Appendix B

Social Recruitment in HRM

ISBN: 978-1-78635-696-3, eISBN: 978-1-78635-695-6

Publication date: 18 November 2016


(2016), "Appendix B", Gravili, G. and Fait, M. (Ed.) Social Recruitment in HRM (The Changing Context of Managing People), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 241-247.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Survey for Job Seekers

Dear User,

This questionnaire was designed to answer easily and it will take 5–10 minutes to be filled in. In fact most of the questions can be answered simply by ticking the boxes. Of course, all information provided will be used only for the purpose of our research and will remain confidential. In respect of your privacy, personal information is not necessary.

We are on hand for further explanations. Thank you to support our job

  1. How old are you?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • 18–24

      • 25–34

      • 35–54

      • >55

  2. What is your gender?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • M

      • F

  3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Student

      • Degree

      • PHD

  4. What country are you citizen of?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • USA

      • Europe

  5. What are the social networks that you often use?

    • Tick all that apply.

      • □ Facebook

      • □ MySpace

      • □ Twitter

      • □ LinkedIn

      • □ Google + 

  6. Have you added all the information on your profile with accuracy?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Not Important Low Moderate High Very high
    Personal data
    Educational level
    Personal informations
    Job skills

  7. Have you ever used Facebook for job searching?

    • Mark only one oval.

    1 2 3 4 5
    Never Very Frequently

  8. What are the social networks that you have used?

    • Tick all that apply.

      • □ Facebook

      • □ LinkedIn

      • □ Twitter

      • □ Google + 

      • □ MySpace

  9. Have you ever thought to change your job?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  10. Have you looked for a job for the last two years?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  11. Which kind of recruitment systems have you used?

    • Tick all that apply.

      • □ Traditional recruitment

      • □ On-line recruitment

      • □ Social Media Recruitment

  12. Do you think that social media can offer you new job opportunities?

    • Se negativa saltare la domanda succesiva

      • Mark only one oval.

        • Yes

        • No

  13. How much can they help you?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Very Poor Poor Acceptable Good Excellent

  14. Would you be disposed to only use social networks to search for job opportunities?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  15. Give reasons for your answer


  16. In your opinion, which Social Network is able to satisfy your research?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Facebook LinkedIn Google +  Twitter MySpace Other

  17. Please, visit the following sites. Is their Home Page simple?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  18. Is information redundant?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  19. Is the position of the elements clear?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  20. Is the upload of links or videos fast?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  21. How long does it take in seconds?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • 0.1–0.5 seconds

      • 0.6–1 seconds

      • 1.1–10 seconds

  22. Have you found the information?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No

  23. How long does it take in minutes?

    • Mark only one oval.

    1 2 3 4 5
    16–20 minutes 0–4 minutes

  24. Do you positively evaluate the presence of these elements in recruitment procedure in the web page of each firm?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Yes No
    Spontaneous Application
    Covering letter
    email confirm
    Directly interview
    Interview via Skipe
    Contact us

  25. Do you positively evaluate the presence of these elements in career opportunities in the web page of each firm?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Yes No
    General condition
    Application form

  26. Do you positively evaluate the presence of these elements of Identity in the web page of each firm?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Yes No
    Mission description
    Video presentation
    Thematic policy
    Worker Identity

  27. Do you positively evaluate the presence of these elements in the Facebook page of each firm?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Yes No
    Career opportunities

  28. Do you positively evaluate the presence of these values in each web site of each firms?

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Very poor Poor Goog Excellent Average
    Dynamic work place

  29. Do you think that they reflect your values? (Please indicate at least three)

    • Mark only one oval per row.

    Yes No
    Dynamic work place

  30. Would you work in this company?

    • Mark only one oval.

      • Yes

      • No