
John Scott (Plymouth University, UK)

Structure and Social Action

ISBN: 978-1-80262-800-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-799-2

Publication date: 28 January 2022

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Scott, J. (2022), "Index", Structure and Social Action, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 101-103.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 John Scott. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Aaronovitch, Sam
, 44

Alexander, Jeffrey
, 2

Althusser, Louis
, 69

Ansell, Christopher
, 76, 80-81

Archer, Margaret
, 2–3, 5, 7

, 8

assembly work. See also interpretive procedures
, 24-27, 31

associative action
, 10

Balibar, Etienne
, 69

bargaining power
, 42

Becker, Howard
, 21

Berger, Peter
, 58

Birmingham, Stephen
, 44

Blau, Peter M.
, 56

, 65-67, 69, 72

Bonacich, Philip
, 68

Bott, Elizabeth
, 44

Boudon, Raymond
, 55

Bourdieu, Pierre
, 68

Breiger, Ronald
, 69

, 41

Burt, Ronald
, 41–42

, 32

centrality of an actor
, 38, 41

Chomsky, Noam
, 13

Cicourel, Aaron
, 23

class and class relations
, 44, 48, 60ff, 69, 74

in France
, 75ff

cliques in figurations
, 40-41, 44

clusters in figurations
, 40, 44–45

Coleman, James
, 42

collective action
, 8ff., 33, 72, 79

collective mentality
, 14, 50–51

commonsense knowledge
, 24

communal action
, 10

components in a figuration
, 38–39

conflict groups and power
, 8, 74

, 74, 78

correspondence analysis
, 68

cultural patterns
, 51, 58-59

Dahrendorf, Ralph
, 73

deep structure
, 13, 15–16, 29, 47, 57, 61

degree of an actor
, 37

density of a figuration
, 38

, 5, 14, 31

distance in a figuration
, 37

Domhoff, G. William
, 68

Doreian, Patrick
, 65–67

dualism of action and structure
, 2

Durkheim, Emile
, 1, 7, 14, 23, 49, 53, 71

Elder-Vass, Dave
, 31, 49–50

Elias, Norbert
, 6, 12, 33

embodiment of structure
, 15

, 48ff

ethnic divisions
, 63

, 23, 26

everyday life
, 32-33, 57

family as a social world
, 31, 43-44, 68-69

, 30

Ferguson, Adam
, 6

figurational structure
, 15–16, 33ff., 47, 49, 63, 71–72

Fischer, Claude
, 44

formational structure
, 16, 47ff., 71–72

, 25, 32

France, social conflict in
, 75ff.

Garfinkel, Harold
, 21ff., 28, 36

gender and gender divisions
, 48, 62

Giddens, Anthony
, 2–3, 5, 29, 56–57

Giddings, Franklin
, 14

Goffman, Erving
, 19, 22ff., 28–29, 36, 71

Gould, Roger V.
, 76, 78–80

Gouldner, Alvin W.
, 2

graduated parameters of structure
, 56, 60

, 13–14

graph theory
, 36

, 5, 14

hidden hand of market
, 6

Hobhouse, Leonard T.
, 14

, 29–30, 42

, 15, 20, 52ff., 71, 73

interaction 4, Ch.2 passim
, 28ff.

interaction order
, 28ff., 37, 71

interlocking directorships
, 45, 69

interpretive procedures
, 25

, 63

investment patterns
, 69

Jakobsen, Roman
, 55

Knorr-Cetina, Karin
, 2

Kroeber, Alfred
, 51

, 11, 50, 66, 72

latent class analysis
, 68

Lemert, Edwin
, 21

Lenin, Vladimir I.
, 76

Lévi-Strauss, Claude
, 50, 55–56, 64, 69

Linton, Ralph
, 58

Lockwood, David
, 62, 72ff.

Luckmann, Thomas
, 58

Lundberg, George
, 36

, 1–2, 16, 72

Malinowski, Bronisław
, 43

Marx, Karl
, 1, 6, 8, 50, 60ff., 73ff

on France
, 75–76

Mayo, Elton
, 36

Mead, George H.
, 58

memory traces
, 15, 25, 51

Merton, Robert K.
, 21, 59

methodological collectivism
, 1–2

methodological individualism
, 1–2

, 1–2, 15–16, 72

Miles, Robert
, 63

Milgram, Stanley
, 39

Millar, John
, 58

Moreno, Jacob
, 36, 44

, 3, 5, 33

music world
, 32

Nadel, Siegfried F.
, 53–54, 58, 63

neurophysiology. See memory traces

nominal parameters of structure
, 56, 60

, 4–5, 6, 14–15, 20, 26, 29, 31, 52, 56

norm circles
, 31

objective mind
, 51

, 9-10, 41

Parsons, Talcott
, 1, 3–4, 19, 22, 52, 73–74

paradigm of interaction
, 19–21, 29, 53

performance, action as
, 59

political world
, 32

power. See conflict groups and power

, 52ff., 71

primary group
, 9

purposive-rational action
, 5, 7

Putnam, Robert
, 41–42

, 10

Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred
, 15, 54–55

, 5, 23, 28

relational sociology
, 33

, 4, 14–15, 29, 52

relations of production
, 61, 74

, 29, 42

Rex, John
, 21, 73

Rivers, William H. R.
, 43, 68

, 20, 57ff.

, 4, 13, 15, 29, 56ff., 62

Sacks, Harvey
, 23

Saussure, Ferdinand de
, 13

Schutz, Alfred
, 22, 36

Sewell, William
, 76–78

Simmel, Georg
, 4, 16, 36

Small, Albion
, 19

Small, Stephen
, 63

small-world networks
, 39–40

Smith, Adam
, 6–7, 58

social ambage. See also brokerage
, 43

social capital
, 41–42

social integration See also system integration
, 72ff.

social movement
, 10–11

social network and social network analysis
, 33, 36ff., 72

social organism
, 3–4

social structure as pattern
, 4–5, 12ff., 52

virtual existence of. See also deep structure; figurational structure; formational structure; surface structure
, 12–13, 34, 48, 71

social worlds
, 30ff., 48, 51, 59, 64, 71

, 4

, 36, 51

, 13–14

Spencer, Herbert
, 49

Stokman, Frans
, 45

Strauss, Anselm
, 23

street corner society
, 34–35

structural elements
, 56–57

structural equivalence
, 64ff.

structural form
, 55

structural partitions
, 56, 60, 65, 67

structural principles
, 57

structural sets
, 56–57

, 3, 5, 33

Stuckenberg, John
, 4

surface structure
, 13, 15, 29, 47

Sweezy, Paul M.
, 44

system integration See also social integration
, 72ff.

Tarde, Gabriel
, 42

taxi-dance hall
, 31–32

Thomas, William I.
, 43

Turner, Jonathan H.
, 11

Tylor, Edward
, 6

unintended consequences
, 6–7, 29–30, 49

value-rational action
, 5, 7

Vierkandt, Alfred
, 16

Walby, Sylvia
, 62

Warner, W. Lloyd
, 44, 68

Weber, Max
, 1, 4, 58

Wellman, Barry
, 44

White, Douglas
, 64

White, Harrison C.
, 36, 43, 63–64

Whyte, William F.
, 34

Wiese, Leopold von
, 16, 36

Willmott, Peter
, 44

Wittgenstein, Ludwig
, 22

Young, Michael
, 44

Znaniecki, Florian
, 43