Safer Communities: Volume 7 Issue 4


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

Working for Safer Communities in ethnically diverse areas: developments and dilemmas

David Prior

This article discusses findings from a study of practitioners' perceptions of issues in implementing the Safer Communities initiative in areas of high ethnic diversity. It…

Young people, policing and urban space: a case study of the Manchester Millennium Quarter

Joanne Massey

Newly created spaces are subject to surveillance and control due to the fact that ensuring that urban spaces are viewed as safe is one of the key priorities for regeneration…

Estimating the costs of crime in England and Wales

Kevin Albertson, Chris Fox

The measurement of the costs of crime is an increasingly important topic in established industrial economies. Such costs imply a substantial loss in both tangible and intangible…

A review of prolific and other priority offender (PPO) schemes in the north‐west: lessons for practice

Alex Culshaw

This article outlines the key findings of a review of selected prolific and other priority offender (PPO) schemes in the north‐west. Findings are presented around governance…


The Prevent Strategy and National Indicator 35

Simon Harding

This article considers the implications of the government's Prevent Strategy and the likely impact of a new national target for tackling extremism, National Indicator 35, for…

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  • Timi Osidipe