
Contextualising African Studies: Challenges and the Way Forward

ISBN: 978-1-80455-339-8, eISBN: 978-1-80455-338-1

Publication date: 12 December 2023

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(2023), "Index", Harrison, C. and Omeihe, K.O. (Ed.) Contextualising African Studies: Challenges and the Way Forward (New Frontiers in African Business and Society), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-224.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Christian Harrison and Kingsley Obi Omeihe


Abuja FCT
, 172, 177

data analysis
, 180–188

data collection
, 179–180

literature review
, 171

literature synthesis and hypotheses development
, 176–178

measuring hotel business performance
, 173–174

methodological consideration
, 179

Nigeria hotels business performance innovation
, 171

research limitations and future study suggestions
, 192

, 188–190

study context
, 172–173

study theoretical framework
, 174–176

tourism regulations
, 171–172

Abuja International Hotel
, 172

Abuja’s geography
, 172

Access to finance
, 14, 17, 32

Activity-Based Costing (ABC)
, 174

, 81, 85

contextualising entrepreneurship in
, 207–208

African context
, 46, 171–172

African countries
, 171

African Development Bank (ADB)
, 130

African phenomena
, 6

African Research

behavioural perspective
, 201

cognitive perspective
, 203

contextualising entrepreneurship in Africa
, 207–208

economic perspective
, 201

entrepreneurship as new venture creation
, 205–206

entrepreneurship as process
, 204–205

great person perspective
, 199

historical perspective
, 198–199

intrapreneurship perspective
, 202–203

leadership perspective
, 203–204

management perspective
, 202

as opportunity recognition and exploitation
, 206–207

psychological perspective
, 201

research and theory
, 198

sociological perspective
, 201–202

state of entrepreneurship research and theory
, 199

African studies

methodological heterogeneity
, 6–8

outlook for future
, 8–9

taking stock of African studies
, 4–6

African systems

impact of indigenous social and economic structures on formation of Nigerian Markets
, 158–160

influence of geography and history on Nigeria’s marketplaces
, 155–156

market authorities
, 161–165

Nigeria’s marketplaces before colonial era
, 157–158

traditional markets and market authority in
, 155

trans-Saharan Caravan market routes 156–157

Agency relations
, 44

Agency theory
, 38, 41–42

Agricultural development and agricultural externalities in Nigeria
, 143–147

Agricultural policy transmission
, 140

Agricultural policy-making process
, 133

Agricultural sector
, 136

regulatory framework for transformation of
, 136–140

Agricultural-based economy
, 132

, 130, 136, 159

agricultural development and agricultural externalities in Nigeria
, 143–147

background of study
, 130–131

developmental strategy for agriculture in Nigeria
, 130

framework for global policy adoption
, 135–140

geography of Nigeria
, 131–132

lessons from Malaysia agricultural policies transmission mechanism
, 140–143

regulatory framework for National Economic Policy
, 132–135

, 60

Alienative involvement
, 46

, 38–39, 43, 48

Anglo-Saxon countries
, 38–39

, 22–23, 38, 41, 43, 163, 188

Balanced Score Card, The
, 174–175, 191

Bartlett sphericity test
, 180

Behavioural perspective
, 201

Belief systems
, 38, 160

Beneficiary communities
, 65

Black letter law
, 134

Broad-brush policy
, 138

Business Development Fund for Women (BUDFOW)
, 17

Business entities
, 57

Business ethics
, 40

Business finance
, 14

Business growth and development
, 15

Business landscape
, 44

Business performance
, 174, 176

of hotels
, 170, 174

Calculative cooperation
, 47

Capital market
, 41–42, 44, 46–47

Case study approach
, 7

Coase theorem
, 145, 147

Cognitive perspective
, 203

Cognitive process of entrepreneurs
, 203

Commercial banks, lack of support by
, 25–26

, 43, 45, 114

Communitarian stakeholder perspective
, 43–44

, 2, 25, 43, 58, 65, 81, 88, 91, 93

Community funds
, 23–25

Company and Allied Matters Act (CAMA)
, 134

Compensation analysis
, 145

Contemporary phenomena
, 7

Context-specific socio-political entities
, 82

Continental Europe
, 44

Corporate assets
, 41

Corporate governance
, 2, 38

corporate governance theories and institutional logics
, 41

, 40–41

enlightened shareholder perspective
, 44

, 48–49

, 42

shareholder-centric perspective
, 41–43

stakeholder-centric perspective
, 43–44

theoretical background
, 40

Corporate objective
, 55–56

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 58

, 70–71

, 59

, 170–171

Cronbach’s α coefficient test, The
, 179

Cultural hegemony of chieftaincy
, 167

, 116–117

Data Envelope Analysis and Balanced Scorecard
, 174

Data Protection Act (1998)
, 21

Decision-making process
, 54

, 43

Demsetz theory
, 145

Distribution of wealth
, 43

Dumb trade
, 156

, 1

Economic actors
, 38, 40

Economic development
, 132

in region
, 154

Economic Financial Crime Commission Act (2002) (EFCC Act)
, 134

Economic model of man
, 41, 46

Economic perspective
, 201

Economic relationships
, 42, 162

Economic sustenance of host communities
, 59–60

, 154

, 158

Emerging countries
, 55, 71

Employment opportunities for gold mining host communities, limited
, 66

, 85

Encroachment by illegal miners and trespassing of restricted areas
, 66–68

Enlightened shareholder perspective
, 44

, 202

Entrepreneurial leadership
, 204

Entrepreneurial opportunity
, 206

Entrepreneurial process
, 19, 29, 204–205

, 200, 204

cognitive processes of
, 203

importance of
, 201

in Nigeria
, 16

, 32

, 3, 80, 83, 197–198, 202

behavioural perspective
, 201

cognitive perspective
, 203

contextualising entrepreneurship in Africa
, 207–208

economic perspective
, 201

great person perspective
, 199

historical perspective
, 198–199

intrapreneurship perspective
, 202–203

leadership perspective
, 203–204

management perspective
, 202

as new venture creation
, 205–206

in Nigeria
, 15–16

as opportunity recognition and exploitation
, 206–207

as process
, 204–205

psychological perspective
, 201

research and theory
, 198

sociological perspective
, 201–202

state of entrepreneurship research and theory
, 199

Environmental Protection Agency Ghana (EPA Ghana)
, 67

Environmental sustainability
, 61

, 45

European Commission Package Travel Regulations (EC Package Travel Regulations)
, 171

Evidence Act (2011)
, 134

, 38, 42, 171

External environments
, 38

External stakeholders
, 65

, 144

, 145

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
, 58

, 87

Family funds
, 23–25

Family responsibilities
, 30–31

Federal Capital Territory Tourism Board
, 179

Federal Government
, 172

Female entrepreneurs
, 31

in Nigeria
, 17

Female entrepreneurship
, 14–15

, 18

Finance, access to
, 89

Financial inclusion

in Nigeria
, 16–18

policy interventions
, 18

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
, 135

Formal institutions
, 80

Funds, structural sources of
, 22

, 60

Gautrain Management Agency (GMA)
, 104

Gautrain Management Agency
, 3


in Nigeria
, 16–18

social construction of
, 18–20

socio-cultural experiences of
, 26–31

Gender Entrepreneurship Markets (GEM)
, 17

Ghademes-Air route
, 156

Ghana, challenges to sustainability practices of mining company’s subsidiary operating in
, 69–70

Ghana Mining Company (GMC)
, 55, 62

Ghana’s gold mining industry and sustainable practices
, 58–59

Global entrepreneurship monitoring (GEM)
, 206

Global policy adoption

framework for
, 135

regulatory framework for transformation of agricultural sector
, 136–140

Gold mining
, 61

enterprises’ sustainability
, 59

of host communities
, 59–60

limited employment opportunities for gold mining host communities
, 66

social crises of
, 60–61

stakeholder theory and sustainability practices of
, 56–58

Governance complexities
, 49

Government support
, 23

Great person perspective
, 199

Green Revolution (GR)
, 133

Gross domestic product (GDPs)
, 207

Healthcare organizations
, 38

Host communities, gold mining and economic sustenance of
, 59–60

, 170, 173–174

in Abuja
, 172

measuring hotel business performance
, 173–174

Human capital scholars
, 103

Hybrid governance
, 38

Hypothesis testing
, 180

Illegal gold mining operators
, 58

Illegal miners and trespassing of restricted areas, encroachment by
, 66–68

Immigration Act 3 (2007)
, 177

, 42–44, 115

Inclusive belief
, 47

, 81, 91

Indaba-informed sub-Saharan African culture
, 91

Indaba/ubuntu-based sub-Saharan socio-culture
, 81

Independent Corrupt Practices Commission Act (ICPC Act)
, 134

Indigenous social and economic structures on formation of Nigerian Markets, impact of
, 158–160

Industry-related KST obstacle
, 120

Informal entrepreneurship
, 84

Informal institutions
, 80

access to external markets
, 88–89

access to finance
, 89

access to training
, 88

implications for policy and practice
, 93

implications for theory and research
, 93

informal economy and institutions
, 80–81

mitigating institutional voids
, 87

postcolonialism and ‘third’ way
, 82–87

potential for institutional development
, 90–91

research outcomes
, 87

effect of socio-economic environment
, 89–90

sub-Saharan context
, 81–82

Informal self-employment perspective
, 82

Informal storytelling
, 119

, 170

Institutional development, potential for
, 90–91

Institutional environments
, 39, 42, 84

Institutional logics
, 4–6, 38, 41

enlightened shareholder perspective
, 44

shareholder-centric perspective
, 41–43

stakeholder-centric perspective
, 43–44

Institutional support system
, 161

Institutional theory
, 80

Institutional voids, mitigating
, 87

, 80–81, 102

Inter-departmental competition for scarce resources
, 63–64

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 171

Internal business process
, 178

International Accounting Standard Board (IASB)
, 135

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
, 17

International Finance Corporation (IFC)
, 17

International policy
, 92

, 203

Intrapreneurship perspective
, 202–203

Intrinsic satisfaction
, 42

Investment decisions
, 40

Islamic bank
, 26

Kaiser–Meyen–Olkin sample test (KMO sample test)
, 180

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
, 174

, 102, 108

Knowledge management (KM)
, 105

Knowledge resources
, 102

Knowledge sharing (KS)
, 105

Knowledge Sharing and Transfer (KST)
, 3, 102, 122

complementary people enabling factors
, 114

data collection and data analysis
, 108–110

data display structure
, 110

data validation
, 110–111

effective public management concept
, 105–107

essential originating antecedent factors
, 111

literature review
, 104

methodological consideration
, 108

outcome implementing strategies
, 119–120

presenting study findings
, 111

process organisational enabling factors
, 116–119

public sector and transport management
, 107–108

setting scene
, 102–104

study context
, 104

synthesis of KST in public sector literature
, 108

theories and frameworks
, 104–105

Knowledge transfer (KT)
, 105

Knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs)
, 103

, 147

Kwashi’s testimony
, 90

Leadership perspective
, 203–204

Linear regression technique
, 8

Logics multiplicity
, 38

Makarume’s testimony
, 91

Malaysia agricultural policies transmission mechanism

case of palm oil production in Malaysia vs. Nigeria
, 141–143

lessons from
, 140

Malaysian oil palm sector, The
, 141

Management perspective
, 202

Market authorities
, 161

markets and guilds
, 161–163

and violation of market conventions
, 163–165

Market values
, 40

Marriott and Hilton hotel franchise
, 175

Material practices
, 38

Material subsistence
, 38

Means-end rationality approach
, 107

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
, 16

Micro-finance institutions (MFIs)
, 17–18

Microfinance Banks
, 16

Minerals Commission
, 58

Mining company’s subsidiary operating in, challenges to sustainability practices of Ghana
, 69–70

Moral involvement
, 43, 47

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
, 54

National Agriculture Information Management System (NAIMS)
, 140

National Bank of Commerce and Industry
, 16

National Bureau of Statistics
, 16

National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
, 16

National Economic Empowerment and Development Scheme (NEEDS)
, 16

National Economic Policy
, 135

regulatory framework for
, 132–135

National Economic Reconstruction Fund (NERFUND)
, 16

National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act 2004 (NEMBA)
, 171, 177

New Public Management (NPM)
, 105–106

New venture creation, entrepreneurship as
, 205–206

New World Encyclopaedia
, 172

, 135

agricultural development and agricultural externalities in
, 143–147

agricultural sector
, 140

areas for future research/limitations
, 32

case of palm oil production in Malaysia vs.
, 141–143

, 171–172

contextualising debate
, 14–15

contribution to research and practice
, 32

data analysis and presentation
, 22

entrepreneurship in
, 15–16

gender and financial inclusion in Nigeria
, 16–18

geography of
, 131–132

influence of geography and history on
, 155–156

marketplaces before colonial era
, 157–158

research methodology
, 20

research sample
, 20–21

social feminist theory and social construction of gender
, 18–20

socio-cultural experiences of gender
, 26–31

structural sources of funds
, 22–26

Nigerian context
, 5

Nigerian economy, The
, 130

Nigerian entrepreneurs
, 22

Nigerian government, The
, 134, 137–138, 141

Nigerian Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL)
, 23

Nigerian markets
, 162

impact of indigenous social and economic structures on formation of
, 158–160

, 160

Non-financial Performance Measurement (NFPM)
, 174

Non-governmental organisations (NGO)
, 85

, 38, 44–45

Objectivist management approaches
, 104

‘One size fits all’ approach
, 2

, 41–42

Organisational actors
, 38, 41–42

Organisational motivation
, 115

Organisational trust

corporate governance theories and institutional logics
, 41

, 40–41

enlightened shareholder perspective
, 44

, 48–49

shareholder-centric perspective
, 41–43

stakeholder-centric perspective
, 43–44

theoretical background
, 40

Organisational uncertainty
, 42, 47

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 16, 171

Palm oil
, 159

case of palm oil production in Malaysia vs. Nigeria
, 141–143

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa Ltd (PRASA)
, 102

Pearson moment correlation
, 186

Peoples Bank of Nigeria (PBN)
, 16

Performance innovation (PI)
, 121

, 102

, 104, 108, 120

Performance measurement

, 171

, 174

Performance Prism
, 174

Person-centric approach
, 200

Perspectives on entrepreneurship
, 198

Pigovian theory
, 144

Policy-making process
, 133

Positivist objectivist approach
, 109

Postcolonial theory
, 80, 82

, 82

, 85–87

research agenda
, 84

Zimbabwe as research context
, 84–85

, 80–82

environment of
, 83

, 46–47

Private–public partnerships (PPP)
, 103

Probability systematic sampling technique
, 179

Process organisational enabling factors
, 116–119

Professional logics
, 39

, 43, 54–56, 58, 69, 102

Psychological perspective
, 201

Public management concept
, 105–107

Public sector
, 107–108

administrators of Sub-Saharan African institutions
, 103

, 106

synthesis of KST in public sector literature
, 108

transport management approach
, 108

Public–private partnerships
, 140

Quantitative research
, 192

Quantitative survey method
, 179

Rebuilding process
, 164

, 90

Reconciliation process
, 164

Regression analysis
, 180

, 38

Regulatory framework for transformation of agricultural sector
, 136–140

Reliability analysis
, 182

, 204

, 84

, 55

Residents of community
, 67

Review of entrepreneurship literature
, 198

Sampling technique
, 20

Scarce resources, inter-departmental competition for
, 63–64

Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
, 133

, 41–42

Semi-structured interviews
, 21

, 62

Service productivity
, 174

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
, 170

Shareholder value
, 38, 41

, 40–41

Shareholder-centric perspective
, 41–43

Short-term sustainability
, 69

Simple linear regression analysis
, 186

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN)
, 16

categorisation of MSMEs
, 21

Small business
, 205

Social anthropologists
, 154

Social construction of gender
, 18–20

Social constructionism
, 19

Social crises of gold mining
, 60–61

Social feminist theory
, 18–20

Social performance
, 44

Social phenomena
, 61

Social vices
, 60

Socio-cultural experiences of gender
, 26

family responsibilities
, 30–31

gender ‘benefit’
, 26–29

Socio-economic environment, effect of
, 89–90

Sociocultural mechanisms
, 154

Socio–culture-based institutions
, 80

Sociological perspective
, 201–202

Solar energy
, 86

, 90

South Africa
, 103–104, 109

Stakeholder theory
, 38, 55–58

, 41

Stakeholders, political influence and lack of coordination among
, 68–69

Step-by-step approach
, 134

Stewardship theory
, 38, 42

Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)
, 133

Structural Equation Model (SEM)
, 174

Structural sources of funds
, 22

family and community funds
, 23–25

government support
, 23

lack of support by commercial banks
, 25–26

Sub-Saharan African cultures
, 81

Sub-Saharan African model
, 121

Sub-Saharan African Public Management of KST
, 121

Sub-Saharan context
, 81–82

Subsistence farming system
, 130

Sustainability practices

challenges to sustainability practices of mining company’s subsidiary operating in Ghana
, 69–70

encroachment by illegal miners and trespassing of restricted areas
, 66–68

Ghana’s gold mining industry and sustainable practices
, 58–59

gold mining and economic sustenance of host communities
, 59–60

gold mining and environmental sustainability
, 61

gold mining enterprises’ sustainability and CSR Strategies
, 59

immense pressure on physical infrastructure and poor maintenance culture
, 65–66

implications of study
, 71–72

inter-departmental competition for scarce resources
, 63–64

limited employment opportunities for gold mining host communities
, 66

literature review
, 56

, 61–63

perceived high cost of sustainability projects
, 64–65

political influence and lack of coordination among stakeholders
, 68–69

, 63

social crises of gold mining
, 60–61

stakeholder theory and sustainability practices of gold mining industry
, 56–58

Sustainable economic system
, 132–133

Total economic value (TEV)
, 145

, 170

Tourism regulations
, 171–172

TPCA stepwise analytical method
, 109

Traditional markets
, 154

, 154

, 154

Trans Positional Cognition Approach
, 3

Trans-Saharan Caravan market routes 156–157

Transite system
, 161

Transport management
, 107–108

, 39, 114, 161

(see also Organisational trust)
, 40, 44

, 81, 91, 121

consistent approach
, 93

Ubuntu-based essential social-welfare
, 93

Ubuntu-enabled institutions
, 92

Ubuntu-informed sub-Saharan African culture
, 91

, 83

United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 135–136

United Nations
, 135

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
, 171

United States African Development Foundation (USADF)
, 17

Value creation
, 43–44

Western capitalism
, 45, 48

World Bank Loan Scheme
, 17

World context
, 171–172

World Trade Centre construction
, 145

World Trade Organisation (WTO)
, 135

Yamane formula
, 179

YOUWIN program
, 29

Zimbabwe as research context
, 84–85

Zimbabwe Women Micro Finance Bank
, 85

Zimbabwean economic adversity
, 90

, 85