
Nasim Ahmad Ansari (Wildlife Institute of India)
Cahyono Agus (Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Edward Kweku Nunoo (Central University Miotso (CU), Ghana and University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana)

SDG15 – Life on Land: Towards Effective Biodiversity Management

ISBN: 978-1-80117-817-4, eISBN: 978-1-80117-814-3

Publication date: 15 October 2021

This content is currently only available as a PDF


Ansari, N.A., Agus, C. and Nunoo, E.K. (2021), "Index", SDG15 – Life on Land: Towards Effective Biodiversity Management (Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 123-127.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Nasim Ahmad Ansari, Edward Kweku Nunoo and Cahyono Agus


Access and benefit sharing (ABS)
, 81

Agriculture sectors
, 96

Aichi Biodiversity Targets
, 80–81

Anthropogenic factors
, 70

Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasionla (BAPPENAS)
, 35–36

, 43, 69, 79

through ‘SDG15–life on land’
, 91

agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors
, 96

approaches and tools for mainstreaming
, 92–93

, 45–48

CBD and related instruments
, 80–81

conservation areas
, 83–84

conservation in governmental planning
, 60–61

, 50

economic and financial instruments
, 85–88

, 82

legal and regulatory instruments
, 82–83

, 91

mainstreaming SDG15 in policy sectors
, 93–95

monitoring and evaluating mainstreaming
, 99–100

, 83–84

, 56–58

, 88–91

to SDGs
, 61–64

of tropical forest
, 34–38

understanding and prioritizing mainstreaming
, 96–99

Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN)
, 85

Biodiversity loss
, 71

direct drivers of
, 72–75

drivers of
, 72

indirect drivers of
, 75–77

BIOFIN project
, 87, 94

Blue earth revolution
, 24–26

Climate change
, 75

Conference of Parties (COP)
, 46

Conservation areas
, 83–84

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
, 45–48

2019 coronavirus (Covid-19)
, 1, 79

, 15

Degradation of natural resources
, 14–17

Degraded lands
, 54–55

, 55

Direct drivers of biodiversity loss
, 72–75

Drivers of change for ‘SDG15–life on land’
, 69

, 69

causes of biodiversity loss
, 71

drivers of biodiversity loss
, 72–75

environmental factors
, 70

, 7

destruction of
, 12–14

evolution of life on land
, 9–12

excessive exploitation of
, 8

Economic growth
, 76

Economic instruments
, 85–88

Ecosystems, 7–8 (see also Forest ecosystem)

Education for Sustainable Development
, 26

Environmental disasters
, 20

Environmental factors
, 70

Environmental health
, 21–24

Financial instruments
, 85–88

Fisheries sectors
, 96

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
, 37

Forest area
, 53

Forest ecosystem, 26 (see also Tropical forest)

biodiversity of tropical forest
, 34–38

, 27

forest degradation
, 29

, 38–43

sustainable human development
, 28

Forestry sectors
, 96

Freshwater ecosystems
, 52–54

Global climate change
, 17–21

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
, 40

Golden gene
, 42, 43

Governance and Economic Growth
, 76

, 18

Habitat degradation
, 72–73

Hydro-meteorological disasters
, 18–19

Indirect drivers of biodiversity loss
, 75–77

Integrated Bio-cycle Farming System (IBFS)
, 24–25

Integrating ecosystem
, 60–61

Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
, 46–47, 82

International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
, 37

Invasion of Alien species
, 74–75

Invasive alien species
, 60

Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK)
, 37

, 8

Land ecosystems
, 37

Land-use change
, 72–73

Lion’s Share Fund
, 88

, 91

agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors
, 96

approaches and tools for
, 92–93

mainstreaming SDG15 in policy sectors
, 93–95

monitoring and evaluating
, 99–100

understanding and prioritizing
, 96–99

Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE)
, 84

Mountain Green Cover Index (MGCI)
, 55–56

Mountain habitats
, 55–56

Nagoya Protocol
, 81

National biodiversity strategies and action plan (NBSAP)
, 81, 94

National Institution for Transforming India (NITI)
, 100

Net primary productivity (NPP)
, 20

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
, 86

Non-timber forest products (NTFP)
, 35

Nutrient load
, 73

, 84

Organic matter
, 21

Overexploitation of natural resources
, 74

Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
, 39

, 59–60

, 73

Population and demographic pressures
, 76–77

Proactive management
, 51–52

Protected areas (PAs)
, 83–84

Red List Index (RLI)
, 56, 58

SARS-CoV2 virus
, 42

Science and technological interventions
, 76

, 9–11

, 15–16

State of world’s forests (SOFO)
, 14

Strategic Plan
, 80–81

Sustainable development
, 2–3

dimensions of
, 3–4

Sustainable development goals (SDG)
, 1–2

biodiversity conservation in governmental planning
, 60–61

biodiversity degradation
, 50

biodiversity to SDGs
, 61–64

business in achieving SDG15 targets
, 65–66

, 45–48

degraded forests
, 54

degraded lands
, 54–55

genetic resources
, 58–59

integrating ecosystem
, 60–61

invasive alien species
, 60

mountain habitats
, 55–56

natural habitats
, 56–58

poaching and trafficking of protected species
, 59

proactive management
, 51–52

progress towards achieving SDG15
, 66–67

protecting biodiversity
, 56–58

SDG15–life on land
, 5–6, 43, 49

terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
, 52–54

Sustainable forest management (SFM)
, 5, 38–43, 54

Terrestrial ecosystems
, 52–54

, 59–60

Tropical forest
, 30–34

biodiversity of
, 34–38

United National Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
, 5

United Nations (UN)
, 1

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD)
, 5

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
, 51

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
, 25

United Nations–Economic and Social Council (UN-ESC)
, 59

United States Space Agency (NASA)
, 8

World Health Organisation (WHO)
, 21–22