Society and Business Review: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Social Contract and Psychological Contract

Guest Editors: Regular Editor

Free will in social and psychological contracts

Denise M. Rousseau

The purpose of this paper is to examine the scientific standing of the concept of free will and its role and functioning in social and psychological contracts.


Social contract and psychological contract: a comparison

Yvon Pesqueux

The concept of contract contributes extensively to an essentialist conception of the organization (the contract would then be its essence), a descriptive method (describing the…


Denise versus Jean‐Jacques: Homonymies, homologies and tectonic faults between psychological contract and social contract

Rémi Jardat

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate to what extent Denise Rousseau's psychological contracts in organizations and Jean‐Jacques Rousseau's social contract present superficial…

Contracts to frame sustainable futures: The rational and symbolic sides of contract functions and dysfunctions

Anne Marchais‐Roubelat

The purpose of this paper is to examine what role the contract can, or should, have to frame sustainable futures.

The metric exhaustion of the psychological contract

Pascale de Rozario

The purpose of this paper is to explore epistemic conditions to make a comparative anthropology on contract thinking, regarding what could be defined as normative principles of…


The contractual forms of sexual transactions

Sonny Perseil

To study sexual deals, the Italian ethnologist Paola Tabet introduced an original frame of analysis, the “economico‐sexual exchanges” frame, which she conceives as a continuum…

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  • John Katsos