
Histories of Punishment and Social Control in Ireland: Perspectives from a Periphery

ISBN: 978-1-80043-607-7, eISBN: 978-1-80043-606-0

Publication date: 23 August 2022

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(2022), "Index", Black, L., Brangan, L. and Healy, D. (Ed.) Histories of Punishment and Social Control in Ireland: Perspectives from a Periphery (Perspectives on Crime, Law and Justice in the Global South), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 291-298.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

, 180–182

, 146–147

American imperialism
, 164n2

Amnesty International
, 179, 193

Anglo-American eugenics practices
, 276

Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921
, 189

Anglo-Irish War of Independence
, 207–208

Anglophone jurisdictions
, 20

Anti-death penalty sentiment
, 169

, 110–115

, 216

Attachment theory
, 38–39

, 216

Balkanization of macrosocial control research
, 64

Ballyshannon Quarter Sessions
, 215

Belfast Newsletter
, 213

Belfast Telegraph
, 212

, 284–286

Black Lives Matters
, 5

Blurred lines
, 23–26

, 9–10, 39–41, 46, 48

British Academy-funded research project
, 163

British Empire
, 263–264

British Prison Rules
, 277

British rule
, 263, 268, 272

Capital punishment
, 163

abolition and public consensus
, 180–182

creature of English Law
, 172–174

history of
, 163

Ireland on world stage
, 178–180

in Ireland prior to independence
, 166–169

policy transfer and reliance
, 174–177

post-independence debate
, 169–170

postcolonial crime and punishment in Ireland
, 164–166

, 177

subversion and threat of political violence
, 170–172

, 6

, 24

‘Category A’ complaints
, 231

Catholic Action
, 43

Catholic Archbishop of Dublin
, 232

‘Catholic Bishops’ Conference
, 247

Catholic Church
, 21, 29–30, 32, 181, 234, 266–267, 276

Catholic Irish sociology
, 43

Catholic Moral Welfare Council
, 73

Catholic Repeal and Revival movements
, 82

Catholic social doctrine of ‘subsidiarity’
, 10

Catholic society
, 272

Catholic Standard, The
, 234

Catholic voluntary organisations
, 21

, 21–22

, 32, 268

Central Criminal Lunatic Asylum (Ireland) Act 1845
, 226–227

Charitable organisations
, 26

Chief State Solicitor’s Office
, 100

Child and juvenile psychiatric services in Ireland
, 41–44

Child justice and welfare in England
, 42

Childhood deprivation
, 39

Children Act 2001
, 65

Children’s Act 1908
, 41

Christus Rex
, 43–44, 46

Church League for Women’s Suffrage (CLWS)
, 270

CICAA 2000
, 122, 126

, 101

Civic Guard
, 189

Civil organisations
, 269

Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Bill
, 272

Civil Society Oversight
, 231–234

Civil War
, 209, 211

Civil war connotations
, 189–190

Clann na Talmhan (Family/Children of the Land)
, 228

Clann Project
, 118–119, 122

Coercive confinement
, 10, 57

, 69–71

, 72–73

, 67–68

, 58–63

, 63–66

Colonial legacies of punishment
, 11

, 264

Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (2009) (CICA)
, 89, 107–108, 110–112, 117

, 113

Investigation Committee
, 112, 121

, 231

Conditions of Employment Act
, 88

Confidential Committee
, 122

Connolly v. Governor of Wheatfield Prison (2013) IEHC 334
, 235

Consistent life ethic
, 181n15

Contagious Disease Acts
, 81, 85n5

Cork Examiner
, 192

Cork Female Prison
, 227

Council for Social Welfare (CSW)
, 247

Council of Europe’s Convention
, 230–231

County Councils
, 227

Court missionaries work
, 28

Court of Criminal Appeal
, 193

Court of Justice of the European Union
, 126

, 11–13

Criminal Assets Bureau
, 199

Criminal justice
, 9–11

, 21

, 6

Criminal Justice Act 1964
, 177, 180

Criminal Justice Act 1984
, 243

Criminal Justice Administration Act 1914
, 21, 27, 267

Criminal Justice Bill (1960)
, 99–100


in Ireland
, 1–2

late emergence of
, 145–146

Critical sensibility
, 3

Crown forces
, 215

Culture of Control
, 141

Curragh Military Camp
, 249

Curtis Committee
, 40, 44

Cussen Report (1936)
, 88

De facto abolitionist
, 180

Death penalty
, 168

Defence of the Realm Act
, 169

, 44

Department of Education
, 50

Department of Health
, 61

Department of Justice
, 231–234, 244, 247, 249

Descriptive ethnography
, 265

Direct provision system
, 10

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
, 112, 199–200

Discourse analysis
, 265

Dóchas Centre
, 283

Documentary research methods
, 208

Domestic violence
, 208

Donegal Democrat (1921)
, 215

Dublin Children’s Court
, 41

Dungeons Deep (1960)
, 48

East Belfast Social and Democratic Labour Party
, 178–179

Economic development
, 63

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
, 59

Emancipation Act of 1829
, 82

English Law, creature of
, 172–174

Epistemic under-labourers
, 142, 155

, 86

, 275

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)
, 230–231, 235

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
, 127

European Economic Community (EEC)
, 280

European Prison Rules (EPR)
, 226, 233

European Union (EU)
, 164

, 4, 187

Factories Act 1955
, 88

Factory and Workshop Act
, 84–85

Facts of State Involvement
, 63

Family separation abuses
, 107

Feminist recovery work
, 208

Fine or Imprisonment Act 1899
, 267

Formalised systems of oversight
, 225

Free State
, 84–86

Free State Constitution (1922)
, 170

Freemans Journal
, 213

, 43

Gaelic Revival movement
, 264

Garda killings
, 189

civil war connotations
, 189–190

common design
, 192–195

shadow of subversion
, 190–192

Garda Representative Association (GRA)
, 197–198, 200

, 6

gender-based abuses
, 107

in revolutionary studies
, 208–211

Gender-based violence
, 12, 208–209

Gendered punishment
, 152

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
, 108, 125

General Prisons (Ireland) Act 1877
, 227, 229–230

General Prisons Board
, 227, 263

, 209

Global North
, 5–6

Global South
, 5–6, 143

‘Gluecks’ extensive criminological research
, 47

Good Friday Agreement
, 201–202

Good Shepherd Sisters
, 81, 84

Grangegorman Women’s Prison
, 67, 267

Great Famine of 1845–1853
, 83, 266

Green Book
, 192

Gregory Deal
, 241

Hair cutting
, 215–216

Heavy gang
, 243

Hibernian Anti-Punishment by Death Society
, 168–169

Hibernian epistemology
, 148

gendered punishment
, 152

pastoral penality
, 152–154

revisiting and revising punitiveness
, 151–152

Hibernian exceptionalism
, 11, 141

, 146–147

context and characterisation
, 144–148

late emergence of criminology
, 145–146

pragmatism, stagnation and neglect
, 147–148

sociology of punishment as sociology of time and place
, 143–144

southernising punishment and society
, 154–157

Historical criminology
, 3

Historical imagination
, 2

Historical penality, rise of
, 2–3

Historical provincialism
, 157

Historical research methods
, 265

‘Historical’ abuses
, 126

‘Historical’ institutional abuses
, 107, 109

Histories of Probation project
, 19, 22

Home Rule
, 10

Home rulers
, 84–86

Human rights analysis
, 11

Humanitarian sensibility
, 32

‘Illegitimate’ children
, 85, 90

, 62

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)
, 115n4

Induction training
, 23

Industrial Schools Act 1868
, 82

Information Form
, 123

, 226–231

, 39–41, 98

Insulin coma therapy
, 59

Inter-Departmental Committee (IDC)
, 108, 113, 121

Inter-Party government
, 227

International monitoring
, 226–231

International scholarship
, 20

Investigation Committee
, 121

IRA bombing campaign
, 172

Ireland, penal oversight in
, 237–238

Irish border
, 217

Irish Catholic Women’s Suffrage Association (ICWSA)
, 270

Irish Citizen Army (ICA)
, 269

Irish Civil War
, 207–208, 217–218

Irish criminology, history of
, 2–3

Irish Ecclesiastical Record
, 43

Irish establishment
, 86–87

Irish Examiner
, 213

Irish Free State
, 6, 207–208

Irish government
, 277

Irish institutions
, 73

Irish Magdalene institutions
, 85

Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP)
, 10, 84

Irish penal history
, 8

Civil Society Oversight and attitude of Department of Justice
, 231–234

, 231

inspectors, Visiting Committees, and international monitoring
, 226–231

judicial oversight of penal policy
, 234–236

oversight in
, 226

Irish penal policy
, 142

Irish penal policy-makers
, 229

Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT)
, 237

Irish penality
, 1

Irish peripherality
, 263–264

Irish process of release
, 201

Irish Republican Army (IRA)
, 188, 227, 250n7, 268

Irish Research Council
, 207

Irish revolution
, 207

gender and violence in revolutionary studies
, 208–211

other violence
, 216–219

violent incidents
, 211–216

‘Irish slaves’ myth
, 5

Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
, 112

Irish state inquiries
, 107

, 110–115

‘personally affected access information from inquiries’ archives
, 125–127

‘public access inquiries’ archives
, 115–116

published documents
, 116–119

, 119–121

voluntary publication
, 121–125

Irish Times (1962)
, 177–178, 212, 216, 218, 243, 268, 270

Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU)
, 269

Irish Volunteer Army
, 270

Irish Women’s Franchise League (IWFL)
, 270

Irish Women’s Suffrage and Local Government Association (IWSLGA)
, 270

Island story
, 8

Jail Journal
, 243–245, 249, 253, 255

Joint Committee on Vandalism and Juvenile Delinquency (JCVJD)
, 45

Judicial oversight of penal policy
, 234–236

Juvenile delinquency
, 46

Kenmare incident
, 219

Kennedy Report
, 88, 275

Kerry News
, 214

, 216

Kinsella v. Governor of Mountjoy Prison (2011) IEHC 235
, 234

Labour Party (1946)
, 228

Labour struggle
, 269

Land Commission
, 100

Legion of Mary
, 21, 23–24, 27, 31

, 202

Leinster House
, 100

Leinster Leader
, 218

Leitrim Observer
, 214

, 212–213

Limerick Prison
, 280–281, 283

, 59

Loughan House
, 243, 246

MacBride commission
, 233

MacEntee Commission
, 116

Magdalen homes
, 58, 60, 63

Magdalene Asylums
, 72

Magdalene laundry
, 10, 21, 79, 81, 94, 97, 99–101

, 80, 93n15

establishment Ireland’s support for
, 86–89

, 97

institutions, home rulers, and free state
, 84–86

lives in Irish free state and republic
, 92–99

reproductive injustice
, 89–91

state subvention
, 99–101

, 98

Victorian Irish Catholic Embourgeoisement
, 81–84

Mandela Rules
, 226

, 268

Maternal Care and Mental Health (Bowlby)
, 44

McAleese Committee
, 64, 73

Meath Chronicle
, 215, 218

, 24

, 284–286

Mental defectives
, 49

Mental geography
, 144

, 268

Military services pension application
, 218

Military violence
, 209

‘Mixed-market’ penal responses
, 20

Most Oppressed People Ever (MOPE)
, 165n3

Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation (2021) (MBHCOI)
, 73, 108–109, 112, 120, 123

, 124

, 119

, 118

Mountjoy Prison in Dublin
, 68–69, 280–281

Mountjoy Women’s Prison
, 277

Mulligan v. Portlaoise Prison (2010) IEHC 269
, 235

Multilevel approach
, 23

National Archives of Ireland (NAI)
, 110–111, 191, 227

National Army
, 190

National Council for Abolition of the Death Penalty
, 170

National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs)
, 226

Nationalist and Leinster Times
, 212

Nationalist struggle
, 270–271

Nazi Eugenic Sterilisation Law
, 276

, 147–148

Non-criminal justice institutions
, 62

Non-jury Special Criminal Court
, 188

Northern theory
, 146

Offences against the Person Act 1861
, 169

Offences Against the State Act 1939 (OASA)
, 171, 188

Office of Public Works
, 100

, 226, 236

Oral history methodology
, 22

Order of Our Lady of Charity of Refuge (OLC)
, 81

Oversight of prisons
, 225

, 196–202

Partition of island
, 207–208

Pastoral penality
, 21–22, 152–154

Pastoral penalty
, 31–32

Penal change, agonistic interpretation of
, 31

Penal culture
, 21

Penal Laws
, 82

Penal oversight
, 225–226

contemporary developments
, 236–237

in Ireland
, 237–238

in Irish penal history
, 226–236

Penal Policy Review Group
, 237

Penal transformation
, 2

Penal voluntary sector
, 19–21, 26, 31

Penal welfarism
, 275

, 21–22

, 80

Peripheral women
, 284–286

Periphery, historical perspectives from
, 14

Perspectives from a Periphery
, 5

Polarisation rhetoric
, 20–21

Police homicides
, 187–188

Police killings. See also Garda killings
, 12, 187, 196–202

Policeman’s paradise
, 199

Political violence, subversion and threat of
, 170–172

, 196–202

Post-Act of Union
, 227

Post-colonial countries
, 32

Post-war society
, 39–41

Post-war theories of child development
, 38

“Post-welfare” state modernization
, 20

Postcolonial crime and punishment in Ireland
, 164–166

Postcolonial criminal justice
, 165

Postcolonial legacies
, 165

Postcolonial state
, 171

Postcolonial theory
, 209–210

, 6

, 147–148

Prevention of Crime Act 1882
, 167

Prison litigation
, 234

Prison Officers Association conference
, 244

‘Prison review’ system
, 196

Prison Rules
, 247

Prison Study Group (1973)
, 233, 247

Prisoners Revenge Group
, 249

Prisoners’ Rights Organisation (PRO)
, 13, 193, 241

comprehensive system of penal reform
, 242–244

, 250n6

interpreting contested histories
, 253–257

prison system
, 244–246

, 242

triple depressant of overcrowding, idleness and squalor
, 246–248

, 248–253

Prisoners’ Rights: A Study of Irish Prison Law (1981)
, 251

Prisons (Ireland) Act 1856
, 227

Prisons (Visiting Committees) Act 1925
, 229

Prisons Act 1826
, 227

Prisons Act 1907
, 267

Prisons Rules (1947)
, 243

Probation of First Offenders Act 1887
, 267

Probation of Offenders Act 1907
, 28, 267

Probation work
, 19, 22

emerging themes
, 23–30

, 22

Provisional IRA prisoners
, 255

, 22

Psychiatric hospital
, 58–59

Psychiatric hospitalisation
, 72

Psychiatric institutions
, 21

Psychiatry and psychology for institutionalised Irish child
, 44–51

Psychological child
, 9

bowlbyism, institutionalisation, and post-war society
, 39–41

child and juvenile psychiatric services in Ireland
, 41–44

in Irish custodial institutions
, 37

psychiatry and psychology for institutionalised Irish child
, 44–51

‘Public access inquiries’ archives
, 115–116

Public consensus
, 180–182

, 11–13

, 4

revisiting and revising
, 151–152

Quadragesimo Anno (1931)
, 43, 87

Qualifying prisoners
, 202

Quizzical historical sensibility
, 3

, 208

Recidivism rates
, 277

Redemptive project
, 4

Reformatory Act 1858
, 82

Reformatory and Industrial School System
, 40

Release of Prisoners Commission
, 201

, 6

Religious orders
, 21

Religious Sisters of Charity
, 79

Reproductive injustice
, 89–91

Republic of Ireland
, 6

Rerum Novarum (1891)
, 43, 87

Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002 (RIRA 2002)
, 124

Residential Institutions Redress Board (RIRB)
, 110

Residential psychiatric centre
, 49–50

Residential schools
, 21

Restoration of Order in Ireland Act
, 169

Retention of Records Bill 2019
, 111n1

Reverend Conor Ward
, 48

‘Rhodes must Fall’ campaign
, 5

Roman Catholic Church
, 63

Roman Catholic faith
, 46

Royal Commission on Capital Punishment
, 168

Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)
, 165–166, 212

Rule of law
, 166

Rules for the Government of Prisons (1947)
, 276

Rural Ireland
, 43

, 6

Ryan Commission
, 59, 73

Ryan Report, The
, 89

Salvation Army
, 73

, 11, 107

Sentence Review Commission
, 202

Sentence Review Group (SRG)
, 196–197

‘Sex in a Cold Climate’
, 275

Sexual assault
, 208

Sexual violence
, 208

‘Sinful singleness’
, 278

Society for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
, 169–170, 173

Society of Jesus
, 42

Sociological cultural study
, 265

Sociology of punishment as sociology of time and place
, 143–144

Southern criminologists
, 4

Southern Criminology
, 4, 13, 142

theoretical framework of
, 242

Southern theory
, 144

Southernising criminology
, 1, 3–7

Southernising punishment and society
, 154–157

Special Criminal Court
, 171–172, 187, 194

Special institution
, 50

Special juries
, 167

St Brigid’s asylum at Ballinasloe in Co. Galway
, 68

St Vincent De Paul
, 21, 27

St. Brendan’s Community Nursing Unit
, 68

St. Patrick’s Institution
, 283–284

, 147–148

, 233

, 43

Subaltern Studies
, 210

Subaltern subject-effect
, 211

, 208, 210

Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture
, 226

Subsidiarity principle
, 21

Suffragette movement
, 269–270

, 284–286

Transgressive violence
, 208

‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland
, 178

United Nations (UN)
, 109

United Nations Committee Against Torture (UNCAT)
, 125

United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
, 226

Victorian approach
, 230

Victorian Irish Catholic Embourgeoisement
, 81–84

, 216–219

in revolutionary studies
, 208–211

Violent incidents
, 211–216

Visiting Committees
, 226–231, 247

, 30

Voluntary charitable organisations
, 21

Voluntary organisations
, 20

Voluntary sector
, 33

, 23

Volunteer–professional nexus
, 26–30

War of Independence
, 209, 211, 214, 268

Western Anglophone penal theory
, 4

Whittaker Report
, 248, 282

Witness statements
, 213, 215

Women and the Irish Revolution project
, 207, 210, 213

Women’s imprisonment
, 263

1910s and 1920s
, 267–269

1930s and 1940s
, 272–277

1950s and 1960s
, 277–280

1970s and 1980s
, 280–282

1990s and end of century
, 283–284

historical methodology
, 264–266

Irish peripherality
, 263–264

peripheral women
, 284–286

timeline of key events
, 266

tumultuous start
, 266–267

women’s political activism and imprisonment
, 269–272

Youth Problems
, 46

Zones of law
, 166

Zones of violence
, 166