Safer Communities: Volume 14 Issue 3


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents - Special Issue: Perspectives on restorative justice

Guest Editors: Graham Smyth and Gareth Jones

Restorative justice a postcode lottery? – availability and quality of service

Ellie Acton

The reinvigoration of restorative justice (RJ) within criminal justice has brought with it many opportunities but also significant challenges. The purpose of this paper is to…


Incentive for insincerity – pre-sentence restorative justice: in whose interests?

Gareth Jones, Sean Creaney

The purpose of the paper is twofold. First it examines the use of restorative practices in the Youth Justice System. Second the paper seeks to critically assess the benefits of…

Where, how, who? Some questions for restorative justice

Phil Edwards

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the settings, mechanisms and beneficiaries of restorative justice, querying whether a single procedure can have the wide-ranging benefits  

Restorative justice: the relevance of desistance and psychology

Rachel N. Horan

The purpose of this position paper is to assess the contribution of restorative justice to the desistance paradigm with a particular focus upon the psychology of these approaches…


Slow and steady progress: developing restorative justice in the Republic of Ireland

Paul Gavin

The purpose of this paper is to review the development of restorative justice in Ireland since the publication of the Final Report of the National Commission on Restorative…

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  • Timi Osidipe