 #41 Increase Margins and Share of Wallet 160
 #42 Win Market Shares 162
 #43 Establish Strategic Partnerships 164
 #44 Leverage Premium Product Quality 166
 #45 Avoid the Commodity Trap 168
 #46 Enable Full Data Access 170
Apply Proven Management Tactics 173
 #47 Go for the Recurring Payers 174
 #48 Build Upon Provable ROI Cases 176
 #49 Leverage Past Customer Requests 178
 #50 Take the As 180
 #51 Enter with a Trojan Horse 182
 #52 Go Freemium 184
 #53 Take Customers on a Service Journey 186
 #54 Swallow the Fish 188
 #55 Enforce “Be Gentle It’s a Rental”190
 #56 Let the Customer Do the Work 192
 #57 Increase Stickiness 194
Leverage Enabling Technology 197
 #58 Remote Monitoring 198
 #59 Remote Access 200
 #60 Remote Support 202
 #61 Predictive Maintenance 204
 #62 Over the Air Updates and Upgrades 206
 #63 Automatic Operation 208
 #64 Automatic Replenishment 210
 #65 Order-to-Cash Management 212
 #66 Continuous Improvement 214
Bibliography 217
 Part I 217
 Part II 219
 Part III 224

About the Authors

Prof. Dr. Felix Wortmann is Professor of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen. He is also the Scientific Director of the Bosch IoT Lab, a research collaboration between the Bosch Group, the University of St. Gallen, and ETH Zurich.

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer conducts research at Fraunhofer IMW and Linköping University on digital business model innovation, service innovation in industrial companies, and innovation in the service sector, among other topics.

Dr. Claudio Lamprecht is a Strategy Consultant at Strategy& Switzerland. As a doctoral student at the Bosch IoT Lab at the University of St. Gallen, he investigated equipment-as-a-service approaches.

Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch is Professor of Information and Technology Management at ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. A native Austrian, he is the initiator of several research programs at the intersection of computer science and management. He is also a co-founder and adviser to numerous start-ups and sits on a number of supervisory boards.


Just a few years ago, all software was delivered on physical CDs. Today, it is available as a wireless service from the cloud. Just a few years ago, we bought music recorded on CDs. Today, we subscribe to Spotify’s or Apple’s music streaming services. Service has become an economic imperative. This imperative applies to everything that can be digitalized and is now disrupting physical products. Why? Because the digital component of our physical products is constantly expanding. It is becoming part of the core value proposition. Today, a car’s software shapes the driving experience. New assistance systems and ever-larger screens in vehicle cockpits are vivid evidence of this development. And now this software is becoming a service. Today, that might only mean keeping the navigation system up-to-date. At some point, however, cars themselves will transform into a service: the self-driving taxi. In the meantime, we will see a huge variety of sharing and rental models on the market.

This book is intended to help product companies evolve from being the sole providers of products to offering customer solutions comprised of hardware, software, and services. With Product as a Service (PaaS), we explicitly do not want to contribute to the next hype and promote the ultimate solution to any kind of business model challenge. Digitalization and servitization do not affect all products in the same way, and PaaS will look different in different contexts. Nor do we argue that the relevance of either physical products or the manufacturing industry is declining. Quite the opposite: we assume that the world will remain largely physical and that manufacturing will remain pivotal. Physical products will continue to generate the lion’s share of sales and employment in the manufacturing industry. However, competitiveness is increasingly determined by solutions that are based on hardware, software, and services. For many manufacturing companies, software and services are becoming strategic necessities rather than optional opportunities.

The book is the result of a long-standing collaboration between industry and research at the Bosch IoT Lab at ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. The three partners – Bosch, ETH Zurich, and the University of St. Gallen – founded this lab to better understand how the Internet of Things is changing the manufacturing industry. It quickly became clear that the seamless connection of the digital and physical worlds was creating promising new value propositions. Physical products could now be combined with software and digital services to provide comprehensive solutions to pressing customer needs.

Europe, the world champion of production, had remained too dormant throughout the first major wave of digitalization, led by Amazon, Google, Meta, and Microsoft & Co. US companies were more experimental, more pragmatic, and much faster than their European counterparts. The same was true for companies in some Asian countries, especially China. While Europe may have the best data protection law in the world, it has virtually no digital business. We import almost all digital services from across the Atlantic.

Now the race is moving into a second phase: the digitalization of the physical world. The opportunities for Europe are enormous. Arguably, it is easier to move from hardware to software than vice versa. This, however, requires acknowledging that these two worlds follow different business models and development paradigms and act accordingly. That this is far from easy can be observed in the automotive industry. Here, the first battle was won by Tesla and BYD & Co. But the race has only just begun.

This book explores how the digitalization of products shapes the future business models of product manufacturers. It has three main parts, which can be read separately. Part I – How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies – reflects on the interplay of hardware, software, and services. It is written in the first person and is easily digestible. Elgar Fleisch, the eldest of the authors, describes his fundamental findings and insights along his personal learning path. Part II – The Product as a Service (PaaS) Navigator – introduces a management tool that aims to support the transition toward PaaS. It is written in a more formal style and shows step-by-step how companies can expand their product and service business thanks to digitalization. Part III – The 66 PaaS Patterns – is intended to provide quick reference and inspiration during innovation work.

This book is aimed at practitioners. Excerpts have already been published in scientific publications such as dissertations, journals, conferences, and working papers. To enhance readability, we have omitted long lists of literature and theoretical underpinnings. Only the most important sources are listed at the end of the book. Our research publications are also available on the Bosch IoT Lab homepage ( Whenever possible, we demonstrate central ideas through concrete practical examples. Many of these examples are cutting-edge. They are in competition and constantly developing. Moreover, they become part of larger initiatives and, in some cases, even disappear. However, their underlying ideas and patterns, which we describe in this book, remain stable over time.

The developments described here also drive the circular economy. Manufacturing companies offering PaaS have a great incentive to optimize their economic and ecological footprint across the entire product life cycle. Product business, digitalization, and sustainability go hand in hand, thus creating another significant opportunity for the European industry.

This book is the result of a significant team effort. We would like to thank everyone who supported us in our research and publishing activities: Johanna Knapp, Dominik Bilgeri, Elisabeth Vetsch-Keller, Malte Belau, and last but not least, Sheena Reghunath and Nick Wallwork at Emerald Publishing. We would also like to thank our industrial partners for their time and trust.

And we wish you, dear reader, an enjoyable reading experience and every success in implementing PaaS yourself.

Felix Wortmann

Heiko Gebauer

Claudio Lamprecht

Elgar Fleisch