The TQM Journal: Volume 23 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: The theory of attractive quality

Guest Editors: Lars Witell, Martin Lfgren, Anders Gustafsson

The theory of attractive quality and experience offerings

Claes Högström

The aim of this paper is to discuss the use of the theory of attractive quality and the Kano methodology in an experience context in order to understand how different experienced…


Analysing the preferred characteristics of frontline employees dealing with customer complaints: A cross‐national Kano study

Thorsten Gruber, Ibrahim Abosag, Alexander E. Reppel, Isabelle Szmigin

This paper seeks to use the Kano model to gain a deeper understanding of attributes of effective frontline employees dealing with customer complainants in personal interactions…


Using service gaps to classify quality attributes

Sia Mal Kong, Kanesan Muthusamy

This paper aims to explore the relationship between the students' perceptions of service performance and the service gaps. The main objective is to investigate whether the…


From expectations and needs of service customers to control chart specification limits

Ruben Gregorio, Peter Cronemyr

The aim of this paper is to develop a model to help service organizations to set the specification limits according to the customer expectations.


A new Kano's evaluation sheet

Yu‐Cheng Lee, Shao‐Bin Lin, Ya‐Li Wang

Kano's model is extensively applied in industry and by researchers. However, the model has a shortcoming in that enterprises cannot use it to evaluate the influences of quality…


A service quality map based on Kano's theory of attractive quality

Pasquale Erto, Amalia Vanacore, Michele Staiano

This paper aims to provide a quantitative decision approach to the service quality management, developed on the basis of Kano's theory of attractive quality. The proposed approach…


Attractive quality for requirement assessment during the front‐end of innovation

Helmi Ben Rejeb, Vincent Boly, Laure Morel‐Guimaraes

The purpose of this paper is to provide a new decision‐aided tool for selecting customer needs during the new product development process.


Theory of attractive quality and life cycles of quality attributes

Martin Löfgren, Lars Witell, Anders Gustafsson

The purpose of this study is to shed further light on the dynamics of quality attributes, as suggested by the theory of attractive quality. The study aims to investigate the…

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  • Professor Maria Vincenza Ciasullo