
Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals

ISBN: 978-1-80455-707-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-704-4

Publication date: 22 June 2023

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(2023), "Index", Cabrera, Á. and Cutright, D. (Ed.) Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals (Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 163-168.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Ángel Cabrera and Drew Cutright


Academia in driving University Global Coalition development through mineral extraction
, 83–86

Adaptive leadership
, 42–43

, 41–43

African climate and development initiative (ACDI)
, 78

African union’s Agenda 2063, building networks of research towards delivery of
, 76–78

Agenda 30
, 60

Alliance of Research Universities in Africa (ARUA)
, 89

Artificial Intelligence Lab
, 105

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
, 9, 51, 54, 58, 60

Summer School
, 62

Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
, 115

Bring Back Green
, 103

Business compact
, 153

development of
, 143–147

, 155

initial activities
, 147–148

, 149

Carbon reduction challenge
, 153–154

Cervical cancer
, 81, 88–89

CIRCLE programme
, 63

Climate action

business compact launch and initial activities
, 147–148

development of business compact
, 143–147

from SMEs to MNEs
, 148–150

voluntary business coalition for
, 143

Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE)
, 78

Climate change
, 14, 79, 150

, 116

vulnerability assessment
, 67

Climate education
, 15, 103

Climate solutions for Georgia, identifying roadmap of
, 137–143

Climateworks Centre
, 35

, 74, 101, 115

number of
, 118–120

sound and well-set-out strategy of
, 60

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
, 118, 121

, 61

education ecosystem
, 54

, 61

Commonwealth Climate Resilience Network (CCRN)
, 67


co-creating with community partners
, 104

community-based health research project
, 79

in driving towards sustainable development through mineral extraction, role of
, 83–86

, 30

matching knowledge with effective translation in community to treat cervical cancer
, 79–83

Corporate leaders
, 148

Covid-19 pandemic
, 55, 65

and GSL program at Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 122–123

in South Africa and developing brief for preparedness for and prevention of pandemics
, 86–88

Credit-bearing courses
, 117

, 154

Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)
, 87

Development goal
, 52

Digital learning
, 55

, 135, 153–157

creating Drawdown Georgia movement
, 134–137

development of
, 143–147

expanding on issue of equity
, 150–153

Drawdown Georgia business compact
, 143, 153

Georgia equity opportunities project
, 151

, 155

identifying roadmap of climate solutions for Georgia
, 137–143

initial activities
, 147–148

launching voluntary business coalition for climate action
, 143–150

, 149

, 22, 38, 56

SDGs in education at Tecnológico de Monterrey,
, 118–121

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
, 122

Educational Resources
, 118

Electric vehicles
, 140, 151

Entrepreneurial institutions
, 111


expanding on issue of
, 150–153

in Global North
, 88

EU Cities Mission
, 35

Financial Literacy project
, 106

First operating system
, 34

Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use and Energy Consortium (FABLE Consortium)
, 35

Genuine partnerships
, 44

types of
, 45

Georgia, identifying roadmap of climate solutions for
, 137–143

Georgia Climate Project (GCP)
, 135–136

Georgia Institute of Technology
, 16, 137, 139, 152

Global Africa Group (GAG)
, 76–77

Global classroom

, 121, 128

, 122

Global Classroom Coordinator
, 118

Global North organisations
, 74

Global SDGs
, 86

Global Shared Learning (GSL)
, 116

COVID-19 and GSL program at Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 122–123

GSL Initiative
, 128–131

GSL-classroom and SDG capacity building
, 121–122

, 128–129

HEI networks and associations with SDG programs
, 115–116

, 130

lessons learned
, 131–132

scaling GSL-Classroom
, 123–128

SDGs at tecnológico de Monterrey
, 116

SDGs in education at Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 118–121

six strategic areas
, 116–117

strategic programs
, 117–118

, 114–115

, 130

, 16

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)
, 138

Gross Tertiary Enrolment (GTE)
, 54

Health interventions with impact
, 79–83

Hemispheric Universities Consortium (HUC)
, 116

, 108

Higher education
, 9, 25, 31, 36, 57

barriers to SDG action
, 31–34

case for scaling up HE action on SDGs
, 29–31

explicit acknowledgement of
, 52

meta approaches to mobilizing SDG action
, 34–45

and SDGs network
, 67

treating HE as system
, 36–39

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 20, 28, 114

networks and associations with SDG programs
, 115–116

role HEI play in achieving SDGs
, 22–25

Higher education sustainability initiative (HESI)
, 8

Higher learning
, 21

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
, 147

Human papilloma virus testing (HPV testing)
, 81

Human resources
, 81

in HE Community
, 67

Industrial revolution
, 4

Industry in driving towards sustainable development through mineral extraction
, 83–86

Institute–student partnership
, 100

Institutional environment
, 33

Institutional Strengthening Programme (ISP)
, 64

Interdisciplinary collaborations
, 117

Interdisciplinary knowledge
, 75

Intergenerational partnership

early gaps and finding alignment
, 95–98

founding in dorm rooms
, 95

power student leadership for SDGs
, 107–112

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 76, 145

International Conference on Sustainable Development
, 28

International Monetary Fund
, 74

International partnerships
, 88

International student mobility
, 118

Internationalist, The
, 58

, 123

Intra-Africa partnerships
, 89

Job market
, 57

Khayelitsha Cervical Cancer Screening Project (KCCSP)
, 79, 81

Knowledge exchange
, 52

Language barrier
, 99

, 20, 24, 32, 62, 145

, 30

management systems
, 39

Levers for system-wide change
, 39

Lifelong Learning Green Academy
, 117

Loss and damage
, 5

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
, 83

Meta approaches to mobilizing SDG action
, 34–35

defining outcomes
, 39–41

employing adaptive leadership approaches
, 41–43

investing in building genuine partnerships
, 43–45

treating HE as system
, 36–39

Millennium Campus Network
, 15, 94–95

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 7, 52

Millennium Fellowship
, 94, 96, 100

, 105

Ministry of Education
, 103

Mission Zero
, 134

, 54, 62

Monash University
, 35

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
, 149

from SMEs to
, 148–150

Multistakeholder partnerships
, 6, 52

National Education Opportunities Network
, 55

National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS)
, 87

National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD)
, 87

Net Zero Tracker participation data
, 143

, 66

research towards delivery of African union’s Agenda 2063 and UN’s SDGs in Africa, of 76–78

of Genomic Surveillance in South Africa
, 87

of student leaders
, 105

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
, 103, 146

in driving towards sustainable development through mineral extraction
, 83–86

Open Working Group (OWG)
, 21

Organizational barriers, SDGs
, 32

Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning (PEBL)
, 64–65

Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE)
, 137

, 9–10, 13, 44, 52, 74, 77, 89, 94–95, 107

building networks of focused research towards delivery of African union’s Agenda 2063 and UN’s SDGs in Africa
, 76–78

crossing disciplinary boundaries for cross sectoral impact
, 86–88

crossing stakeholder spectrum
, 83–86

expanding binational academic partnership to inform policy at national government level across Africa and global south
, 78–79

facilitating partnership to empower
, 88–90

, 13

health interventions with impact
, 79–83

human connection at heart of
, 98

sustainability of
, 105

Patient-centred approach
, 81

Peer research networks
, 14

, 66

on climate finance
, 79

Population growth
, 3

Power student leadership for SDGs
, 107–112

Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME)
, 8

Quality education
, 52

Rationalisation and commercialisation process
, 24

Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business (ACSB)
, 134, 146

Ray C. Anderson Foundation
, 16, 134, 138, 157

Real Impact on Society and Environment’ (RISE)
, 115

Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE)
, 151

, 30

, 58

, 57

, 105

, 86

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
, 143

Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 145

to MNEs
, 148–150

Social impact projects
, 100, 103

Social justice
, 75

Social media platforms
, 100

South Africa and developing for preparedness for and prevention of pandemics, Covid-19 pandemic in
, 86–88

South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
, 87

Southwire Company
, 16, 144

, 38

Student leadership for SDGs
, 107–112

, 102, 116, 150

Sustainable development
, 5, 29, 53, 74–75, 84

academia, community, NGOs, and industry in driving towards sustainable development through mineral extraction
, 83–86

of mineral resources
, 88

, 10

transformation approach
, 36

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 1–2, 9, 12, 24, 77

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
, 8, 28, 116

System-wide change, identifying levers for
, 39

Systems change
, 29, 36

, 30

Tec Weeks’ activities
, 128

TEC21 model
, 120

Technology for teaching and learning
, 131

Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 15–16, 113, 116–124, 126, 128–131

Tertiary education
, 53

The World in 2050 (TWI2050)
, 35

Times Higher Education Impact

, 30

, 9

Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
, 53

, 38

Transformational partnerships
, 13, 44

, 29

27th UN climate change conference (COP27)
, 4

United Nation SDGs (UN SDGs)
, 1–2, 9, 12, 24, 77, 114, 149

in Africa
, 76–78

barriers to SDG action
, 31

call to collaborate
, 16–17

case for scaling up HE action on
, 29–31

common barriers to SDG action
, 31

in education at Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 118–121

, 11–12

external barriers
, 33

GSL-classroom and SDG capacity building
, 121–122

HEI networks and associations with SDG programs
, 115–116

meta approaches to mobilizing SDG action
, 34–45

organizational barriers
, 32

, 13–16

personal barriers
, 31–32

, 10–11

potential solutions
, 33–34

power student leadership for
, 107–112

, 12

role HEI play in achieving
, 22–25

, 63, 79

, 79

, 77, 107, 115

at Tecnológico de Monterrey
, 116

United Nations (UN)
, 20, 52

, 94

, 114–115

United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
, 96

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
, 9, 14

United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 5

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
, 35

, 1, 7, 24, 54, 66, 109

achieving agenda 2030

, 109

, 66

, 101

role HEI play in achieving SDGs
, 22–25

University College London (UCL)
, 98

University of Cape Town (UCT)
, 75

University Global Coalition
, 116

University of Zambia (UNZA)
, 83

Vice Presidency of Inclusion, Social Impact, and Sustainability (VPISIS)
, 121

Voluntary business coalition for climate action
, 143–150

Voluntary Local Review
, 12

Voluntary University Review (VUR)
, 9, 11

Women Empowerment Cell
, 102

, 53

Worldwide University Network (WUN)
, 76

Young leaders
, 109

Youth leadership programs
, 102