The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice: Volume 6 Issue 4

Issues for workforce development


Table of contents

Is there a role for Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners and Primary Care Mental Health Workers in the delivery of low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals who self‐harm?

Hayley Williams

The aim of this paper is to explore how the role of low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could be incorporated as a treatment option for individuals who engage in…


At arms length: the development of a self‐injury training package for prison staff through service user involvement

James Ward, Di Bailey

People who self‐injure present a serious concern for many healthcare providers and no more so than for those working in the female prison estate. Despite the prevalence of…


Women's experience of forensic mental health services: implications for practice

Kerry Cooke, Di Bailey

The aim of this pilot study is to explore women's experiences of forensic mental health care with a view to designing a larger scale research project.


Patients' and carers' views on dementia workforce skills

Susan Mary Benbow, Anna Tsaroucha, Maurice Ashley, Kathleen Morgan, Paul Kingston

Through consultation with people living with dementia and carers, this paper aims to identify skills that patients and carers feel need to be developed in the workforce. This work…


Looking after your pearls: the dilemmas of mental health self‐disclosure in higher education teaching

Matthew Gough

There are several tensions in the disclosure of personal experience of mental health problems. The issue of “otherness” is particularly pertinent when exploring mental health…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Gary Lamph
  • Prof Di Bailey
  • Dr David Crepaz-Keay