Journal of Management History: Volume 14 Issue 4


Table of contents

A snapshot of strategy research 2002‐2006

Andy Adcroft, Robert Willis

The aim of this paper is to assess both the philosophical underpinnings and contributions to knowledge made by research in the field of strategy in the five years between 2002 and…


Historicism in narrative reviews of strategic management research

Milorad M. Novicevic, Michael G. Harvey, M. Ronald Buckley, Garry L. Adams

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of methodological issues that accompany the articles reviewing past research in strategic management.


Scientific Management revisited: Did Taylorism fail because of a too positive image of human nature?

Sigmund Wagner‐Tsukamoto

The purpose of the paper is to critically question conventional views of the one‐dimensional, mechanistic and negative image of human nature of Scientific Management. Both for…


A “missing scroll” of The Functions of the Executive: Barnard on status systems in organizations

Milorad M. Novicevic, Kaushik Ghosh, Dawn M. Clement, Robert K. Robinson

The purpose of this paper is to reacquaint us with Chester Barnard's seminal treatise on status systems in organizations – the conceptualization that he labeled as a “missing…


A product of “his” time? Exploring the construct of the ideal manager in the Cold War era

Patricia Genoe McLaren, Albert J. Mills

The purpose of this paper is to explore the idea that the ideal manager is a social construct that is a product of the context within which it exists. The context chosen to…


Reinterpreting the great US department store bankruptcies of the 1980s: A catalyst to strategic structural change

Steve Wood

The financial restructuring of the US department store industry is commonly interpreted as a time of corporate excess, value‐destruction and ultimately collapse. The purpose of…

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  • Bradley Bowden
  • Jeffrey Muldoon