Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research: Volume 40 Issue 4 , Open Access


Table of contents

Economic issue and technological resilience of pre- and post-COVID-19

Ines Abdelkafi, Youssra Ben Romdhane, Haifa Mefteh

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the changing relationship between technology and economic activity in MENA countries.


Analyzing external environmental, strategic alliance, and strategic alliance of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia firms – an empirical research

Gafar Abdalkrim, Moncef Guizani

This study investigates the effect of strategic internal critical factors on strategic alliance performance in an emerging market, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The impact of co-creation and co-invention in supply chains: a bibliometric review

Abhrajit Sarkar, Srikanta Routroy, Farook Abdullah Sultan

Co-creation and co-invention are two diverse spheres in modern-day supply chains. Despite literature suggesting the existence of similar coherence between these concepts, the…


Crop suitability analysis by adopting geo-spatial algorithm: a case study of Sirajganj district (flood-prone area) in Bangladesh

Md. Nazmul Haque, Kaniz Fatema, Md. Ashikur Rahman Joy

Crop suitability analysis is vital for identifying a piece of land’s potential for sustainable crop production and aids in the formulation of an effective agricultural management…


The lived experience of medical students during COVID-19 pandemic: the impact on lifestyle and mental wellbeing

Salman Alzayani, Khaldoon Al-Roomi, Jamil Ahmed

The paper intends to explore the lived experiences of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their lifestyles and mental wellbeing.


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education: a gender perspective

Randah R Hamadeh, Maha AlSabbagh, Afaf Mubarak Bugawa, Adel Kamal, Fuad Ali, Ghada Abdulla Al Bufalasa, Tarik AlShaibani

The study will inform relevant workplace gendered policies at the university and other academic institutions.

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Arabian Gulf University

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  • Prof. Soud Mohammed Almahamid