Journal of Organizational Ethnography: Volume 13 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: New Directions in Workplace Ethnography

Guest Editors: Michiel Verver, Leonore van den Ende, Heidi Dahles

Autoethnography in the modern workplace: a reflexive journey

Marko Orel

This conceptual paper seeks to critically evaluate and illuminate the diverse autoethnographic methodologies that are pivotal for understanding the dynamics of contemporary…


Political sensitivity and autoethnography: a case on negotiating the personal political front

Yunzi Zhang

The paper introduces the autoethnography as a healing and everyday resistance strategy for marginalized voices. The focus is to deliver the author’s own reflections on some key…

Autoethnographic reflections on creating inclusive and collaborative virtual places for academic research

Cristina-Alexandra Trifan, Roxane de Waegh, Yunzi Zhang, Can-Seng Ooi

This paper explores the collaborative dynamics and dimensions within a virtual multi-cultural and interdisciplinary workplace. The study focusses on the use of online…

Glorifying and scapegoating narratives underlying activity-based workspaces in higher education

Bernadette Nooij, Claire van Teunenbroek, Christine Teelken, Marcel Veenswijk

Our study centered on activity-based workspaces (ABWs), unassigned open-plan configurations where users’ activities determine the workplace. These workspaces are conceived and…

The politics of smiling: the interplay of emotion, power and discourse in sensegiving and sensemaking

Yi Zhu

This research investigates the politics of smiling as a central driver for employees to navigate power dynamics within the prevailing discourse at a Japanese retailer in Hong…

Ethnography beyond the tribe: from immersion to “committed localism” in the study of relational work

Irene Skovgaard-Smith

The purpose of the paper is to propose a shift from the ideal of immersion to a practice of “committed localism” in the ethnographic study of relational work in the…

Beyond methodology: unveiling multisited entrepreneurship

Bas Becker, Carel Roessingh

Multisited ethnography has primarily been portrayed as a challenge for the following field-worker, with the researcher taking the central role and neglecting research participants…


Boundary work: a conceptual frame for workplace ethnographies in collaborative settings

Michael Fehsenfeld, Sofie Buch Mejsner, Helle Terkildsen Maindal, Viola Burau

Interprofessional collaboration and coordination are critical to developing solutions to complex problems, and many workplaces engage in coordination and collaboration across…

Navigating political minefields: applying frames of reference of the employment relation to access negotiations to workplace ethnographies

Jana Stefan, Alison Hirst, Marco Guerci, Maria Laura Toraldo

This paper aims to help workplace ethnographers navigate and reflect on primary access negotiations by scrutinising two of the concepts mentioned in the call for papers on this…

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  • Dr Harry Wels