Review of Economics and Political Science: Volume 6 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents - Special Issue: The political and economic challenges and consequences of COVID-19

Guest Editors: Heba Nassar

Challenging absolute executive powers in times of corona: re-examining constitutional courts and the collective right to public contestation as instruments of institutional control

Jessika Eichler, Sumit Sonkar

The CoViD-19 pandemic has brought about a panoply of institutional challenges both domestically and in the international arena. Classical constitutional theory thereby underwent a…


External debt vulnerability in emerging markets and developing economies during the COVID-19 shock

Sarah Elkhishin, Mahmoud Mohieldin

This paper aims to assess to what extent the COVID-19 shock is expected to create a debt crisis in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) through two main questions…


Economical effect on doubling of COVID-19 cases: examples of rich versus poor countries

Osama Ali Maher, Dmitry Mun, Fatma Giha, Mayouson Ali, Saverio Bellizzi

The paper aims to examine some economical, political and health system indicators on the transmission of the COVID-19 transmission within the national system. The main objective…

The role of trade narratives in poverty reduction after the COVID-19 crisis

Scott Allen Hipsher

This paper aims to explore different possible economic narratives concerning trade, which may emerge based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis and likely effects of these…


The geopolitics of COVID-19: US-China rivalry and the imminent Kindleberger trap

Riham Bahi

The spread of COVID-19 is not just a health crisis. The pandemic has taken a geopolitical dimension. The health crisis amplified the competitive dynamics between the USA and…

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Cairo University(opens new window)

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  • Dr Heba Nassar