
Helen Stokes (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Tom Brunzell (University of Melbourne and Berry Street Victoria, Australia)

Implementing Trauma-informed Pedagogies for School Change: Shifting Schools from Reactive to Proactive

ISBN: 978-1-83797-001-8, eISBN: 978-1-83797-000-1

Publication date: 19 February 2024

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Stokes, H. and Brunzell, T. (2024), "Index", Implementing Trauma-informed Pedagogies for School Change: Shifting Schools from Reactive to Proactive (Emerald Studies in Trauma-Informed Education), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 87-89.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Helen Stokes and Tom Brunzell


Adverse childhood experiences (ACE)
, 4

Appreciative inquiry participatory action research (AIPAR)
, 24, 29, 46, 59

, 60, 67

with TIPE
, 24–26

Appreciative inquiry process strategies
, 25

Attitude to school surveys (AtoSS)
, 26, 34

Auditing and reviewing TIPE strategies in classrooms
, 64–65

Bottom-up capacities
, 9–11

Brain break
, 19–20

Check-in strategies
, 55

Childhood trauma studies
, 4

Classrooms, auditing and reviewing TIPE Strategies in
, 64–65

, 18

Collective teacher efficacy (CTE)
, 40, 55

Community-wide approach

auditing and reviewing TIPE strategies in classrooms
, 64–65

developing confidence and competence to deliver consistency of practice
, 63

future directions for TIPE
, 66–71

importance of context
, 60–62

structured coaching
, 65–66

towards trauma-informed education systems
, 71–73

Competence to deliver consistency of practice
, 63–67

Confidence to deliver consistency of practice
, 63–67

, 2, 29

Culturally responsive pedagogies
, 72–73

, 19

Design process
, 15

Dinosaur brain
, 50

Education systems
, 72

Einstein brain
, 50

Fidget tools
, 11, 19

Garron Secondary College
, 27, 31, 34, 39–40, 42, 45–47, 55, 59–64, 66, 68, 71, 76

challenges and future opportunities
, 41–43

, 27–29

implementation of TIPE at
, 31–35

initiating professional learning in TIPE
, 30–31

professional learning for whole school
, 29–30

reframing TIPE within school’s instructional model
, 35–36

shifting school culture to non-punitive approach
, 31–35

impact of TIPE
, 39–41

Individualised teacher coaching session
, 52

Instructional approach
, 37, 39

, 54

, 17

Mindful practices
, 20

Missouri Model
, 6, 10

National Child Traumatic Stress Network, The
, 13

Non-clinical professionals
, 4

Non-punitive approach, shifting school culture to
, 31–35

Non-therapeutically trained professionals
, 3

Parent volunteers
, 69

Pedagogical progress
, 68

Positive education
, 23

Positive primer
, 37

Proactive behavioural management, TIPE strategies for
, 53–56

Proactive support
, 54

Professional learning

initiating professional learning in TIPE
, 30–31

for school
, 29–30

with TIPE
, 24–26

undertaking professional learning in TIPE
, 46–47

Professional learning teams (PLTs)
, 63

, 50

Psychological resources for wellbeing
, 23–24

Qualitative methods
, 9

Ready to Learn Plans
, 32–33, 55

Ready to Learn Scale
, 55

Regulatory abilities, TIPE
, 18–21

Relational abilities, TIPE
, 21–23

Relational strategies
, 31

, 10

Safety Plan
, 20


culture to non-punitive approach
, 31–35

reframing TIPE within school’s instructional model
, 35–36

school-based mental health professionals
, 2

transitioning students throughout
, 51–53

trauma-informed education strategies for
, 15

Secure-base strategies
, 21

Self-regulation strategies
, 19

Sensory strategies
, 11, 19

Social emotional learning (SEL)
, 1, 7, 12

Strength spotting
, 23

Structured coaching
, 65–66

, 5, 28, 40, 55

transitioning students throughout school
, 51–53

, 3–4, 16, 18, 28, 38, 49, 54, 75

own capabilities
, 2–4

Top-down capacities
, 9, 11–13, 17

, 3

, 6

Trauma-informed classrooms
, 11

Trauma-informed education
, 16–17, 23, 75, 76

, 39

bottom-up capacities
, 10–11

building teachers’ own capabilities
, 2–4

foundations of
, 4–6

implementation layers of trauma-informed education intervention
, 7–8

, 12

need for
, 1–2

ongoing iteration and definition of
, 6–7

prevalent themes of trauma-informed education
, 9

strategies for schools
, 15

, 71–73

top-down capacities
, 11–13

Trauma-informed instructional approach
, 38

Trauma-Informed Positive Education (TIPE)
, 15–16, 18–19, 59, 75–76

impact of
, 39–41

, 71

auditing and reviewing
, 64–65

Coaching Rubric
, 65, 67

developmental domains of
, 15

future directions for
, 66–71

, 36

implementation of TIPE at Wiyal Primary School
, 47

increasing psychological resources for wellbeing
, 23–24

increasing regulatory abilities
, 18–21

increasing relational abilities
, 21–23

initiating professional learning in
, 30–31

instructional model
, 35, 39, 64, 67

learn, practise, and apply
, 37–38

, 48–51

proactive behavioural management
, 53–56

professional learning
, 47

professional learning and appreciative inquiry participatory action research with TIPE
, 24–26

, 38–39

, 32, 37, 54, 70

, 28

transitioning students throughout school
, 51–53

trauma-informed education strategies for schools
, 15

undertaking professional learning in
, 46–47

Trauma-informed schools
, 12

, 6

, 6

University ethical process
, 26

Wellbeing, increasing psychological resources for
, 23–24

Whole school, professional learning for
, 29–30

Wiyal Primary School
, 45, 53–54, 56, 59, 61–69, 71

challenges and future opportunities
, 56–57

, 45–46

implementation of TIPE at
, 47–56

undertaking professional learning in TIPE
, 46–47