Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning: Volume 12 Issue 3 , Open Access


Table of contents

Developing disabled entrepreneurial graduates: A mission for the Nigerian universities?

Reuel Johnmark Dakung, John Munene, Waswa Balunywa, Joseph Ntayi, Mohammed Ngoma

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of universities in preparing disabled students to become entrepreneurially inclined after graduation with the aim of…


Online adjunct higher education teachers’ perceptions of using social media sites as instructional approaches

Barbara Case Fedock, Melissa McCartney, Douglas Neeley

The purpose of this paper is to explore how online adjunct higher education faculty members perceive the role of using social media sites as instructional approaches. A purposeful…


Educators’ perceptions of technology integration into the classroom: a descriptive case study

Rita J. Hartman, Mary B. Townsend, Marlo Jackson

The purpose of this paper is to supply an in-depth description of the educators’ values, beliefs and confidence changing from a traditional learning environment to a learning…


Students’ perceptions of the impacts of short-term international courses

Yusuke Sakurai

The purpose of this paper is to examine what impacts university students perceived from their short-term intensive international courses as part of undergraduate multidisciplinary…


Influential factors for technology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views

Patrick Schweighofer, Doris Weitlaner, Martin Ebner, Hannes Rothe

The literature includes several studies that define different critical success factors (CSF) which have to be considered to support the implementation of technology-enhanced…


The effectiveness of applied learning: an empirical evaluation using role playing in the classroom

Harneel Acharya, Rakesh Reddy, Ahmed Hussein, Jaspreet Bagga, Timothy Pettit

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of role playing as an applied learning technique for enhanced classroom experiences as compared to traditional lecture…


Student performance is linked to connecting effectively with teachers

Michael Gilbert

The purpose of this paper is to examine student performance on both criterion- and norm-referenced measures, linked with teacher and student communication orientations.