International Journal of Information and Learning Technology: Volume 37 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Exploring the intersections of inclusive education and digital learning

Guest Editors: Sarah Lohnes Watulak

Learning inclusion through makerspace: a curriculum approach in Italy to share powerful ideas in a meaningful context

Taziana Giusti, Lucia Bombieri

Learning by making is being recognized as an efficient technique for students to develop knowledge and skills simultaneously. However, one of the most urgent challenges that…


Remote teaching for equal and inclusive education in rural areas? An analysis of teachers’ perspectives on remote teaching

Saga Stenman, Fanny Pettersson

The aim of this study is to explore equality and inclusion as an aspect of remote teaching in rural areas. Moreover, the aim is to explore teachers' pedagogical digital competence…


Designing with care: Towards a care-centered model for online learning design

Heather Robinson, Maha Al-Freih, Whitney Kilgore

The purpose of this study was to explore how care theory and the ethics of care are explained by students in the online environment to clarify the factors that are more relevant…


A critical approach to humanizing pedagogies in online teaching and learning

Rohit Mehta, Earl Aguilera

In this paper, the authors draw on theories of critical pedagogy to interrogate recent trends in online education scholarship, calling for more humanizing pedagogies. By using…

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  • Prof Glenn Hardaker