The Journal of Forensic Practice: Volume 26 Issue 1
Research relating to criminology, psychology and evidence-based practice across all forensic settings
Table of contents
Group-based mindfulness interventions in prisons: a selective critical review
Madison Fern Harding-White, Dara Mojtahedi, Jerome CarsonThe use of mindfulness interventions (MIs) as means to manage unwanted or undesirable affect and behaviour has increased in popularity recently. This has resulted in the trial of…
Animal abuse recidivism: a narrative review
Olivia Reid, Emma AlleyneThe purpose of this paper is to consolidate and evaluate the available research on animal abuse recidivism.
First insights into post-pandemic distress in a high secure hospital: correlates among staff and patients
Yara Levtova, Irma Melunovic, Caroline Louise Mead, Jane L. IrelandThis preliminary investigation aims to examine the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients and staff within a high secure service.
Deception detection based on the linguistic style of honest and dishonest stories
Juan Camilo Carvajal Builes, Idaly Barreto, Carolina Gutiérrez de PiñeresThis study aims to describe and analyze the differences in the linguistic styles of honest and dishonest stories.
Children and adolescents as perpetrators of stalking: an overview
Ethan Barr, Andrew NewmanStalking is considered a public health priority with a range of adverse outcomes. This paper aims to explore existing literature on children and adolescents as perpetrators of…
An exploration of mock juror experience during the deliberations of a defendant diagnosed with a personality disorder
Sophie Wootton, Sophia Tkazky, Henriette BergstrømThe purpose of this study is to investigate how mock jurors’ experiences of deliberations are impacted by the defendant having a personality disorder.
2050-8794Renamed from:
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2013Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr. Carol Ireland
- Dr Neil Gredecki