
The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology

ISBN: 978-1-80262-200-3, eISBN: 978-1-80262-199-0

Publication date: 9 August 2023

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(2023), "Index", Canning, V., Martin, G. and Tombs, S. (Ed.) The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology (Emerald Studies in Activist Criminology), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 433-450.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Victoria Canning, Greg Martin and Steve Tombs


Aarhus Convention
, 224

Abeyance concept
, 96


in academy
, 257–259

, 255

, 98

Abolition Coalition
, 255

Abolitionism project
, 173

Abolitionist alliances, activist criminologists in
, 256–257


confronted with demands of academia as PhD researcher
, 424–427

role of
, 143–150

, 255

borders of academic activism
, 110–111

, 145

, 210

Academy, abolition and anti-colonial activism in
, 257–259

Action research
, 24

research career and learning about
, 423–424

, 4–5, 13, 64–66, 98, 138, 146, 235, 251, 256, 259, 338–340, 343, 345–346, 392, 424

in criminology
, 181, 250

critical social research as
, 51–52

form of
, 341

invigorating activism in social work
, 396–397

Activist academia
, 245

challenges for
, 14–15

Activist academics
, 255, 426

Activist and postdoc, becoming
, 427–429

Activist criminalization
, 373–376

Activist criminological approach
, 219, 328

Activist criminologists
, 97, 102, 138, 188, 244–245, 257, 285, 374, 406, 413

in abolitionist alliances
, 256–257

contemporary roles of activist criminologists and data traps
, 413–416

Activist criminology
, 5, 9, 27, 38–40, 50, 64–66, 79, 93–94, 149, 193, 228, 326, 339, 352, 354, 372

(see also Janus-faced criminology)
as ‘conversational integration’ project
, 331–332

for activist criminology
, 143–150

activist criminology and activist criminalization
, 373–376

borders of
, 110–111

common features of rural and urban activism
, 285–286

community memory and resistance
, 96–98

conceptualising hope in activist criminology
, 94–96

counts as
, 38–40

criminology and Neoliberal university in late twentieth/twenty-first century
, 366–369

critical pedagogy
, 369–371

from critical to activist criminology
, 371–373

development of activist criminology and criminological activism
, 6–8

distinguishing differences to bridge communities
, 289–290

divergent approaches and unique perspectives
, 286–289

epistemologies in neoliberal academia
, 332–335

hope as practice
, 101–103

initial advancement of activist criminology approach
, 330–331

intersections in public and activist criminologies
, 8–11

limitations of shifts towards
, 395–396

new directions in
, 60–61

positionality, intervention, and myth of neutrality
, 11–14

roles of activist scholars and criminology
, 290–292

, 32

solidarity as ‘counter-conduct’ from activist criminology lens
, 243–244

states of denial and state terrorism
, 140

, 103

unequal consequences of activist engagement
, 14–15

Utopian thought and decarceral futures
, 98–101

visibilisation of torture in Spain by international reports
, 138–140

Activist criminology methods (ACM)
, 22

collaborative work with activists working/volunteering on injustice studied
, 29–30

collaborative work with harmed community/people
, 28

collaborative work with victims/survivors of injustice studied
, 29

consciously working to reflect on and address power differences
, 30–31

ensuring public aware of ACM research findings
, 31–32

expanded definitions and examples of ACM components
, 27

myth of ‘neutral scientist’ and overlapping identities of ACM researchers
, 22–23

overlapping predecessors and contributors to ACM
, 23–27

Activist critical criminology
, 52

Activist endeavour, development of critical criminology as
, 250–252

Activist engagement, unequal consequences of
, 14–15

Activist evidence, stop and search and role of
, 409–411

Activist green criminology
, 72

Activist groups
, 133

Activist interventions

building foundations of n
, 313–315

stepping into
, 315–317

Activist lawyers
, 315

Activist organisations
, 254

Activist public criminology
, 8

Activist qualities of art
, 52–54

Activist research
, 22–24, 385

Activist researchers practices
, 416

Activist scholars
, 291

roles of
, 290–292

Activist sex work research
, 382–386

, 4, 69, 411

Activists as knowledge producers

grassroots activism contribute to green criminological scholarship
, 68–72

green criminology, activism and activist criminology
, 64–66

movement knowledge ‘in its own right’
, 72–73

movement knowledge and activists as knowledge producers
, 66–67

Turkey’s hydropower boom and resistance
, 67–68

Activists as knowledge producers, movement knowledge and
, 66–67

Activists working/volunteering on injustice studied, collaborative work with
, 29–30

, 338

Ad hoc criminal concepts
, 246

Administrative criminology
, 38, 40, 80

negotiating boundaries of
, 40–43

Agency, struggle for
, 201–203

, 165

Aligned research practice
, 54

Alliance building
, 254–256

American Congress
, 343

American context
, 371

American Convention of Human Rights
, 195

American Convict Criminology group
, 10

American Society of Criminology
, 110

American Society of Criminology Presidential Address (2014)
, 39

Amnesty International
, 139, 158

, 176–178

, 4

Anti-Cultism Squad
, 160

Anti-racist activism
, 250

Anti-racist pedagogy
, 352

Anti-racist/colonial activism
, 254

Anti–colonial activism in academy
, 257–259

Antiterrorist Liberation Groups (GAL)
, 141

Appreciative inquiry
, 29

Arab Spring
, 155

Art practices
, 301

Artistic methodologies
, 52

, 52–54

Arü’s community
, 188, 190

Asociación contra la Cultura Punitiva y la Exclusión Social (ACPES)
, 146

Asociación contra la Tortura
, 148

Asylum Navigation Board

A Labyrinthine journey
, 317–320

accessing navigation board
, 321

building foundations of criminological and activist intervention
, 313–315

resisting death of migrant and refugee rights
, 312–313

stepping into activist interventions
, 315–317

Asylum process
, 315–317, 397

Auger Review, The
, 369

, 42

, 393, 395–396, 399

Australian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (AASW Code of Ethics)
, 396, 400

Australian Council of Heads of Schools of Social Work in Australia
, 398

Australian government
, 400

Australian Optional Protocol Against Torture Network (OPCAT Network)
, 256

Australian policies and approaches
, 397

Australian Research Council
, 392

Australian Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
, 269

Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
, 267

Authoritarian Continuity and the Consolidation of Democracy
, 115

, 117–119

Autoethnography methods
, 23

Autonomous solidarities
, 238

Awareness-raising process
, 202

Ballarat, Loud Fence, and Royal Commission
, 269–274

Basque Government
, 139

Biafra Independence Movement (BIM)
, 158

Biafra Zionist Movement (BZM)
, 158

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
, 22

, 29

, 23

, 23

Black feminists in United States
, 95

Black Lives Matter (BLM)
, 4, 32, 85, 254, 340, 343, 370, 375–376

Black Radical Tradition
, 95

Boards of Visitors
, 129

Bottom-up strategies
, 208

Brazil’s historical formation
, 118

Brazil’s prison system
, 119

Brazil’s traditional agrarian society
, 118

, 4, 341

British asylum system
, 322

British jails
, 125

British penal history
, 126

British penal system
, 124

British Prisoners Strike (1972)

, 124–126

legacy of PROP
, 129

prisoners organise
, 126–129

Brixton riots
, 409

Bureaucratic legal mechanisms
, 314

Calverts Cooperative
, 318

, 4

Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA)
, 257

, 238

Carceral-related harms
, 287

Catalan Preventive Mechanism
, 140

, 181

Catholic Church
, 303

Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS)
, 80

Centre for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University
, 113

Centre for the Study of Violence (NEV)
, 110, 113–117

Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão (CEPID)
, 115, 117

Charter of Rights, The
, 127

Child sexual abuse
, 266, 269

Chilean Arpilleras
, 303

Citizen journalism
, 85

Citizen sensing
, 221

Civic environmental monitoring
, 226

Civic epistemology
, 221

Civic monitoring
, 216

as way of collectively embracing harms
, 221–227

, 396

Civil activism, criminalisation of
, 156–160

Civil Rights Movement, The
, 289

, 175–176

, 180–181

Co-create proposal
, 182–183

Coalition and Liberal Democratic Government
, 373

Coast Guard Agency
, 234

Cognitive justice
, 72

Cognitive praxis
, 66

of social movements
, 6–7

Collaborative research
, 24

, 25

principles in motion
, 58

Collective action
, 204, 208

Collective civic monitoring
, 221

Collective mobilization
, 73

Collective reflexivity
, 178

Colombian Indigenous community
, 193

Colombian Indigenous people
, 192

Colombian university
, 192

Comissão Teotônio Vilela in Portuguese (CTV in Portuguese)
, 112

Commission, The
, 38

Commission’s recommendations
, 43

Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe (CPT)
, 139

Common Study programme
, 145

Communitarian thinking
, 189

, 409

, 276

, 291

awareness as public activism
, 274–275

, 286

distinguishing differences to bridge
, 289–290

of enquiry
, 54–55

, 96–98

warmth of
, 192–193

Community mobilization
, 285, 289

, 290

, 181

Confederate flag
, 289

Confederate statues
, 289

Conservative Government Ministers
, 39

, 191

Contemporary activist criminology
, 408

Contemporary cultural criminology
, 79

Conventional criminological approaches
, 81

Conventional-orthodox criminology
, 79

Conversational integration project, activist criminology and Liberi Nantes as
, 331–332

Convict criminologists
, 6

Convict Criminology network
, 10

Cook County Court system
, 354

Cooperative Prisoners in Struggle (COPEL)
, 146

, 59

educational value of
, 57

phase of research
, 59

of research
, 50, 54

Corporate Watch
, 372

, 84

, 216

, 84

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, The (2015)
, 375

Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
, 399

, 84

, 224

COVID in Prisons Action Network
, 255

COVID-19 pandemic
, 88, 155, 252, 254–256

Crack Capitalism
, 45

, 299

, 298

using craft to address criminal and social justice concerns
, 300–305

craft-based activism project
, 301

, 297

, 300

Crafting techniques
, 298

, 298–300

using craft to address criminal and social justice concerns
, 300–305

efficacy of
, 299

, 298

, 303

Creative methodologies
, 52

Creative process
, 57

, 6, 407, 413

Crime–media nexus, exploring cultural criminology activism via
, 83–88

Criminal Justice Act, The (1967)
, 126

Criminal justice concerns, using craft to address
, 300–305

Criminal justice system
, 56, 100, 250, 252, 337

Criminal Law of the Enemy
, 144

Criminal legal system
, 6, 32, 405, 408

Criminal-legal sociology
, 144

, 312

of activism
, 155, 160

challenging criminalisation rooted in exclusion
, 332–335

of citizen scientists
, 222

of civil activism
, 156–160

of people seeking asylum
, 397–398

of solidarity
, 246

Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (CPEP)
, 251

Criminological activism

, 8

development of
, 6–8

Criminological analysis of artistic activity in detention
, 172–174

Criminological artivism (CA)
, 50

, 52–54

, 58

case studies in
, 55–58

communities of enquiry
, 54–55

critical social research as activism
, 51–52

new directions in activist criminology
, 60–61

Criminological intervention, building foundations of
, 313–315

Criminological knowledge
, 405

Criminological lens
, 4

Criminological norms and criminological detractors

abolition and anti-colonial activism in academy
, 257–259

activist criminologists in abolitionist alliances
, 256–257

alliance building, prison abolition and COVID-19
, 254–256

development of critical criminology as activist endeavour
, 250–252

threat catalysed new alliances between criminologists and activists
, 252–254

Criminological thinking
, 250

Criminological verstehen
, 81

, 189, 191, 250, 256, 284, 405, 409, 415

threat catalysed new alliances between activists and
, 252–254

, 4–5, 40, 111, 138, 144, 155, 217, 250, 258, 366, 368, 405–406, 428

, 368

in Latin America
, 111

and Neoliberal university in late twentieth/twenty-first century
, 366–369

roles of
, 290–292

for subversive stance in
, 179–183

Criminology activism
, 5, 110

, 335

Critical approaches
, 366

Critical criminological paradigms
, 365

Critical criminologists
, 51, 407

Critical criminology
, 51, 63, 354, 366, 407

development of critical criminology as activist endeavour
, 250–252

Critical Criminology
, 6–7, 9–11

Critical optimism
, 189, 193

Critical pedagogy
, 101, 369–371

Critical research in criminology
, 51

Critical resistance (CR)
, 130

Critical scholars
, 24

Critical social justice
, 354

four key elements of
, 360

, 360

Critical social research
, 50

as activism
, 51–52

Critical teaching
, 102

Critical theory
, 80

, 297

Crown Prosecution Service
, 339

Cultural criminologists
, 80

Cultural criminology
, 82

, 173

Cultural criminology activism

(see also Institutional child sexual abuse activism; Hashtag activism)
exploring cultural criminology activism via crime–media nexus
, 83–88

insights from cultural criminology
, 80–83

Cultural geography
, 80

Cultural theoretical analysis
, 145

Cultural theory
, 80

Cultural victimology
, 301

Cultural violence
, 190

Danish Institute Against Torture
, 423

Dark figure of crime
, 338

Daschner case
, 144

Data activism
, 221

Data traps

contemporary activist criminology
, 408

contemporary roles of activist criminologists and data traps
, 413–416

institutional recognition and limits of data
, 411–413

radical and realist activisms
, 406–408

sus’ laws, stop and search and role of activist evidence
, 409–411

Deadly Connections and Aboriginal and Torres Strait legal services
, 244–245

Deadly Connections Community and Justice Services Limited
, 254

, 382

impacts of
, 384

of sex work in New Zealand
, 384

Delta outbreak
, 252

, 154, 161, 163, 235

, 206

of solidarities
, 240

Denial, states of
, 140–150

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, The
, 374

Detention, criminological analysis of artistic activity in
, 172–174

Digital activism
, 85–86

Digital technologies
, 5

, 423

Direct activism
, 276

Direct violence
, 190

Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
, 319

, 245

, 384

Discursive invention
, 246

, 55

, 57

of research
, 54

Dissent and social work
, 395–396

Dissident intellectual and inadequate activist

becoming activist and postdoc
, 427–429

being confronted with demands of academia as PhD researcher
, 424–427

starting my research career and learning about action research
, 423–424

Distributive justice
, 156

Diverse international organisations
, 195

Diversion programmes
, 288

Domestic extremism
, 373

, 118

Double victimization
, 222

Ecuadorean Organic Law of the Amazonian Special Territorial Circumscription
, 223

Education pedagogy
, 101

Egalitarian approach
, 55

, 245

, 303

, 297

Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology, The
, 5

Emotional energy
, 422

, 396

Empirical research about environmental victimization, relevance of
, 217–220

#EndNotPtoven campaign
, 341

#End SARS protest
, 156, 159, 160

, 348

Engineered democracy
, 12

Enquiry, communities of
, 54–55

Environmental ‘victims’

civic monitoring as way of collectively embracing harms
, 221–227

green activist criminology
, 216–217

relevance of empirical research about environmental victimization
, 217–220

Environmental activism
, 65

Environmental destruction
, 218

Environmental harm
, 65, 70

Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
, 70

Environmental justice
, 216

Environmental victimization
, 218

Epidemiological biographies
, 29

Equal treatment principles
, 199

Equality Act (2010)
, 319

Ethnographic fieldwork
, 25–26

, 428

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
, 235

EU governments
, 236

, 111

European Border
, 234

European citizens
, 239

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
, 140

European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
, 140

European Economic Area (EEA)
, 199

European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
, 149, 246

European migration laws
, 326

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
, 141

Evidence-based policy
, 414

Evidence-based research
, 353

Excessive force
, 352

, 181

challenging criminalisation rooted in
, 332–335

External symbolization
, 242

Extinction Rebellion
, 372, 374

, 299

Facilitation of entry and transit
, 236, 246

FACT Liverpool
, 57

Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH)
, 114

Federal Government of Nigeria
, 160

Feminist movements
, 371

, 183

Fieldwork With Liberi Nantes (2019), initial findings from
, 326–328

First Nations
, 259

First Nations Australians
, 253

First Nations organisations
, 255–256, 258

Fish-processing plant
, 201

Folk green criminology
, 220

Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Departments
, 159

Former political prisoners in Myanmar
, 422

Forum theater
, 183

Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT)
, 55

Free movement principles
, 199

, 161

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa program Research (FAPESP program Research)
, 115–116

Gangs Matrix intelligence database
, 415

Gbaramatu (Niger Delta communities)
, 164

German academic system
, 11

, 145

, 235, 237, 241, 243

form of
, 242

Government Ministers
, 44

Goyes’ green criminological activism
, 72

Graphic novel
, 225

Grassroots activism contribute to green criminological scholarship
, 68

complexity of harm and victimization
, 69–70

limits of formal processes
, 71–72

politics of knowledge
, 70–71

Great Britain
, 132

Green activist criminology
, 216–217, 228

Green criminological scholarship, grassroots activism contribute to
, 68–72

Green criminologists
, 64–65

Green criminology
, 63–66, 68, 71, 111, 216, 365

, 6

Grounded theory method
, 173

Guardian newspaper
, 85

Harmed community/people, collaborative work with
, 28

Hashtag activism
, 86, 340

(see also Institutional child sexual abuse activism; Cultural criminology activism)
hashtag activism and social marginalisation
, 343–345

lazy activism and performative allyship
, 345–346

online communities and social mobilisation
, 346–348

tangible change and real-world impact
, 340–343

Hashtag campaigns
, 339, 348

Hashtag feminism
, 86

Hashtag movements
, 340

Hashtag-based activism movement
, 345

Higher education (HE)
, 367

Historically marginalised group
, 348

HMP Altcourse
, 55

HMP Holloway
, 98

HMP Liverpool
, 55

Holloway, reclaim
, 98–101

Home Office
, 131

, 312

, 86

, 28


conceptualising hope in activist criminology
, 94–96

as practice
, 101–103

Hopelessness optimism
, 189

Hostile environment
, 312

Howard League for Penal Reform, The
, 57–58

Human rights

authoritarianism, violence, and social structure
, 117–119

borders of activist criminology and academic activism
, 110–111

centre for the study of violence
, 113–117

Teotônio Vilela commission
, 112–113

Human Rights Watch
, 113

#IchbinHannah campaign
, 11

I-O Exchange Program
, 180

Immigration Act (2014)
, 312

Immigration Act (2016)
, 312

Immigration Department
, 394

, 412

Impunity equation
, 141

Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee (IWOC)
, 130

Inclusive democracy
, 154

Indigenous community members
, 190

Indigenous peoples
, 192

Indigenous women
, 305

Industrial democracy workers’ agency
, 207

Information Commissioner’s Office
, 416

Inhumane system
, 259


contemporary activist criminology
, 408

contemporary roles of activist criminologists and data traps
, 413–416

institutional recognition and limits of data
, 411–413

radical and realist activisms
, 406–408

sus’ laws, stop and search and role of activist evidence
, 409–411

, 182

Prison Exchange Program
, 180

, 173–174, 180–182

, 180

Inspector General of Nigeria Police Force (IGP)
, 160

, 299

Institute of Fiscal Studies
, 368

Institutional abuse
, 274

Institutional abuse inquiries
, 268

Institutional child sexual abuse activism

(see also Hashtag activism; Cultural criminology activism)
Ballarat, Loud Fence, and Royal Commission
, 269–274

community awareness as public activism
, 274–275

public inquiries, truth telling and community awareness
, 267–269

Institutional violence
, 138–139

, 338

, 205

, 328

as assimilation
, 331

of migrants
, 327

Intelligence Response Team (IRT)
, 160

Interdisciplinary Center on Deviance and Penality (CRID&P)
, 151

Interim National Government (ING)
, 157

International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)
, 396

International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
, 396

International institutions
, 113

International legislation
, 234, 236

International organisations
, 139

International reports, visibilisation of torture in Spain by
, 138–140

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
, 200

Interstitial process
, 45

Interviewees perceptions
, 209

, 157, 162

proscription of (2017)
, 157–159

, 158

, 398–400

Italian Football Authority
, 330

Italian integration and reception system
, 327

Itinerant soliloquy (mobile methodology)
, 216, 219

Ivory Tower notion of social science scholars, The
, 22

Janus-faced criminology
, 38, 40

(see also Activist criminology)
case for
, 43–45

counts as activist criminology
, 38–40

negotiating boundaries of activist and administrative criminology
, 40–43

, 372

, 345

Justice campaigns
, 154

Justice programme
, 55

Khaled’s Costume
, 174, 176–177

, 297

, 64

co–production in academia
, 329

movement knowledge and activists as knowledge producers
, 66–67

politics of
, 70–71

practices in movements
, 66

production in social movements
, 24

, 145

, 145

, 145

Labelling theory
, 80

Labour approach to human trafficking
, 206

Labour exploitation
, 200, 203

Labour Government
, 367

Labour migration
, 204

Labyrinthine journey, A
, 317–320

Large-scale activism
, 284

, 382–383

Lazy activism
, 345–346

League against Cruel Sports
, 372

Left realism
, 366

Legal justice
, 39

Legal mobilization
, 85

LGBTQIA + community
, 291

Liberal democratic theory
, 154, 160–162

Liberi Nantes community
, 329

, 372

, 176–178

Limonoid genre
, 178

Local communities
, 221

Local feminists
, 29

Local/traditional ecological knowledge
, 67

Loose canon
, 80

Loud Fence movement, The
, 302

Maastricht Treaty (1992)
, 235

Macpherson inquiry
, 412

Macpherson Report
, 40

Magpie scavenging materials
, 80

, 165

, 407

Marxist theory of praxis
, 24

, 191

antidote for
, 193

, 158

Max Weber’s interpretivist approach
, 81

Measuring the Quality of Prison Life (MPQL)
, 29

Media circles
, 158

Medical issues
, 424

, 274

Memory activism
, 97

Mental health
, 397

Meta debates
, 190

, 54, 58

#MeToo movement
, 4, 85, 339–340, 342–345, 347–348

Metropolitan activism
, 284

Metropolitan activists
, 290

Metropolitan phenomenon
, 289

Micro-scale activism
, 284


resisting death of
, 312–313

, 208

Migrant Offshore Aid Station
, 234

, 234

, 207

, 201–202

Militarised democracy
, 154, 156–160

, 155–156

Military coup
, 427

Military Joint Task Force (Military JTF)
, 157

Ministry of Equal Opportunity
, 330

Ministry of Justice crime statistics
, 12

Missing and murdered
, 298, 300, 303

Missing Migrants Project
, 234

Model transition
, 140

Monument Quilt project
, 300–301

Movement counter-expertise
, 71

Movement for the Actualization of a Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB)
, 156

Movement knowledge
, 64, 66, 72–73

and activists as knowledge producers
, 66–67

, 67

Movement law
, 8–9

Movement methodology
, 258

Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens
, 218

, 400

Mutual education process
, 8


, 427

former political prisoners in
, 422

Myanmar Action Group Denmark
, 427

Naïve optimism
, 189, 191

Names AIDS Memorial and Monument Quilt projects
, 301

Names AIDS Memorial quilt
, 301

Nantes, Liberi as ‘conversational integration’ project
, 331–332

Narrative criminology
, 82

Nation justice advocates
, 255

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (NATSILS)
, 253

National Careers Service, The
, 368

National Executive Committee of PROP
, 128

National Football League (NFL)
, 341

National Memorial for Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
, 272

National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)
, 140

National security
, 400

National Student Survey (NSS)
, 367

National-level analysis
, 287

Navigation board, accessing
, 321

Neoliberal academia, activist criminology epistemologies in
, 332–335

Neoliberal carceralism
, 288

Neoliberal metrics
, 370

Neoliberal movement
, 396

Neoliberal University
, 366–367

Neoliberal university in late twentieth/twenty-first century, criminology and
, 366–369

, 366, 371, 393

Network for Police Monitoring
, 372

Neutral scientists
, 23, 80

myth of neutral scientist and overlapping identities of ACM researchers
, 22–23

Neutrality, positionality, intervention, and myth of
, 11–14

New Labour policy
, 367

New South Wales Government
, 265

New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC)
, 384

Niger Delta
, 163

, 164

Niger Delta Peoples’ Volunteer Force (NDPVF)
, 156


contextualising militarised democracy
, 155–156

liberal democratic theory
, 160–162

militarised democracy, state repression and criminalisation of civil activism
, 156–160

nascent democracy
, 162

National Assembly
, 159

proscription of IPOB
, 2017, 157–159

state repressive response to #End SARS Protest
, 2020, 159–160

towards transformative democracy
, 162–164

Nigeria Police Force
, 159

Nigerian political context
, 158

Non-government organisations (NGOs)
, 395, 408

#NoMorePage3 campaign
, 341

Norwegian income
, 202

November Movement
, 145

Observatory of the Penal System and Human Rights (OSPDH)
, 146, 148–149

Odua Peoples Congress (OPC)
, 156

Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI)
, 253

Official Secrets Act
, 125

Omicron outbreak
, 253

Online activism
, 340

Online communities
, 346–348

Online feminism
, 345

Operation Swamp
, 409, 411

Oppressed groups
, 348

Organic movements
, 134

Organic public criminology
, 8

Overlapping predecessors and contributors to ACM
, 23

activist and action research
, 24

participatory action research and collaborative research
, 24–26

public criminology
, 26–27

, 301

, 243

Participatory action research project
, 24, 422–423

Participatory democracy
, 156

Participatory journalism
, 85

Participatory theatrical techniques
, 183

Passionate politics
, 7

#PeaceMarch hashtag
, 86

Pedagogical work
, 189

, 192–193

in books, in media, in courts
, 194–195

debate between lonely heroes
, 189–190

diaries of despair
, 187–189

eyes wide shut
, 190–192

opening society’s eyes
, 193–194

warmth of community
, 192–193

Pedagogy of liberation
, 193–194

precepts of
, 195

Peer review expert process
, 392

Penal abolitionist project
, 172

Penal history
, 133

Penal institution, opening up
, 180–181

People seeking asylum, criminalisation of
, 397–398

People’s Inquiry into Detention
, 398

Performative allyship
, 345–346

, 397

Photo essays
, 84

, 422

, 178

, 354

, 165

, 412, 416

, 164

Police accountability through community-focused officer training

community policing’ not enough
, 352–353

culture of policing
, 353–354

methodological frame
, 354

Police training
, 354

practice of
, 360

Policing, culture of
, 353–354

Policing and Criminal Evidence (PACE)
, 411

Policy-oriented knowledge
, 67

Political ‘bias’ of activist criminology
, 11

Political agency
, 243

Political bottom-up
, 244

Political process
, 158

Political Science Department
, 114

Political transition process
, 114

Political uprisings
, 340

Politicisation of NGO resistance
, 237–238

, 250

Positivist logics
, 181

Post-civil war marginalisation of Igbo
, 163

, 365

Post-journalism era
, 85

Post-normal science
, 221

, 236, 238, 241–242

Practitioner–research collaborations
, 55

Predictive policing technology
, 405

Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners (PROP)
, 126–127

legacy of PROP
, 129–133

President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
, 352

PREVENT (policy)
, 372, 374

Prevent Duty
, 375

Principal Legal Officer of the Northern Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, The
, 253

, 301

, 426

Prison abolition
, 254–256

, 250

Prison abolitionism
, 365

Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP)
, 180

Prison Department, The
, 125, 129

Prison Officers Association (POA)
, 131

Prison Pandemic Partnership
, 257

, 132

rights movements
, 133

1972 prisoners’ strike
, 129

, 144, 171, 287

Probationary: The Game of Life on Licence
, 56

Projeto Observatório de Direitos Humanos em Escolas in Portuguese (PODHE)
, 117

, 178–179

Prostitution Reform Act (PRA)
, 384

, 5, 155

in British prisons
, 124

criminalisation of
, 14

Public activism, community awareness as
, 274–275

Public Criminology
, 189

Public criminology
, 7, 26–27, 110

intersections in activist criminologies and
, 8–11

Public inquiries
, 269

Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
, 224

Public policy experts
, 267

Public reflexivity
, 178

Public sociology
, 8

Publication-based dissertation
, 426

Qualitative data
, 415–416

Quality Assurances Agency
, 367

Quantitative data
, 416

Queer criminology
, 95, 111

, 297

Race, Racism and American Law (1973)
, 250

Race Relations and Freedom of Information Acts
, 409

Racialised mass incarceration
, 287

, 250, 255, 401

Radical activisms
, 406–408

Radical Alternatives to Prison
, 133

Radical approaches
, 408

, 338

Rape Crisis
, 338

Re-democratisation process
, 114–115

, 407

, 406–408

, 408

Reclaim Holloway
, 94, 100

, 86

Reconciliation commissions
, 274

Reform or Revolution
, 38

, 259

Refugee rights, resisting death of migrant and
, 312–313

Refugee women’s football team
, 328

Reporting process
, 399

, 50, 383

, 410

, 60

responding to research-led change
, 328–330

stance of participant-as-observer
, 173

, 245

Research Assessment Exercise
, 367

Research Excellent Framework (REF)
, 367

, 131

, 4, 96–98, 200, 208, 235, 239

act of
, 206

collective perspective centred on
, 207

consequences of
, 201

geographies of
, 240–241

to hydropower
, 67

setting context of resistance in Mediterranean
, 234

Turkey’s hydropower boom and
, 67–68

Resource accessibility
, 286

Rhodes Must Fall
, 370

Right to Remain Asylum Navigation Board
, 7, 315–317

, 155

Rondas Ostensivas Tobias Aguiar (ROTA)
, 112

Royal Commission
, 272, 274–275

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
, 269

Royal Commission Philip Reed
, 266

Rural activism
, 284, 290

common features of
, 285–286

Rural activists
, 284–285, 290

Rural intimacy
, 287

Rural organizers
, 286

Rwanda Deal
, 4

São Paulo’s Research Foundation
, 115

Scarman Inquiry
, 410

Scholarly method
, 8

, 94, 96

, 25

, 269

Schuman Declaration (1950)
, 235

Science and Technology Studies
, 221

Scott’s analysis
, 176

Scottish Law
, 338

, 301

Sea rescuers
, 241

Sea-rescue NGOs
, 236, 238

, 242

fulcrum of
, 241

geographies of solidarity and resistance
, 240–241

harms of solidarity crimes
, 235–237

political in sea-rescue NGOs’ counter-conduct
, 242–243

politicisation of NGO resistance
, 237–238

problematising solidarity
, 238–240

, 240

setting context of solidarity and resistance in Mediterranean
, 234–235

, 238

solidarity as ‘counter-conduct’ from activist criminology lens
, 243–244

Search and rescue (SAR)
, 234

Seeking asylum
, 312

process of
, 316

in UK
, 314

SensJus project
, 225

Separate System, The
, 56

Serial Subreddit
, 87

Sex work
, 381, 383

, 385

policy debates
, 382

Sexual assault
, 338

Sexual violence
, 300

Shadow Home Secretary
, 127

Single European Act (1986)
, 235

Sisters Inside
, 254

, (see Lazy activism)

Social change
, 284, 290

activist sex work research
, 382–386

challenges and frustrations
, 386–387

Social circles
, 158

Social control agents
, 354

Social dumping
, 205

Social harm
, 69, 164, 200

, 209

potential of
, 201

Social justice
, 4, 39, 298, 300

using craft to address criminal and social justice concerns
, 300–305

, 289

Social justice campaigns
, 340

Social marginalisation
, 343–345

Social media
, 4–5, 84–86, 338, 340, 347

, 299

Social mobilisation
, 346–348

Social movements
, 30, 53, 66, 145, 366, 370

social movement theorist/activist’ public criminology
, 7

, 8

Social policy
, 290

Social prisoner
, 146n6

Social resilience
, 427

Social stratification
, 238

Social structure
, 117–119

Social transformation process
, 370

Social work

, 400

contradictory visions of
, 393–395

criminalisation of people seeking asylum
, 397–398

dissent and
, 395–396

, 393

invigorating activism in
, 396–397

, 398–400

problem quest to be activist
, 400

Social workers
, 398

Socially engaged arts practice (SEAP)
, 50

Socially implanted authoritarianism concept
, 110, 115, 117

Socio-environmental struggles
, 70

Socio-technical imaginaries
, 221

, 409

, 4, 246

as ‘counter-conduct’ from activist criminology lens
, 243–244

, 235

geographies of
, 240–241

harms of solidarity crimes
, 235–237

, 238–240

setting context of solidarity in Mediterranean
, 234

Sonic criminology
, 87

South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
, 268

South and Southern Theories
, 6

Southern criminology
, 111, 371

, 241

Spain by international reports, visibilisation of torture in
, 138–140

Spanish judiciary
, 141

Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
, 140

Spanish state authorities
, 140

Special Tactical Squad (STS)
, 160

Spillover effect
, 130

Sports address and impact on policy change
, 330–331

Sports-based interventions

challenging criminalisation rooted in exclusion
, 332–335

initial advancement of activist criminology approach
, 330–331

methodological evolution
, 328–330

origin of my journey
, 326–328

working collectively and horizontally
, 331–332

State crime
, 140

State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID)
, 159

State criminalisation of civil activism
, 162

State funding agencies
, 116

State narratives
, 84

State repression
, 155–160

in Nigeria’s democracy
, 154

State secrecy
, 84

State terrorism
, 140–150

State violence
, 303

State-corporate criminology
, 208

States of denial
, 140–150

, 383–384

Stop and search

, 406

and role of activist evidence
, 409–411

Stop Oil Now interventions
, 4

Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP)
, 150, 222

Structural inequalities
, 82

, 152, 174

, 175–176

, 178–179

, 176–178

Subversive stance
, 182

co-create proposal
, 182–183

in criminology, for
, 179

enjoying vagueness
, 181–182

initiating clash
, 180–181

Survival International
, 195

, 338

of violence
, 344

Sus laws
, 409–411, 411

Sustaining Hope With Tamil Community
, 96–98

Symbolic interactionism
, 80

System of Registration and Communication of Institutional Violence (SIRECOVI)
, 148–149

Systemic racism
, 253

Tacit denial
, 143

Tamil Information Centre (TIC)
, 98

Tamms Correctional Center ‘supermax’ prison
, 50

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
, 367, 370

Teotônio Vilela Commission
, 112–113

, 268

Theatre in prison
, 172–174

, 174–179

for subversive stance in criminology
, 179–183

Theatrical rationality
, 175

Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project
, 255

, 138

visibilisation of torture in Spain by international reports
, 138–140

Trade union campaign
, 200

Traditional criminology research methods
, 32

Traditional public criminology
, 8

Transformative democracy
, 162–164

Transitional justice
, 268

, 274

Transnational commuters
, 204

Treaty of Lisbon (2006)
, 235

Tribal rituals
, 178

True crime documentaries
, 87

, 274

Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
, 268–269, 274

Turkey’s hydropower boom
, 72

and resistance
, 67–68

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
, 22

UK asylum system
, 312

UK universities
, 367

UKHE policy
, 367

UKHE sector
, 365

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on Access to Information
, 224

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees funded Liberi Nantes
, 328

Universities and Colleges Union (UCU)
, 374

Universities UK (UUK)
, 374

University of Barcelona
, 145

University of São Paulo (USP)
, 113, 116

, 179

Urban activism, common features of
, 285–286

Urban activists
, 284–285

Urban Institute
, 353

US elections (2020)
, 28

US policing
, 352

Utopian thought and decarceral futures
, 98–101

, 99

, 176–178

, 181–182

, 11

, 338

, 337

complexity of harm and
, 69–70

, 208, 337–338, 340, 347

collaborative work with victims/survivors of injustice studied
, 29

treatment of
, 339

, 117–119, 191

centre for the study of
, 113–117

Violence Reduction Units (VRUs)
, 43

Visible solidarities
, 240

Visual criminology
, 53, 82–83, 225

Visual cultural criminology
, 86

Visual essays
, 84

Visual method
, 228

Walking With Our Sisters (WWOS)
, 304–305

Walls to Bridges (W2B)
, 180

War on Terror, The
, 399

Water usage right agreements’
, 67

#WeCare Campaign
, 305

We Care Quilt project
, 305

, 87

West Coast Prison Legal Services Society
, 251

Western European democracies
, 164

Western institutions
, 334

Western liberal democracies
, 12

Western societies
, 155

Western Watersheds Project
, 223

White supremacist symbols
, 289

, 347

#WhyIStayed campaign
, 341

Woolf Support Unit
, 131

Worker resistance narratives in Norway

empowering potential of zemiology
, 208–210

losing agency
, 203–206

regaining agency
, 206–208

struggle for agency
, 201–203

World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
, 149

, 96

, 29

, 348

Youth Violence Commission
, 38, 41

Youth-based agitation
, 158

, 414

Zemiological agenda
, 208

, 5, 201, 246, 365

empowering potential of
, 208–210

Editors' Introduction
Chapter 1: Why ‘Activist Criminology’, Why Now?
Part One: Foundational Epistemological, Methodological and Political Considerations
Chapter 2: Activist Criminology Methods
Chapter 3: Janus-faced Criminology: Negotiating the Boundaries Between Activist and Administrative Research
Chapter 4: Criminological Artivism: Examining the Potential of Collaboration and Coproduction Between Socially Engaged Art and Critical Criminology
Chapter 5: Activists as Knowledge Producers: How Can Grassroots Activism Contribute to Green Criminological Scholarship?
Chapter 6: Cultural Criminology Activism at the Intersection of Crime-Media Research
Chapter 7: Hope in Activist Criminology
Part Two: Historical Interventions as Activist Criminology
Chapter 8: In Defence of Human Rights: The Political-Academic Experience of the Centre for the Study of Violence, Brazil
Chapter 9: The Summer of Discontent: The British Prisoners' Strike of 1972
Chapter 10: An Activist Criminology Against Torture and Institutional Violence (and its Academic Denials)
Chapter 11: Militarised Democracy and Criminalisation of Civil Activism in Nigeria
Part Three: Situating Sites of Activism and Resistance
Chapter 12: Theatre in Prison: Towards a Subversive Stance in Criminology
Chapter 13: Open Your Eyes: Confronting Indigenous Genocide With Pedagogy
Chapter 14: The Struggle for Agency: Worker Resistance Narratives in Norway
Chapter 15: What About Environmental ‘Victims’? Methodological Reflections for an Activist Criminology
Chapter 16: Power, Agency, and the Politics of Dissention in Activist Spaces: Sea-rescue NGOs' Resistance to Illegalisation and its Contradictions
Chapter 17: Rise Up: Activist Criminology, Colonial Injustice and Abolition
Chapter 18: Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Activism: Reconsidering the Role of Public Inquiries
Part Four: Practice-Based Interventions in Activist Criminology
Chapter 19: Bridging Urban-Rural Grassroots Activism: Activist Criminology in Support of Unified Struggles for Social Change and Social Justice
Chapter 20: Craftivism and Crime: Craft as a Vehicle for Criminal and Social Justice Activism
Chapter 21: You Have the Right to Remain! Building the ‘Asylum Navigation Board’ to Mitigate UK Border Harms
Chapter 22: Sports-based Interventions as Anti-crimmigration Activism in Rome's Working-class Suburb: Self-reflections on Building Solidarity
Chapter 23: Survivors Speak Out: The Successes and Failures of Hashtag Activism
Chapter 24: Police Accountability Through Community-focused Officer Training
Part Five: The Trials and Tribulations of Advancing Activist Criminology in Contemporary Academia
Chapter 25: Teaching Activist Criminology in the Neoliberal University
Chapter 26: Making a Difference? Reflections on Sex Work, Activism, and Research for Social Change
Chapter 27: Walking on Eggshells: Acts of Resistance in Social Work
Chapter 28: Inquiries and Data Traps: Do Activists Need More Evidence?
Chapter 29: The Dilemmas of a Dissident Intellectual and Inadequate Activist